• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

What will you do? come march "poll".

what will you do come march poll

  • 4. stop growing and stop medical marihuana useage

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
I can"t help but wonder how this will break down come the end of march 2014.
will you???????
1. continue to grow,and wait until forced to shut down....
2. stop growing and participate willingly to the mmpr.....
3. stop growing but go back to black market supplier....
4. stop using medical marihuana altogether
5. return to pill or other prescription options
What say the group....?


Active Member
None of the above. I will continue to grow my own medicine while participating in the MMPR. "Stop growing", why? I'm hoping you add option #6, lol.


Well-Known Member
This was mainly mean't for those of us affected by the upcoming deadline....
Those of us who have already jumped thru all the hoops and obstacles that our doctors and gov. placed before us, and those of us who have used up our resources
to be fit under the mmar system. whose flaws were never really addressed, but a system we are lead to believe has been manipulated by some so that today's current system could
be put in place.
I tried already to edit the poll but was unable to
so if you'd like to vote for #6 I'm a grower for profit and will not be affected by the new system.


Active Member
On the contrary, we will be effected by the new rules, and we are patients first. Being offered a legitimate way to earn a living doing what I love was just a bonus.

I vote #7 Continue to grow your own medicine under the MMPR, while earning a living.

Some may vote #8 Continue to earn a living growing your own medicine, under the MMPR.

If ones actions contribute to the illicit market, and making changes to stop this contribution cost's money, shouldn't those that are responsible for those actions be the ones to pay the money? Free meds, what a crock of corruption.

I'm sorry, I really wanted to vote too!


Well-Known Member
Sorry Kootenaygirl....I don't seem to be able to add in your particular options but you have made your point...you want to be an LP.....I get it..
However I for one can't afford my meds come spring, so my choices are being narrowed down for me....so far I can do them as close to free as it gets....so at least I can afford it...
I am most likely facing my option 5 above...and am not looking forward to the slow death it causes....so if i'm jaded toward one side of this position ,please try to understand....
The poll is in an effort to see how many of us patients will be impacted by and how they might be impacted by the deadline....


Active Member
Please don't apologize. Enjoying the conversation! I understand both sides of the issue and at many g's a day x 2 scribes, we would face financial disaster at 5$/g. MMPR pricing, too. We refused to let a DG contribute to organized crime on our behalf and began growing our own, loving every minute.

Now after really reading the MMPR we believe that there is room for small growers who specialize, we only needed to make small changes to our OP and it will cost us $50,000 to comply, also allowing us the freedom to grow full-time now. Many people, especially in BC are in similar situations, we should all swamp HC with thousands of applications. How much have you already spent on your show? What's another 50k? It is freedom to keep growing your own medicine.

I assume the other meds are covered by the Government? See this is the real issue, the short term pain during the transition period. How do we bridge the gap for those that can't grow for physical or financial reasons? It is too bad that HC didn't man up and provide a DIN# for marihuana, you may have been covered then.

Anybody who gets their meds for free or less than $1.00 per gram outdoor, or $2.00 per gram indoor, should know that they are contributing to the problem that we now face. Free meds equals organized crime. Too many tend to not think about it. Remember it was organized crime that F-up the MMAR.


Well-Known Member
Free meds = orginized crime? Prohibition and supply and demand drive that. Secondly quit pushing your own agenda whats 50k? More than 80% of the residents of this country make a year after taxes. You really think anyones home grows with 1000-2000 watts of light has 50k invested? Must be nice to have never been affected by poverty. Since all of your posts are promoting this its a pretty hard sell to say your not here to strictly promote an agenda.


Well-Known Member
Kootenay girl is prob part of the organized crime she/he is talking about. Really who has 50k sitting around??think about it..


Active Member
If your getting your meds for free you are supporting the black market, wake up! Free market of kids, nothing is free, really haulinbass?
The old system was a failure. As pointed out, organized crime got involved in an under-regulated system, and screwed it up for everyone.
The new system is designed to keep tighter control on the production and distribution. Keeping record of every gram produced and sold is the way to cut out crime. The evolution of MJ in the future will be hinged on what is happening in Colorado and other states. I foresee that in the future, it will be truly legalized, but not how everyone wishes it would be. Legalization will still require licensed producers that are watched by HC and CS and by licensed dispensaries, also under strict government supervision. Just because it is possible to grow ur own in a basement, doesn't mean it will be allowed. But, hopefully, in the future, we will be able to go to a pharmacy or dispensary, and buy what we need and know it is legal, sanitary, and regulated.

I wonder how many DGs under the old MMAR were illegally selling their MJ to non patients? These are the people that I assume are making the most noise about the changes. Not because they really care about helping more than their 2 patient limit, but because they are losing their illegal income from a flawed system.



Well-Known Member
Hope your not suggesting....I have only one grow under my belt...so far.and its been strictly for me and me alone ...and followed the rules to the letter....
unfortunately I got in MMAR only a couple of weeks before the announced changes and saw none of it coming....
so in hind site I would not have put myself into the system have i had known.....and now via the mail have been hung out to dry in my community...
As far as how many former DG's sold weed illegally.I have no clue....I'm sure some but not probably near as many as proponents of the new system would have us believe...
I bought within the black market for years and years and never once did someone say to me ...here's some top shelf medical stuff.... it was almost always production marihuana designed for the recreational market....
so believe what you may.....

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
I love how everyone blames "organized crime" for the downfall of the MMAR, but at the same time, any medical user that had a DG was not complaining while they were receiving free weed.


Well-Known Member
Angry? Hell yes i supply myself and myself alone, i make a decent living but no way i could afford 600+ a month and i actually am dieing. Noone on the black market side is against this just makes the price go up for quality. Just as stiffer penalties do. The home wine industry is allot closer to what we need than anything else. The true supporters are probably on the inside already and happy they have very little compitition and stand to make great deal seeing they can now sell stem and leaf as useable product.
btw a crook in a suit is still a crook, when big money gets involved everything becomes comprimised.
If your a supporter enjoy your twenty minutes before monsanto squishes you into oblivion


Well-Known Member
That's it in a nutshell...this should be like the beer/wine industry, which allows for home brewing...


Well-Known Member
I figure if you stay under 5 plants, which is where mandatory minimums start, then you'll likely be allowed to continue to grow. If the police come to your home on a complaint, they may take your meds and equipment, but I doubt they'd charge you, if you have the old paperwork (I've kept all my old licenses) because it would likely get thrown out of court. And if they did charge you then, again, it'd likely get tossed. And if you did get convicted (highly unlikely) you would likely only be fined. So... keep growing. Harvesting 5 plants twice a year should keep most of even the most ill people with enough meds...


Active Member
Call your lawyer , then the press. Your probably right, it is a good gamble.

Haulinbass needs to get over the useless anger, keep his/her PROTEST GROW and face the consequences if any. Get proactive in some other way, the dice are cast. MMAR is over, there may be some compromise in time? Maybe.

I have no control over that spilt milk, in fact I would bet Conroy gets nowhere if the only arguments he has is short term pricing pain and reasonable access . Those are very important, it is just that they are addressed in the MMPR clearly. HC says without saying, "short term pricing increase - too bad, it will fix itself in time, and reasonable access is built in too. Oh yah, you should get to choose who you get medicine from - HC is saying without saying, here are your "choices" PPS, Peace Naturals, Metrum, where is Conroys arguments, help me understand? I want to believe that he has a case, what am I missing?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how or why you make that correlation over and over(free med= black market) but I know nothing of designated growers.....
To me DG's were usually family growing for family.... or things along that line...though obviously there would be those who could not
physically do the work, for themselves and hired out the work...
the recreational market in this country is absolutely huge in comparison to the medical side of things....so I would lean towards thinking that the
affect of medical grows in this country has been greatly over exaggerated..... just like any mold issues etc...
If you look at how health Canada did their statistics you will see they did( and openly admit to)doing "monte carlo analysis" .....in order to drum up
statistic's that would meet the criteria they needed to get the desired result.....So the numbers were made up and or fudged so to speak....
Statistics for any who may of studied them, can be manipulated to create desired results and should not be taken as necessarily true or correct,especially when they are being
supported by those with an agenda .


Active Member
So if we don't use our Governments own statistics, which by the way bore out amazingly well among the growers I know, how do we extrapolate? Okay free or extremely marked down marihuana (below the cost to grow) , in return for your scribe. Huh, not suspicious? No I think 67% corruption among the DG's was probably pretty accurate where I am from. 33% good apples. I would lean towards the fact that medical grows were the biggest cause of the marihuana crash, all these growers with legal plant numbers doing nothing but budding in the legal grows, vegging all their plants somewhere else, every two months another crop that HC says takes 6 months to grow, also growing at least 3 times the weight HC thought you could get in each of those crops. Do the math 99% of the DG's time he is legal (only the actual sale is illegal 1% of his time) 1\3 of the first crop gets all his patients their "free meds", the other 2/3rds of the first crop, and the following 2 crops all goes to the illicit market. Just that lucrative, that kind of risk reward system kept the kootenays on the map for marihuana the last 10 or more years. What was estimated at a 1 billion dollar black market in 2000, turned into a 5 billion dollar grey industry in 2010, and correct me if I'm wrong, that was BC only. The corruption ran far and deep where I live.

Tell me about watching out for the figures that lie and the liars that figure, isn't that the history of marihuana?


Well-Known Member
the recreational market in this country is absolutely huge in comparison to the medical side of things.... .
Indeed it is. And that will be recognized soon enough and entrepreneurs will push to access that market, which the government will allow and write laws to regulate simply because of the tax to be had from it, just like down south. But it won't happen as along as puritan religious zealots like Harper are in power.