Random Jibber Jabber Thread

macgyverd it and it's awesome

original 2011 homemade sneak a toke..


about a week ago I broke my glass down stem on my bong.. I usually have one on hand but didnt this time...


works perfect too... and wont break..
Typical day at the office:-

We fed these little Morroccan kids a bunch of laxatives and look what came out!!??


1 oz pellets of hashish. It's not cut throat- its business! Lol
Lol, it'd probably be funny as hell to go to a job interview and when asked why your employment record is blank for a 2 year period tell them that you were kidnapped and forced to be a Moroccan drug mule. The look on their face.

That's no disrespect to anyone that was really kidnapped and forced to be a Moroccan drug mule.
That it is. I rationalize the expediture by reminding myself I don't purchase alcohol anymore. I used to drink Stella and Magic Hat so I spent good money on booze.

Stellas got a great reputation! Yup! Money well spent! Lol!
Lol, it'd probably be funny as hell to go to a job interview and when asked why your employment record is blank for a 2 year period tell them that you were kidnapped and forced to be a Moroccan drug mule. The look on their face.

That's no disrespect to anyone that was really kidnapped and forced to be a Moroccan drug mule.

Nah it's cool! They were supposed to be in school anyway! :)
Check out the guy lower right screen: