Random Jibber Jabber Thread

No they aren't native to the u.s and have no predators

Cept for me:)

They breed like crazy and run wild with big teeth and thick skin..
I used to carry an an automatic ak74 (no not typo) shoots a lil bitty round that id pop rattlers and cotton mouths with

It doesn't phase them things...thick thick fur and skin

Yes....considered an invasive species
its not the swine fault they are here its humans

...when are we going to have open season on humans, obama would be a nice trophy
No they aren't native to the u.s and have no predators

Cept for me:)

They breed like crazy and run wild with big teeth and thick skin..
I used to carry an an automatic ak74 (no not typo) shoots a lil bitty round that id pop rattlers and cotton mouths with

It doesn't phase them things...thick thick fur and skin

Yep, you need a big caliber....the older they are and boars especially develop a thick cartilage plate around the chest/neck/head area. Had some close calls in past years. Now I only use 30-06 180 grain or larger
do you get anxiety?
my biggest problem is anxiety problems i didnt even ever consider thyroid issues, as a factor
like ever all i know is when i went for my yearly check up i told my doctor my anxiety is gettign worse and i couldnt seem to loose weight , and shes like well we'll check your blood
i went back and she said your thyroids are fine.

Horrible anxiety... I take Zoloft and Wellbutrin and still deal with pretty bad anxiety... I also take thyroid hormone replacement and that doesn't help either. And weight gain is a huge problem as well.. my weight fluctuates so much and I eat healthy and run 15+ miles per week. Thyroid issues suck, but luckily if you do have problems, they aren't bad. My TSH was in the 50's when I had it checked (like I said normal is like 0.4-4.0)... the higher the number, the less your thyroid is working correctly. Do you feel tired a lot? Cold hands and feet? Get hot flashes or feel freezing when it's not cold? Low body temperature?
Horrible anxiety... I take Zoloft and Wellbutrin and still deal with pretty bad anxiety... I also take thyroid hormone replacement and that doesn't help either. And weight gain is a huge problem as well.. my weight fluctuates so much and I eat healthy and run 15+ miles per week. Thyroid issues suck, but luckily if you do have problems, they aren't bad. My TSH was in the 50's when I had it checked (like I said normal is like 0.4-4.0)... the higher the number, the less your thyroid is working correctly. Do you feel tired a lot? Cold hands and feet? Get hot flashes or feel freezing when it's not cold? Low temperature?
yeah but thats also all symptons of anxiety so i figured it was just that.

im trying these new meds, perhaps they can help you in some way? i dont believe in pharms unless completely needed not tellign you to go off them or anything but maybe some alternatives will help?
estro factors by natural factors http://www.naturalfactors.com/caen/products/detail/2692/estro-factors
nutri b-50 complex http://ww.nationalnutrition.ca/detail.aspx?ID=2594 (this is cause im a vegan )
karlenese veg-licious camelina oil omega 3
morning rise and shine http://www.prairienaturals.ca/?product_id=24
chlorella powder http://www.prairienaturals.ca/?product_id=169
What's up?

I found some cans of pre-Fukushima tuna! Ah yeah Tuna-melt here I come!

What if I didn't put the popcorn "this side up"?
of course mocking members isn't good, and i'm not saying his methods were entirely fair either. but if members were gonna bash me....i'd ban their ass in an instant. fuckem

disagree w/ me.....fine. call me names.....you're out.

yea man, i totally agree. i don't like being called names. somebody calling you names man? i will cut them. i will cut them deep.
i think pigs are worst then most humans, i dont see sunni popping out kids all over the place and letting them threaten ecosystems....

maybe i am a bit worst then most pigs though =P
Actually ... we H. saps do just that. We leverage our game with technology, like the plow.
What's up?

I found some cans of pre-Fukushima tuna! Ah yeah Tuna-meltdown here I come!

What if I didn't put the popcorn "this side up"?

Lite edit ...mmmm Self Nuking Tuna
the heabvy container is your Seal of Quality™


just do it

n.b. In the supplementary materials to Over the Hedge they have a food package design gallery. One of the products was Twice Nuked Potatoes. Google Images, Y U No Have!?
just do it

n.b. In the supplementary materials to Over the Hedge they have a food package design gallery. One of the products was Twice Nuked Potatoes. Google Images, Y U No Have!?

Here this may help you AND your nota bene. The Presidential Science Advisor has released this to the media for immediate publication. It explains the situation adequately. I have a quibble with the colors.
