What makes me laugh in life. When you deal with Law, the average man is expected to know what is right and wrong, in Scotland it's called Delict. In some cases it beggars belief what is right and wrong. Yet the governments and controlling powers can't let the people wipe their own arses when it comes to things like getting inebriated. I am not the biggest fan of Dabs, but if you want to do it to yourself, then who the fuk is anyone to say any otherwise. Especially when health care is far from free....not like they are really providing us with anything. But yeh, stay away from Dabs, they'll probably kill you......one day, if age doesn't, or if a bus doesn't, or if cancer doesn't, or if you choke on a fish bone, or if you eat to much chocolate, or if you electricute yourself wiring a plug, or.....
This song struck my mind when reading your post.
The lyrics will prob help allot of you lol
Light the match, burn the flower
Leave behind, all the wrong
Why be sad?
When happiness can be bought for a little more then free
Modern day prohibition
Are we men? Are we children?
At what age, can I choose how to live?
The only real drug problem is scoring real good drugs
Haven't we learned our lesson?
The corner store sells finer scotch
But who's got uncut powder?
We just want what is ours (dignity)
If God created plants and buds that I find and abuse
Then who the fuck are you to judge me?
Girl interviewed was in the dark like an informant.
She said that she tried dabs 12 times.
Now she is hopelessly addicted hasnt slept in 10 days after tyying to quit.
She also went to the psych ward.
Well, shes got some serious issues then.... More dabs for her lol.
this gal was getting a lil big for the 5gal bucket

so now she sits in a 18 gal tub of love..and a few cups of compost tea..mmmm.
Thats what Im talking about G! Thats gonna be a big biotch

Who's in it may I ask?
I always think of the quote from Ambrose Beirce's "Devils Dictionary":
We do things for reasons that we invent to defend the things we want to do.
I am not bothered by this at all...people have to do *something*, you see.
Now, only an asshole comes up with the "let's fuck with other people" game.
....and they're out there too.
Safe Travel!
Thats great. I dont read much creative writing (I guess thats what youd call it?) but I like that
Its funny how
some people with such health practices always seem to be unhappy with the way everyone else is living and the only thing that makes them happy is "knowing" they are better than everyone else lol.
To harvest or not to harvest,,, tis the question.