50 Years Ago Today A Great Conservative Left Us


Well-Known Member
"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." - Yea, a real conservative idea right there.
I think an argument could easily be made to liken that quote with conservative dogma.

The progressive slogan could be "Here's some free shit from your country, ask not how or who the fuck will pay for it."

Ask not what your country can do for you, ask not what your country can do for you, ask not what your country can do for you.

Yeah, I keep saying it over and over and no matter how many times I say it, I just can't seem to mesh that in ANY way with the messaging or actions of the Democrat party (slithering nest of Progressives) over the last 20+ years.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Amen brother... A true American patriot, A world leader - a Human being who would've made such a beneficial difference to Americans and the world alike.

On November 22, 1963 at 1230 this planet was robbed of it's future.
Today our friend from Kojarena Australia will teach us about the number 13 and letter K here on Sesame Street.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Ok farmer no. You keep on thinkin that little buddy.

What is there to defend? I served my country as a Flight Paramedic. I jumped out of planes. I had a blast. I came home, went to college, which I paid for myself, and now I am very productive citizen that likes my country and for the most part its citizens. I pay my taxes, I employee people and I try to buy American whenever possible. I am ashamed of nothing. But you on the other hand, you are all talk and no honesty. You are a true definition of a coward.

And all you can say is that I'm a pussy? You are really really sad bro.

But of course if you would like to go down the internet tough guy route, we can. PM me, I will give you my Arizona address, we can chat.
Sounds like you had all the training but never really did anything.
Bandaids on cuts were your biggest achievement?

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Hmmm, maybe I am not communicating this to you well. Let me try again.

I posted a picture of myself, leaving myself open to pot-shots. I receive none, because I'm actually a good looking dude and in good shape. But I still leave myself open nonetheless.
UB posted a picture of himself, also leaving himself open.

You and WW have not. Yet you think its ok to take pot-shots at people without leaving yourself open for the same. To me, that is cowardly.

Not sure why this is hard for you to comprehend. Very simple logic.

I took a pot-shot at WW, because she has done the same to me. She pointed out she apologize, so I apologized in turn. Not sure why this is bothering you. Again, no picture, not leaving yourself open, you have no leg to stand on. Sorry, but that's just life. Deal with it.
I doubt that is your pix and the great liberal Buck's pix
was one of his boyfriend (at the time).

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Hmmm, maybe I am not communicating this to you well. Let me try again.

I posted a picture of myself, leaving myself open to pot-shots. I receive none, because I'm actually a good looking dude and in good shape. But I still leave myself open nonetheless.
UB posted a picture of himself, also leaving himself open.

You and WW have not. Yet you think its ok to take pot-shots at people without leaving yourself open for the same. To me, that is cowardly.

Not sure why this is hard for you to comprehend. Very simple logic.

I took a pot-shot at WW, because she has done the same to me. She pointed out she apologize, so I apologized in turn. Not sure why this is bothering you. Again, no picture, not leaving yourself open, you have no leg to stand on. Sorry, but that's just life. Deal with it.

I will never put a close up pic of me on this site, ever.


New Member
Besides military and paying my taxes and not crying about it like a little bitch?

The little kid who has to lie on the internet about being a pro computer hacker and pro lawyer is NOT a "little bitch"?

LOL yeah fucking right.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm JFK had some good speeches, eh?
