I figured I may as well make an account and post on here, I've been browsing around for some time to get an idea of what I'm doing when it comes to Cannabis. This is my first time growing anything, let alone cannabis, so I'm treading the water gently.
This is very much a poor-man's grow though, I did everything for under £50! I got the insulation and such from a friend who grew two plants (Critical Hog and Pineapple Express, I loved the hog and pineapple was lovely to taste) Anyway, onto my strain... no idea what it is, got it in a bag of "Amnesia" but most dealers around here literally have no idea what they are getting... and I can't think the grower was great because the plant must have gone herm in order for me to be getting seeds in my baggies... So yeah, I germinated it for about four days and it had a huge root with tiny little roots shooting off it. Then I popped it into the soil and one day later it was about two inches tall! Is that normal? They must grow seriously fast under perfect conditions!
Onto my setup, I'm using a 12 watt CFL bulb thats in the spectrum for vegetive growth and I've got a few more to add to my grow tent. For the flowering stage I've got several more CFLs in the ideal spectrum for flowering. The grow tent itself is a load of insulation formed into a cylinder with the plant on a raised platform in the center about four inches from the light. I've put a small flap at the bottom side of it to allow some airflow through it and I also use this hole to squirt water to raise the humidity (The grow tent sits bang on 24C and 55% humidity which I read up to be perfect conditions for my little buddy so I'm well happy with that!) To protect the plant from getting any light in its dark period I cover the whole thing with my black dressing gown haha! I've yet to install fans to gently blow on the plant so it bulks up its stalk and to generate some airflow but I'm doing that in good time. I've also got a small gauge I built into the tent that displays the temperature and humidity (I believe the temperature is accurate within +/- 1C and humidity within +/- 1%) I'm using Platon BatMix as the soil, supposedly the best stuff you can get.
I'm sure you're all about to recoil in disgust at this, I did try my best with what I had 
Now is the time I find out my pictures still have EXIF data and I get raided for wanting to grow a fucking plant.
Anyhow, here are some photos of the grow tent. It reminds me of a Dalek. From left to right -> First sprout. Day one. Later that night. Dalek Supreme. Barometer. Inside Dalek Supreme. My little buddy

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I suppose most of you can't believe how dreadful my setup is, but its mine and I bloody love it!