Is a nuclear Iran bad for the world?


Well-Known Member
The US seems poised to agree to reduce sanctions against Iran as long as they limit their nuclear development to strict guidelines, and agree to have their facilities be open for inspection. Israel meanwhile is screaming at the possibility of any reduction at all, even with the inspections. They have gone so far as to send a security cabinet minister to Washington to appeal directly to Congress to refuse any reduction in sanctions. Do you think the sanctions will be reduced against Iran or is Israel on the right path saying that it a "bad deal" for the world to allow any development of nuclear energy in Iran, and to keep the sanctions in place? It seems to me that as long as Iran goes along with the monitoring process they should have the same right to have nuclear power as other countries, and Israel will just have to learn to accept that. I think that Israel has painted itself into a corner where their only options seem to be to go along with a nuclear Iran or bomb the shit out of them as they have promised to do. I have bad feelings on this one, although I generally have bad feelings most of the time when it comes to Israel's foreign policies, especially when they involve the US.


Well-Known Member
I have a really hard time trying to figure out how it is that any COUNTRY can tell another COUNTRY what they can and cannot do.

I damned sure wouldn't want Iran dictating to U.S. what we are allowed to do or not to do, why should it be any different from the other perspective? If we want to tell Iran what they can/cannot do, then invade them, make them a U.S. territory and then we can do whatever we want. Until then, it isn't our place.

It would be like a neighbor going out and buying him a handgun, then running up and down the street waving his handgun telling everyone else he better not catch them buying their own gun. If they want a butter knife, well ok, he MIGHT consent to that...


Well-Known Member
Well, get ready for some dust in the desert. Israel stated today after an agreement was reached in Geneva to ease some sanctions on Iran, that it was not bound by any agreement,and that it was an "historic mistake" and they will take action on their own to make sure Iran does not even come close to developing a nuclear program that could possibly be used for military purposes. It sounds like they are getting ready to take unilateral action, and bomb the shit out of Iran. When they do attack, and you can bet on them doing it, what do think the US and the world will do? If you think nothing, you are probably right. Time will tell.


Well-Known Member
Funny thing about nuclear energy

You dont need a bomb to destroy a country or attack anyone.

You just need the material


Well-Known Member
Iran is a country run by religious lunatics who have publicly and often proclaimed there intent to erase Israel from existence, anyone who thinks they don't mean it is a fool.



Well-Known Member
Yes I do. 1 Becuase their program probably is a failure. 2 They are worried about internal revolt 3 They need the money
1 Their program has not been completed yet, 2 They care not what their citizens think. They follow the will of Mohammad, their god. 3 Yes they do. They can stop developing fissionable material and give up the task appointed to them by "God", or they can continue to lie about it and still get the same benefit. You have a bad case of wishful thinking, or a bad case of "I'll believe anything the party tells me."


Well-Known Member
1 There program has not been completed yet, 2 They care not what their citizens think. They follow the will of Mohammad, their god. 3 Yes they do. They can stop developing fissionable material and give up the task appointed to them by "God", or they can continue to lie about it and still get the same benefit. You have a bad case of wishful thinking, or a bad case of "I'll believe anything the party tells me."
Even the Religous fanatics are scared of a populous on the edge of revolt

Their program now is the same as the program they had 40 years ago and with not much more success.

Iran's economy is destroyed and it's people are restless and young. They look westward at our success and want what we have.


Well-Known Member
Even the Religous fanatics are scared of a populous on the edge of revolt Their program now is the same as the program they had 40 years ago and with not much more success. Iran's economy is destroyed and it's people are restless and young. They look westward at our success and want what we have.
Yet the religious fanatics still continue their policies of murdering their citizens for such horrific crimes as being gay, not praying five times a day, being of a religion other than the state religion, showing their face in public and many more "affronts to God". Yes, they are definitely changing their ways.


Well-Known Member
Yet the religious fanatics still continue their policies of murdering their citizens for such horrific crimes as being gay, not praying five times a day, being of a religion other than the state religion, showing their face in public and many more "affronts to God". Yes, they are definitely changing their ways.
They will never change their ways. They are religous fanatics. But they also know ALLAH will not let them rule if their population doesnt want them to. SO they will try to get their economy going or face a revolt.


Virtually Unknown Member
if additional and regular inspections of Iran's facilities are allowed as a prerequisite to reducing sanctions,this provides an ideal opportunity for intelligence gathering and foreign asset recruitment by Mossad and Shabak.


Well-Known Member
They will never change their ways. They are religous fanatics. But they also know ALLAH will not let them rule if their population doesnt want them to. SO they will try to get their economy going or face a revolt.
They kill those who are too vocal in their opposition. They will lie to get their economy going, sure, but not because of impoverishing the populace, but because they need money to continue their proxie war on "the great Satan and the little Satan".

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I have a really hard time trying to figure out how it is that any COUNTRY can tell another COUNTRY what they can and cannot do.

I damned sure wouldn't want Iran dictating to U.S. what we are allowed to do or not to do, why should it be any different from the other perspective? If we want to tell Iran what they can/cannot do, then invade them, make them a U.S. territory and then we can do whatever we want. Until then, it isn't our place.

It would be like a neighbor going out and buying him a handgun, then running up and down the street waving his handgun telling everyone else he better not catch them buying their own gun. If they want a butter knife, well ok, he MIGHT consent to that...

Indeed, most problems start with one entity seeking control over another that simply wants to be left alone or to be free from oppression.

An entire country doesn't tell another country what to do, however. That's the useful lie to foment fear. Most common people have no grudge against another person(s) half way 'round the world.

First, in any given "country" the people that call themselves your leaders tell you what to do or what they are going to do with your resources, like it or not. That makes them the gang bosses. Then they attempt to expand and tell the rival gangs that control other defined geographical turf, "we" are shutting your gang activity down in a given area or we will be taking over in some way.

The concept of a "country" is used to ensure a sense of nationalism and reverence for the particular gang that controls the turf you occupy. Minions and cannon fodder are easier to manipulate if they believe they are on a "team" that has their interests. Sadly this is the lie many people get sold and swallow to ensure they are "protected" .

Lots of peaceful people have more in common with "foreigners" than they do with their own self appointed leaders. For example, people that want to "lead" others using the tactics of force are of a similar persuasion REGARDLESS of which country / gang they appoint themselves the leaders of.

Moral of the story, following "leaders" that use forceful tactics leads to unintended consequences and away from peace.

In the case of the present world situation, the USA is the biggest gang and always on the lookout for more turf to control and jealous of any rising criminal gangs.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Even the Religous fanatics are scared of a populous on the edge of revolt

Their program now is the same as the program they had 40 years ago and with not much more success.

Iran's economy is destroyed and it's people are restless and young. They look westward at our success and want what we have.

Yes, they hate us because we have "free" healthcare. Well said, President Bush.


Well-Known Member
Funny how those who support gun control don't seem to care that a bunch of nut cases in Iran are trying to acquire nuclear weapons. Go figure.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Even the Religous fanatics are scared of a populous on the edge of revolt

Their program now is the same as the program they had 40 years ago and with not much more success.

Iran's economy is destroyed and it's people are restless and young. They look westward at our success and want what we have.
Irans people are more than likely scared to death of what there leaders will do with nukes...They had a front row seat when we marched into Bagdad in less than a week, so they should really be scared if they want to take on the world by bombing Israel..The young Iranians, they are smart enough to know that there leaders could be risking everything, and it will not end well for them..If there citizens were armed like we are there voices might be heard a little bit more...

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Rob, did you forget to read that Spooner essay where he says the community comes together to put a rowdy drunk causing mischief to stay in jail over night until he sobers up, even by force? Quite the communist.


Well-Known Member
The US seems poised to agree to reduce sanctions against Iran as long as they limit their nuclear development to strict guidelines, and agree to have their facilities be open for inspection. Israel meanwhile is screaming at the possibility of any reduction at all, even with the inspections. They have gone so far as to send a security cabinet minister to Washington to appeal directly to Congress to refuse any reduction in sanctions. Do you think the sanctions will be reduced against Iran or is Israel on the right path saying that it a "bad deal" for the world to allow any development of nuclear energy in Iran, and to keep the sanctions in place? It seems to me that as long as Iran goes along with the monitoring process they should have the same right to have nuclear power as other countries, and Israel will just have to learn to accept that. I think that Israel has painted itself into a corner where their only options seem to be to go along with a nuclear Iran or bomb the shit out of them as they have promised to do. I have bad feelings on this one, although I generally have bad feelings most of the time when it comes to Israel's foreign policies, especially when they involve the US.
yes, it is bad for the world.