Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
my apologies for noticing the zeal with which you chummed up fellas circled.
carry on if it makes your penis feel bigger.
instead of arguing against my statements, you argue against the inferences you deliberately invented.
schuylaar's position is that Obama is NOT responsible for the actions of his appointees, i disagree, since every one of them serves at the pleasure of the president, and if he disapproved of Cockbreath Holder's war on weed, his Fast N Furious debacle, or his idiotic refusal to enforce our immigration laws, The One would Sack Him.
schuylaar wishes to give The O-Man a pass for his own misdeeds as well as those of his underlings, and that is her prerogative, however YOU feel that disagreeing with this position is somehow "being mean" and "ganging up on a helpless girl" in a battle of WORDS.
i reject the ad hominems about "fat chicks", whether delivered by Red1966, or by YOU and Cheezedick against Winter Woman, and quite frankly i dig a little gravy with my biscuits
fatness is no more a disability in holding an opinion on any political issue than skinniness or having one eye or being bald.
Stupidity is the only disqualifying condition, and she has not displayed that failing, while YOU parade your idiocy like the emperors new clothes on a daily basis.
why do you assume women or fat people, or baldies, or negroes need your help when they agree with you, and your disdain when they dont?
are you really so self-important that you believe you are the arbiter of what is permissible in a discussion of public policy?
well shucks, of course you are.