My crappy setup


Well-Known Member
well here it is...
- 2 rubbermaids clammed together.
- 4 12 volt computer fans
- 4 frozen water bottles
- 1 hygrometer
- some mylar alternative :confused:
- 8 23 wat cool white cfls

not too sure how long ive been flowering

as for the lil one.
- 1 42 wat cfl

messy closet, very cluttered i know, but that is all my DWC stuff for next crop
and yes it is very half assed. put about 3 hours into making it. i was on a short budget and i still am.
good enough for now. my wiring is a mess too. =/

this plant has gone through hell and back. almost died of heat trauma. i actually had 2 ... the other didnt make it.


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New Member
as long as you have enough light you should do allright baring any other big mistakes. One of the mods here, GK, actually wrote a book about growing with cfl's like that. If you think your setup is that bad, check out other cfl grows and see what they are doing. I did cfl's my first few tries, and then when i did better and knew more, I went up.


Well-Known Member
well this is my first grow ... pretty much all i want to get out of this is knowledge. how to grow a healthy plant. its all a learning experience.
i'll look around at some other cfl growers =)


Well-Known Member
if anyone has any comments or suggestions feel free to put it down.
all feedback is valued
im going to try to clean up my wiring


Active Member
man i need a cheap set up too do you how much those light bulbs will cost on the electricity bill?? cause i can't afford a 400 watt light


Well-Known Member
man i need a cheap set up too do you how much those light bulbs will cost on the electricity bill?? cause i can't afford a 400 watt light
the lights are on 18 hours a day thats 226 wats
here are the MAX PRICES and MIN PRICES for a 216 wat fixture for a month
6 hours = 10.95 , 1.68
8hrs = 14.60 , 2.25
10 hrs = 18.25 , 2.81
12 = 21.90 , 3.37
14 = 25.55 , 3.93
16 = 29.20 , 4.49
18 = 32.85 , 5.05

ok ill try to total my entire setup with receipts

- digital thrm = 6.47 (walmart)
- cfl 4 pack bulbs x 2 = 7.88 x 2 (walmart)
- cfl 42 wat reading light = .75 (walmart) sweet freaking deal eh
- Ivry Twin Lt x 4 (y sockets) = 1.57 x 4 (walmart)
- tote box x 2 (rubbermaid) = 3.97 x 2 (walmart)
- 4 light sockets = around the house lamps taken apart or ...
( - lamp parts = 4.99 (home depot)
- miracle grow seed starting mix = 3.75 (home depot)
- computer fans were from a buddy or u can get a 4 pack for 19.99 (radioshak)
- weather stripping i already had (a few bucks at home depot)
- mylar substitute i already had. go to a bargain mart and buy some sunshades or mylar wrapping paper or even chip bags.

thats all the parts i think ill update later


Well-Known Member
lots of $ i know
u should see the bill for my dwc stuff
could have been worse
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Well-Known Member
Another one of the seeds i had germing sprouted today.
alot more leaves on the small plant.
trimmed the big plant today. the bottom leaves were useless


Well-Known Member
so i started making my own tent for my next hydro grow
it is proving to be a pain in the ass


Well-Known Member
Ya I bet. Building a tent could have some problems. I take it you dont really care too much about stealth? hahah jk. ne ways I want to do a grow just like yours only a little more clean and stealthy. How is the smell? You should let me know if you do ne odor control when it gets into flowering.
Well GL I hope you gain a lot of info from this grow and continue to get better.

Best of Luck


Well-Known Member
well im done with the frame of it
ill take some pictures soon.
i tried to go really stealth and had it going for a little but the plant got too big fast. yea i plan on trying a stealth setup someday... like a legit one. but i dont have time or money. =/
no odor yet... not that i can smell. its preflowering tho. i can barely see the bud sites. but there is a chance it can be a hermie. my light setup got messed during the grow.

ill let u know when i get to that one.
that was the whole plan. just get better.
thanks man good luck to u too.


Active Member
I think the tub thing is a pretty alright set up for sure, the heat is a real problem though, forgetting those waterbottles could make quick work on a good crop.

I'm really new to the forum and the whole harvesting plants an all, and I'm only one my first real grow right now. but I've been a carnivorous plant grower for well over a year and temps and humidity and circulation are our big thing too since our plants are from all around the world... If you want to actually bump your humidity your going to need an open water source... not the waterbottles... the icepacks will work for temps if you can remember, but an open tray of water will do alot more work to increase the humidity in there... since its so hot it really shouldnt be hard but 35% isnt very "good'. a plant in high humidity will do cool things if you get it right,

Good luck keep us posted on your tub enviroment :)

El Duderino

Active Member
F-ing awesome dude! Im also on a buget and this looks like a good way to go. Ive got a lot of the things that you listed laying around and Im going to attempt to do something of this nature. I have an air hockey table fan. Do you think this would work a little better than the computer fans? Lemme know what you think.


Well-Known Member
I think the tub thing is a pretty alright set up for sure, the heat is a real problem though, forgetting those waterbottles could make quick work on a good crop.

I'm really new to the forum and the whole harvesting plants an all, and I'm only one my first real grow right now. but I've been a carnivorous plant grower for well over a year and temps and humidity and circulation are our big thing too since our plants are from all around the world... If you want to actually bump your humidity your going to need an open water source... not the waterbottles... the icepacks will work for temps if you can remember, but an open tray of water will do alot more work to increase the humidity in there... since its so hot it really shouldnt be hard but 35% isnt very "good'. a plant in high humidity will do cool things if you get it right,

Good luck keep us posted on your tub enviroment :)
thanks man, yea i know the rotation of the bottles can kill my plant. im already seeing some wear on them. ok i will invest in some ice packs and put in a little cup / bowl of water. thanks for the info.


Well-Known Member
F-ing awesome dude! Im also on a buget and this looks like a good way to go. Ive got a lot of the things that you listed laying around and Im going to attempt to do something of this nature. I have an air hockey table fan. Do you think this would work a little better than the computer fans? Lemme know what you think.
thank you for the compliment. i made the best of my resources and my limited knowhow. i just looked around RIU for about a month to see what to do to get a solid foundation. well if u do decide to go with it. start up a journal and send me the link. yea it can work. why not? :) the thing about computer fans is you can move them where ever u want to better suit u. i dont really know what an air hockey fan looks like. but i imagine it to be big. do whatever is easier for u tho. keep me updated =). im looking forward to it