Got Busted!


Active Member
The cops are just another gang, no matter what country your in. Your dealing with gangsters they are going to fuckin kill you after they get every peso they can out of you. And your growing 29 plants for the love of the plant? Sounds like you love money, but who doesn't? If you can afford to keep paying them then you must be making decent cash of your operation. The amount you are paying them is going to keep rising. And lets see some pics. Fuck, you got internet you should have access to a fuckin camera.


FYI MFB I work as a computer programmer I make a decent amount of money.. there's where i get my money for all my equipment, and Yes I do it because I want to smoke the best there is , I have order hundreds of dollars in seeds, I love to grow and not just weed. I know I got excited and planted many, but here in mex you don't get that kind of cannabis so that's why so many, and me and many friends love it.

and yes I have a camara, what do you wan't pictures of? broken doors?


Active Member
I am not trying to attack you I am trying to help you. The cops are never going to stop bothering you now that they know where your operation is. I just wanted proof that you actually need help or was doing this for attention. And I don't care if you are growing for profit or not. Your in fuckin Mexico and I am so far north if I go any farther I will be in Canada. Your grow has no effect on my life. When the cops kill you it will still have no effect on my life.

Quite frankly, if you are growing 29 full size plants and not making money, your a moron taking a huge risk for nothing. I wanted the pics to see how big your plants where. Are they small plants like mine where you only yield around 2oz? Or huge plants you could get a pound off or more?

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
I am not trying to attack you I am trying to help you. The cops are never going to stop bothering you now that they know where your operation is. I just wanted proof that you actually need help or was doing this for attention. And I don't care if you are growing for profit or not. Your in fuckin Mexico and I am so far north if I go any farther I will be in Canada. Your grow has no effect on my life. When the cops kill you it will still have no effect on my life.

Quite frankly, if you are growing 29 full size plants and not making money, your a moron taking a huge risk for nothing. I wanted the pics to see how big your plants where. Are they small plants like mine where you only yield around 2oz? Or huge plants you could get a pound off or more?
Your acting like a fucking dick dude. Border line Leo. If some one doesn't want u to see their pics of there operation then don't be a dick, really think why they don't want u to see it. Fucking creep.

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
After all of that bro your still considering a harvest. FROM ME TO YOU MAN FUCK A HARVEST. They put guns to you (life takers). In my Chris Tucker voice " THIS SH!T AINT WORTH DIEING FOR". Just saying you never know after a situation like that Harvest would be last thing on my mine. I would be trying to harvest my as$ away from that area.


Well-Known Member
Wow..second time this was posted in a month (exact wording)...need attention?...or just bored?
negative nancy

I am not trying to attack you I am trying to help you. The cops are never going to stop bothering you now that they know where your operation is. I just wanted proof that you actually need help or was doing this for attention. And I don't care if you are growing for profit or not. Your in fuckin Mexico and I am so far north if I go any farther I will be in Canada. Your grow has no effect on my life. When the cops kill you it will still have no effect on my life.

Quite frankly, if you are growing 29 full size plants and not making money, your a moron taking a huge risk for nothing. I wanted the pics to see how big your plants where. Are they small plants like mine where you only yield around 2oz? Or huge plants you could get a pound off or more?
negative rep for you. wait till you have a gun to your head. you'll be singing a different tune.

Your acting like a fucking dick dude. Border line Leo. If some one doesn't want u to see their pics of there operation then don't be a dick, really think why they don't want u to see it. Fucking creep.


Active Member
By Leo you mean law enforcement officer? Thats more dickhead/offensive than anything I said to him. I am a fuckin creep, I will admit that but stfu with that leo shit.

I am just trying to understand why he is going to risk gettin killed by some gang if all he is making off 29 plants is personal. Fuck I harvest 10 plants and smoke over an ounce a week. What the fuck is he doin smokin in the shower?


Why don't you people stand up for yourself and your rights? If you don't think you have any you should start demanding some. Sorry, but I've always told myself if things got that bad where I was from, collateral damage against "law" thugs is entirely warranted. Cannabis growing aside, sometimes law enforcement needs to be put back in their place and if it isn't domestic terrorism you want to get involved in, maybe it should be journalism; contacting the press and setting these assholes up to expose themselves.

In case you haven't noticed, other Westerners and Europeans tend to get all up in arms about people not be treated humanely. If it's a cute animal they get even more pissed off.

Honestly though the rights of my children just might be worth my life.


Well-Known Member
Pay them... get your shit back, get 2 cameras in the same room they talking in this time. Harvest plants and they WILL come back. Get em on video with them taking your harvest or all your stuff again. Have back up place ready to go to and then do what you please with video evidence.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Why don't you people stand up for yourself and your rights? If you don't think you have any you should start demanding some. Sorry, but I've always told myself if things got that bad where I was from, collateral damage against "law" thugs is entirely warranted. Cannabis growing aside, sometimes law enforcement needs to be put back in their place and if it isn't domestic terrorism you want to get involved in, maybe it should be journalism; contacting the press and setting these assholes up to expose themselves.

In case you haven't noticed, other Westerners and Europeans tend to get all up in arms about people not be treated humanely. If it's a cute animal they get even more pissed off.

Honestly though the rights of my children just might be worth my life.
Its not anything like your used to seeing here. There is a whole different set of rules there. They control people by implimenting fear into thier everyday lives, thier thought process....its brutal. They do not fuck around there...there is no ACLU or activist groups . They will kill your family, childern,mother,father anyone that gets in thier way and they will do it right in front of you and laugh in your face. works and they acomplish it by keeping the people impoverished...dirt poor and at the mercy of those in power.

It's interesting to me how the US can see these same things happening in other places around the world and we have to get involved....spending trillions of dollars under the ospucis of human rights. Yet the same shit is happening in Mexico but we turn a blind eye to it. I bet if we were dependent on foreign oil from Mexico or some other natural resource we would be right there " DOING WHAT IS RIGHT" in the name of humanity and human rights???? Yet we see the reports of mass grave sites found all over Mexico but nothing gets said about that.


Atleast you didn't end up in jail or worse and I'm glad for that. Sorry to hear about those troubles.

Good lesson for all growers not to tell anyone. I've become very careful from day one, probably overly paranoid for a personal use grow.

Only one person even knows I smoke and he was the guy I got my first bag before I started growing.
I no longer smoke outside, don't have any bumper stickers, t-shirts etc cannabis related, cover light leaks, keep my yard and house looking nice and definitely don't let anyone know I grow.

I would be pissed off if I got caught from anything other than a fire or some freak medical emergency.

Best of luck


I am damn glad I am not used to seeing shit like that and I don't think I could get used to seeing it. I would join their military or do something to get on the inside if I had to. Otherwise, everyone has a family and if someone wanted to fuck with mine like such scum, they shouldn't be surprised if their own wife and parents or whoever is related to them suddenly cease to be human in my eyes. Doesn't have to be pretty and I don't have to make it out of it alive.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
I am damn glad I am not used to seeing shit like that and I don't think I could get used to seeing it. I would join their military or do something to get on the inside if I had to. Otherwise, everyone has a family and if someone wanted to fuck with mine like such scum, they shouldn't be surprised if their own wife and parents or whoever is related to them suddenly cease to be human in my eyes. Doesn't have to be pretty and I don't have to make it out of it alive.
YUP!! Hard to believe that in this day and age this shit exists just down the road from us! Pretty FUCKEN sad.


Pay them... get your shit back, get 2 cameras in the same room they talking in this time. Harvest plants and they WILL come back. Get em on video with them taking your harvest or all your stuff again. Have back up place ready to go to and then do what you please with video evidence.
That's in Mexico where some entire towns are being run by criminals after they kill all the cops at the station. It's mass murder everyday with a massive corruption problem. When the journalist get a great story that can implicate someone they are just killed.

Video evidence will not do anything for our dude here.


Active Member
YUP!! Hard to believe that in this day and age this shit exists just down the road from us! Pretty FUCKEN sad.
We give them all the drug money they need to fund the killings and the guns to do it. Its all corrupt because thats where the money is.