How much longer are we looking here b4 i can Chop?


Active Member
Hey whats up. My girl is about 6 1/2 weeks - 7 weeks old i know that this strain says it takes about 3 months 2 fully flower but could i chop her down b4 the 12 week marker? check her out. photo 5.JPG


Active Member
i know its not anywhere near ready i wasn't looking for u to respond telling me something I alrdy know. How about read the Question then hit me back up instead of telling me to buy a Microscope or some bullshit. 50/50 ppl Can just look at their plant and tell its Ready to chop Im asking how much longer does it look like to YOU and anyone else that has knowledge in this Area and also would it be ok to chop her down before the 12 week mark.


Well-Known Member
i know its not anywhere near ready i wasn't looking for u to respond telling me something I alrdy know. How about read the Question then hit me back up instead of telling me to buy a Microscope or some bullshit. 50/50 ppl Can just look at their plant and tell its Ready to chop Im asking how much longer does it look like to YOU and anyone else that has knowledge in this Area and also would it be ok to chop her down before the 12 week mark.
no ones going to help you out if you talk to members like that.
im deff not going to help you now, fkn rude.


Well-Known Member
no ones going to help you out if you talk to members like that.
im deff not going to help you now, fkn rude.
ya, chill out a bit there sparky, we are all here to help each other out. IMHO, she is not ready, waay too many white hairs and still could fill out a bit. i mean, really you could have chopped her 2 weeks ago i you wanted to. its about what kind of smoke you are looking for. uppy, couch locky, its all up to you. good luck getting answers if your gonna bash members like that! happy growing!


Well-Known Member
If you know it's. Twelve week plant and are wanting to chop it at 6.5/7 weeks then you kinda already answered your own question. I would personally exercise my patients and wait the 12 weeks but she's your plant chop her ad premature as you'd like.

stay dank
i know its not anywhere near ready i wasn't looking for u to respond telling me something I alrdy know. How about read the Question then hit me back up instead of telling me to buy a Microscope or some bullshit. 50/50 ppl Can just look at their plant and tell its Ready to chop Im asking how much longer does it look like to YOU and anyone else that has knowledge in this Area and also would it be ok to chop her down before the 12 week mark.
Chill maaaaan! we here for growing stuff that makes us happy,and be happy while we grow. relax! :bigjoint:
ppl give stupid ass fucking responses. lmao i could have chopped her 2 weeks ago? u must be fucking Idiotic.
I agree with longarms, remember that a grower harvests when he or she wants to. I like mental high so I might chop when trychs are just cloudy so that means ill chop mine early:weed:. Take a test if you are not sure. Cheers and relax!
this dudes nuts, I thought you were 6 1/2-7 weeks into flower but you're not very clear with your question? take a 3rd grade English class before you go crazy over people answering whatever question it is we think you are asking. =)


Active Member
Chill maaaaan! we here for growing stuff that makes us happy,and be happy while we grow. relax! :bigjoint:
Im actually very chil bro :D its just when ppl respond to my post with Jibber Jabber i could care less about. Come on here and help someone out dont just look at my post and pic and write what ever u please damn its a free for all.


Well-Known Member
As impatient as you are about your plant you are just as impatient about the right answer.
The correct answer is.............Do what the f*#@ you want, sounds like you are not going to take any advice any way.


Active Member
Hey whats up. My girl is about 6 1/2 weeks - 7 weeks old i know that this strain says it takes about 3 months 2 fully flower but could i chop her down b4 the 12 week marker? check her out. View attachment 2901365
To answer your question, Yes, you could chop her down before the 12 week marker. Don't know why you would want to but the answer to your question is yes.


Well-Known Member
1 Starred. this guy is a dick. Also yeah everyone here is right you can chop it whenever you want. You could have chopped it before flowering and smoked it if you really wanted.


Well-Known Member
Must spread rep gkid......
Obviously dude was wondering if its gonna finish faster than the breeder estimated 12..a faster pheno?? Morons
"I have a plant that flowers in 12 weeks, can I chop it before 12 weeks are up?" See how easy it is to understand what I'm asking? Looks like you're the moron that doesn't have a clue what he's doing. "I wanz weed and wanz it nuwz, canz I goz ahead an chopz it nowzzzzz?????"


Well-Known Member
So you don't know what a pheno is I take it?
You assume all breeders are somehow putting clones in a seed?
Even ibl land races have variations

You seem quite trollish and uneducated....
Try quoting what was actually said

big bud 56

Active Member
Screw this guy.
Why are you even here idiot?
These forums are here to help people that ask for it and to help people learn about growing.
if you didn't want people to give their expert opinions then why ask?