Quadruple newbie attack. First grow jitters.


Active Member
Depending on where you live if the sun is too intense and beats on the black pot to much the roots won't like it. To solve that I just put some cardboard to cover the pots and let the sun beat down on just the plant and soil. They love the sun and 6500K really perks them up. They look good.


Active Member
When exposing them to sun make sure it is not super hot where you live. Block the sun that hits the pots. They like the sun and 6500K. They look good.
I looked at your pix of ak.....try a lime drench @ 1tbsp/gal water. dolo lime is available at any home improvement store. it can recover.
So you think she is hungry? I tried looking for a Cal-Mg or dolomite but where I am at that has been proven difficult. Would 18.5% CaO in polyhydroxycarboxylic acid suffice? or maybe I should up the 3 part GH ppms?
Depending on where you live if the sun is too intense and beats on the black pot to much the roots won't like it. To solve that I just put some cardboard to cover the pots and let the sun beat down on just the plant and soil. They love the sun and 6500K really perks them up. They look good.
Thanks RIPE. I will definitely cover it when i put them in the sun. the temps are nice outside now anyways. They grew since the last post, but I am having some issues with the AK.
Wish me luck!


Active Member
no worries, amnesia is a good strain, i grew the lemon too once and it tasted great. Good luck with the grow


Well-Known Member
Hey man, have you checked your pH runoff? If the pH is good, then I agree with Dannyboy on the lime. I had one of mine start to look sort of like that. The pH was good, so I added some lime and it fixed it. The kind I used looked like little granules that I just added on top of my dirt and watered it in.

big bud 56

Active Member
If you aren't here to help people then don't get involved and keep your comments to yourself.
The majority of us here want to help others with their grows.
its hungry. start feeding them now. go look up the deficiencies and shit. we dont wanna sit here and spoon feed you info. yellowing starting on the lower leaves and on the outsides of the leafs edge means its nitrogen hungry.
start with a 1/4 strength of nutes.
  • A newbie I am, but one that has done his research. Needless to say there comes a point where research isn't enough and the expertise and knowledge of more seasoned growers, like yourselves, is required. Your insights are duly appreciated. I started off with a total of 6 seeds all of which germinated except 2 so I ended up with AK47, Bluecheese(1), Amnesia Haze, and Bluecheese (2) (arranged from eldest to youngest) all feminized. They were all started at different but close time intervals. I have them under 4x32watt and 1x26watt (6500k) cfls. I don't feed them much of anything only a 200ppm with superthrive every other watering. Temps range from 70-79 F and humidity anywhere from 38-60 percent with fans blowing everywhere. I have them on a 24/0 schedule and sometimes 20/4 when I can. they also get a few hours of natural sun everyday.
    AK seems to be going great, moved it to a bigger pot and put her under a 400watt MH It looks healthy and on schedule. I had an issue with the pH of my soilless mix earlier but I fixed it a few days ago and BC1 seemed to be the most affected by this issue but after adjusting its pH it seems to be recovering although it's still a bit yellow-lime in color and its leaves are pointing down, so I am wondering what the issue may be, if any. Amnesia looks fine other than the cotyledons being yellow, an indication to start feeding her perhaps? I am not sure I should be concerned. BC2 is still new, but I noticed that the leave tips of the first set are dry and brown? too close to the light perhaps? Is there anything I can do to get these babies healthier?
    Any helpful advice and/or opinions would be appreciated. I plead you to help be a better care giver for these girls, maybe one day soon these girls will be taking care of me

  • I think you did a nice job with the pics and the post don't listen to haters nothing about this strikes me as spam god people are idiots in real life and on the internet hahahah love I'm done posting ill ignore anything anyone said except this guy.​


Well-Known Member
hey I stopped in to see how goes it? you can get calcium and magnesium from the lime. if you can't find lime you can get the mag from Epsom salts. any drug store but if your ph is off I would try to get the lime. the area of the leaf in between the veins is bleached out. that's a mag def. so once you know its a mag def the question is is your ph too low and mag isn't available? if you correct the ph then your problem is solved assuming there's mag in your soil. if there isn't and you can only determine by a soil test and that takes forfreakin ever to get a good one then you have to add it. the quickest way to get mag into a plant is 1tbsp/gal water epsom salts sprayed onto the leaves. its called a foliar spray. mag is a mobile element you should know meaning the plant steals it from one leaf and moves it to another. that's why older leaves show mg def before new ones. here's a linkto some stuff you will want to keep and a chart showing elemnts and propr ph levels for absorbtion. http://www.thctalk.com/cannabis-forum/showthread.php?23-Nitrogen-(N)-Mobile-Element-and-Macro-Element
hey I stopped in to see how goes it? you can get calcium and magnesium from the lime. if you can't find lime you can get the mag from Epsom salts. any drug store but if your ph is off I would try to get the lime. the area of the leaf in between the veins is bleached out. that's a mag def. so once you know its a mag def the question is is your ph too low and mag isn't available? if you correct the ph then your problem is solved assuming there's mag in your soil. if there isn't and you can only determine by a soil test and that takes forfreakin ever to get a good one then you have to add it. the quickest way to get mag into a plant is 1tbsp/gal water epsom salts sprayed onto the leaves. its called a foliar spray. mag is a mobile element you should know meaning the plant steals it from one leaf and moves it to another. that's why older leaves show mg def before new ones. here's a linkto some stuff you will want to keep and a chart showing elemnts and propr ph levels for absorbtion. http://www.thctalk.com/cannabis-forum/showthread.php?23-Nitrogen-(N)-Mobile-Element-and-Macro-Element
wow. This info is gold! luckily I fixed the pH but I hadto go through so many pages of non sense, I wish I had seen it put so nicely before
I think you did a nice job with the pics and the post don't listen to haters nothing about this strikes me as spam god people are idiots in real life and on the internet hahahah love I'm done posting ill ignore anything anyone said except this guy.[/INDENT]
haha haters gonna hate! Thank you trill3ntertain. I appreciate it!