new dry ice setup


Well-Known Member
i just got some dry ice, i think this will work well setup like this, what do u think/ im just supposed to use it when the lights are on right?


Well-Known Member
What kind of light are you using? Keep the dryice away from your light and keep the room well sealed, to keep the dryice from escaping the room. At night put it into a cooler. In fact if I were you, I'd keep it in a cooler all the time, lifting the lid during the daytime, and closing it at night. Just dont lock the cooler, cause the co2 will blow the lid off if it builds up too much. After 2 days of usage, you'll see the difference.

i just got some dry ice, i think this will work well setup like this, what do u think/ im just supposed to use it when the lights are on right?


Well-Known Member
as video mentioned, ain't the best set up for your dry ice you got there.:-? evaporation rate will be far to high, the light probably gone bake it away in a day.:-?

go with videoman's suggestions for handling, he knows about ice;)


Well-Known Member
i have a big box of it, i thought it would be more direct if i had it by the fan, im not worried about having to buy more


Well-Known Member
Dryice varies according to where you buy it, be it the manufacturer or a middleman. Try this, dryice directory for locating some. The question about how fast it dissipates is an old one, and as of yet unanswered to anyones satisfaction. When I use t use dryice, I woud only use 50lb blocks as it is the largest available, and will last longer that five 10lb blocks. You might get 5 days from 50lbs, it all depends on how you set it up.
Going from memory it is clamed to dissipate at the rate of about 6lbs a day, but you'll be lucky to have it last that long. Too many factors that effect this. The fan is a good method, however, you want a fan on the floor, slightly angled upwards, as the co2 is heavier than air, and it will sink to the floor. This way you'll be gathering it from the floor and re-circulating it to your plants. You shouldnt pay more than $19.00 for 50 lbs of dryice. $13.00 and you got a good deal.

how long does the dry ice take to dissipate? and about how much does it cost?


Active Member
thanks for the info. have you ever used dry ice to cure buds? i hear its a really good method


Well-Known Member
You's funny that you mentioned that.
What you're talking about is the Dry Ice cure method.

A. I've heard that it does work (sort of) Never did it myself, I'll stick to more traditional methods, water cure is about as wild as I wanna get.
B. It is an expensive pain in the ass (imho), but it IS quick, no doubt adout
C. CO2 is poison (just like everything else - in over abundance)
D. I don't think this method would help the taste of the smoke any.

I've also heard of people using this as a method of freeze drying it for future use.

thanks for the info. have you ever used dry ice to cure buds? i hear its a really good method


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info. have you ever used dry ice to cure buds? i hear its a really good method
well curing with dry ice i guess is like freezer curing, it kind of works but rather bad since the low themps conserve the chlorophyll and it takes for ages.

if you want to use the same trick which is used to produce decaffeinated coffee, you are on the wrong track. that takes hypercritical CO2, so liquid under high pressure, plainly pain in the ass and it will flush out the THC too.

so as video stated earlier, that ain't the way to go;)


Well-Known Member
Green, You got me laughing so hard dude! I love you.
Her face? Dude....I dont think she wants to be recognized!
She works at your kids school!!!! LOL
Isn't that Miss whats-her-name that teaches 2nd grade?
I want me some detention.
...oh video, quiet braggin with your lady;)


Well-Known Member
Theres lots of ways.
Arent you getting it for free?
I did like using the dryice. But you can go buy a tank, have it filled and lug it home.
Sometimes you can find one cheap, maybe at a restauant supply place,
or from a bar, they use co2 to pressurize the kegs.
New, your probally looking at about $100.00 for an empty tank,
getting it filled is cheap though. (this is new)
Technically speaking you need regulators and all this other crap.
I don't have that, I just have a tank and a valve, I am going to install a hose on it,
and attach the hose under my light, pre-drill a bunch of holes, and run the tank for about 90 to 120 seconds,
than shut it off. It'll shower my babies with the co2, and a fan placed on the floor, gently oscilating back and
fourth will pick the co2 up off the floor and re-circulate it up to the plants.


Well-Known Member
No way dude! Use this and look for a manufacturer, not a supplier.
tell then that you need dryice on a regular basis, this is important as they want repeat business,
not just a one shot deal. If they ask, say you ship meat alot.
They may still quote you a high price, just say well where I use to live,
I paid only $15.00 for it, cant you do any better?
(Hint, dryice corp. is a manufacturer)

Dry Ice Directory - Where to buy Dry Ice


Well-Known Member
primeralives has the un-doctored pic. any naked pictures of your girl? wanna see some?
hack, he won't show it to me so way should he do you the favor?;) and primeralives is to small for anything and that's the way things gone stay i would say:blsmoke: