Quit Opiates With Dabs


Well-Known Member
This is what worked for me. I am not preaching, just sharing.

I injured my back in 2010 and was eventually perscribed 30 mg roxycodone and 10 mg hydroxyzine boosters all two to three times a day as needed Before that we tried Vicadin, Norco, Percoset and so forth all with minimal help.

I understand pain.

Here is the problem, dealing with chronic pain & withdrawl simultaneously.

Doing dabs was my salvation. No other method of consumption was able to give me any reasonable amount of relief. Edibles may help with withdrawl but for me were not potent enough to provide pain relief. 5 or 6 big dabs per hour is perfect for me.

Only problem is cashing out over a gram and a half of wax each day.

Titanium domless like the KO Domeless is my fav.


Well-Known Member
first off, welcome to the riu community! secondly, very sorry to hear of your chronic pain issues, I suffer from similar issues both pain and with big pharm...

one thought I had while reading, have you looked into a vape pen perhaps to help conserve meds a bit? dont get me wrong, most vape pens suck and deliver a much more mild experience then the rig would...however, look into the "persei" from w9tech.com; this pen actually hits like a rig, and makes my avg g last about 2x as long (3 days v 1)....also, does your local access point have topicals? we have a great one out in the seattle area called "kush creams", and its worked wonders for me, idk if they've made it out to co yet, but possibly as they're very recognized .....

cheers and happy medicating!


Well-Known Member
I have a big collection of pens and portable vapes. While I can use them when out and about its like you never quite get there. Constantly chasing that dragon so to speak. I just have an extreme tolerance.

I can eat three fire berry bars and have a normal day of dabs functioning at a high level (pardon the pun)


Well-Known Member
This is what worked for me. I am not preaching, just sharing.

I injured my back in 2010 and was eventually perscribed 30 mg roxycodone and 10 mg hydroxyzine boosters all two to three times a day as needed Before that we tried Vicadin, Norco, Percoset and so forth all with minimal help.

I understand pain.

Here is the problem, dealing with chronic pain & withdrawl simultaneously.

Doing dabs was my salvation. No other method of consumption was able to give me any reasonable amount of relief. Edibles may help with withdrawl but for me were not potent enough to provide pain relief. 5 or 6 big dabs per hour is perfect for me.

Only problem is cashing out over a gram and a half of wax each day.

Titanium domless like the KO Domeless is my fav.
I completely understand your situation. I've battled chronic pain for well over 10yrs. My question is, by doing 5or6 dabs per hr doesn't that make you pretty much zoned out? I mean you must be pretty fricking high all the time. That's been my problem, I can get moderate relief from some types of cannabis but I get pretty high. That's why I usually consume in the evenings when I don't have to go anywhere and don't need to be clear headed. I've been looking into the high CBD strains, but for right now I refuse to pay the ridiculous prices charged at the dispensaries. Hopefully next season ill be able to get some CBD strains to grow myself. This year I was unable to get my hands on any before my season started.


Well-Known Member
I tried high cbd stuff. For me it was a no go. The thc high is part of the relief. Makes the pain that remains not matter so much to me. Its half pain relief and half I don't care.


Well-Known Member
I tried high cbd stuff. For me it was a no go. The thc high is part of the relief. Makes the pain that remains not matter so much to me. Its half pain relief and half I don't care.
Thats the same way I feel. It kinda makes me forget about the pain or at least take my mind off of it.


New Member
I tried high cbd stuff. For me it was a no go. The thc high is part of the relief. Makes the pain that remains not matter so much to me. Its half pain relief and half I don't care.
What CBD strains have you tried?

Many clam to be "CBD rich" but aren't at all. I suffer from chronic pain daily and just started smoking CBD Crews Critical Mass, I have been getting amazing relief from this harvest and its only 12 days cured! Its been 2 days without any of my rick simpson oil and I feel great just smoking this CBD strain. (I usually take .5 to 1 gram of my potent cannabis oil and also smoke 5-7 grams through a bong every single day.) This CBD stuff really works...I understand first hand how high THC numbs the pain however if you had the right dosage of THC to CBD you may get perfect relief or enough to not need dabs all the time. You may find out that a larger CBD dose is what you really need. I still smoke 5-7 grams a day but this CBD Mass actually gives me true peaceful pain relief(without zoning out). It would be nice to only have to smoke a 1/8 or so but I have been medicating for 15 years. I happy with what I got. Studies have shown that CBD can increase the effect of THC making your body able to use it properly, also makes it last longer. You should check out CBD Crew seeds, they dedicate time to true CBD medicine.

My next step is to grind up the bud and make caps. Then I will be able to control my daily pain without picking up a bong every half hour or so.......okay at least not because I have to!!!! bongsmilie
Alright last one of your old threads I resurrect, promise :D

First off, sorry to hear about your troubles with opiates. Have a family member dealing with it and its quite the struggle.

Have you heard of/tried the trans-cutaneous patches in denver? Ive actually never seen them, only heard

Wish you the best of luck in the future bro