We do grow in HS


Well-Known Member
i've made most my friends on this forum through this section. i'd like for you guys to come check out the new op i set up and tell me what you think. follow along if you'd like i'll definitely be keeping the thread updated.

thanks to all of you who have helped me obtain the knowledge that has made this possible. i think i finally am able to grow weed and am completely confident in my ability to do so!

links in the sig:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Subbed up CCC!
I hope you get a girl who's as good as her mom! Because goddamn do I love that girl!


Well-Known Member

Day 42ish of flowering and things are looking great!

Tent Shot:

First lady up is the Lost Coast. Very typical OG style plant in both the super dark leaves and Christmas tree structure branching. It smells like blueberries dipped in sugar and gasoline. Very excited.

Next up is the Green Poison. Looks like ~2 weeks left on her which makes sense 8 weeks for an almost pure indica. And she's frosty enough to make Tony the Tiger blush.


Blueberry Headband. Ridiculous amount of bud growth considering she's still got 4 or so weeks left. Pretty neutral smell which can be a good thing, or just maybe the LC is overpowering the tent. Oh and a shot of a random bagseed solo cup too.


I find myself mostly hanging out in HS as it doesn't seem to attract some of the more bridge dwelling types like many of the other sub-forums do (shuddering thinking about the Politics section yeeesh!) so lets keep this thread going. Cheers all!


Well-Known Member
Hahaha..its the grumpy old troll,who lives under the bridge!!..lol..
You sure that g.p. only has 2 weeks left? Not questioning your experience or garden..those pics look like 3-4 weeks left,but I've never grown g.p..might tighten up in a week for all I know..I know my pure afghan is done in 55-60 days and looks similar at 5 weeks...either way,looking splendiferous!!!..
I also like to do the random bag seed once in a while,just because I like to experiment and horticulturally gamble..hahaha...


Well-Known Member
I need to take some pics tomorro..I have no updates on any particular plants..ill just take fresh bud porn and post..lol...maybe ill do a history on the kali mist beans ima pop tomorrow..8 fresh ladies to service my needs...muhahahahaha!!!:hump:


Well-Known Member
Normally I would say that the GP needs more time than 2 weeks but she has gone through some ridiculous growth in the last week so thats what has me thinking. I like to let my girls come to fruition but she's an almost straight indica so.


Well-Known Member
I get the same thing occasionally..idk if its me not mixing dirt thoroughly or what but there will be one strain,all clones,all cloned/rooted/planted/flowered at the same time,but one will be 4in taller and a little more robust..oh well..smokes just the same..hahaha!


Well-Known Member
Oh and for the bagseed its a bit of a tradition I've started. When I first started growing a friend of mine gave me ~100 random bagseeds. Since then I've gained and lost and ended up getting some respected genetics, but always kept those seeds. I don't see the friend much these days living in different states but I always throw in 1 seed from that bag into a solo cup and we always share it together. Thats what the random shot is.


Well-Known Member
That's awesome..I do it just to try to find 'the one'..lol..my potroast so far is the best I've got as far as vigor in every stage of life..this go around ill have some weight come out of my potroast(flowered a clone straight out as a sample)..I'm gonna give an 8th to my buddy(who imports crappy cali reject bud,where I got the seed) and tell him to send it back to his friends in cali and tell them to learn how to fucking grow weed...lol


Well-Known Member
I mix my own dirt..never even wanted to used roots or happyfrog ect..too much $ would be involved,and id have to buy pallets of it at a time...40$ bale of promix and 2 bags of promix ultimate organic..all I need..20 three gal pots full and the rest is taken care of by my nute regime..the ultimate organic has lime and other minerals for p.h..r.o. h2o and some botanicare and I pull around 1 3/4- 2oz off each plant..still trying to slow my production rate so I can veg 2 weeks longer..hard for me to do with being pestered by potheads and all..lol


Well-Known Member
Ha..I lived in a cabin that was thomas jeffersons slaves cabin..I've allways thought if poplar forest was actually 'popular forest'..hehehe...


Well-Known Member
I need to take some pics tomorro..I have no updates on any particular plants..ill just take fresh bud porn and post..lol...maybe ill do a history on the kali mist beans ima pop tomorrow..8 fresh ladies to service my needs...muhahahahaha!!!:hump:
Statistically 4 females as they're regs. A journal would be awesome.


Well-Known Member
You'd have to help with the posting duck..times are tight with xmas and wet clothes.no computer $..:-(
My buddy is on the way..holpefully hell save me some cash on the dryer..


Well-Known Member
YES!!ITS NOT THE DRYER!!!!WHOOOT!..mid-line breakerbox fizzeled out the 220v line..and he's a great electrician..gonna have it worked out in no time...