you're so fucking ignorant. First and foremost people can do whatever the hell they want to with their hair. Secondly, people may just like the look of dreads or the beliefs behind it. It doesnt make sense to say that a person needs to be immersed in a certain culture to adopt aspects of it. There are dread heads worldwide..Japan to Egypt to Canada.. and you actually just tried to delegitimize their beleifs because YOU can't think outside the walls of your basement flat in fucking england?I just believe that unless you live within the rastafarian religion there's no need for dreads. It's a bit like wearing a sikh's turban without being a sikh. Odd.
first off I live in a 3 bed semi'. Although I do have plans for more in the very near're so fucking ignorant. First and foremost people can do whatever the hell they want to with their hair. Secondly, people may just like the look of dreads or the beliefs behind it. It doesnt make sense to say that a person needs to be immersed in a certain culture to adopt aspects of it. There are dread heads worldwide..Japan to Egypt to Canada.. and you actually just tried to delegitimize their beleifs because YOU can't think outside the walls of your basement flat in fucking england?
I personally wear dreads as a statement that I wont conform to white america's perception of beauty. Letting my hair do it's natural thing makes me feel more connected to my Carribean and African roots. Both of my brother's were rastas and I'm not down. I'm more of a hippy but there are some of the same premises behind both.
what about just liking dreads for what they are?I just believe that unless you live within the rastafarian religion there's no need for dreads. It's a bit like wearing a sikh's turban without being a sikh. Odd.
Excellent point HighPhi. you forgot to mention the Anglo saxons and Normans, or anybody else that didn't have access to decent hygiene material.what about just liking dreads for what they are?
its just the way i like to wear my hair whatever my resons behind it. am i to assume that there is no need for anyone to shave their head unless they are a natzi, or have long hair they must be a hippie. Many other cultutres have dreads for eg. the sadhus of india the native australian aboriginals etc.
But that why we have these forums to express ones individual thoughts and feelings.
PEACE to everyone
it is. and no but they're playing into it because they're conditioned(no pun intended), and basically brainwashed. The media is controlled by caucasians... it's a fact. and when the TV's perception of beauty is straight hair and highlights and super slim figures (just to make this bigger than race for a moment) then that's what most people growing up intaking that bullshit are going to beleive. I live this shit man. Don't even try to seriously discuss this from an ocean away. You don't know what you're talkign about, really.I didn't actually realise that being a dread was a belief system in itself. White Americas perception of beauty? Don't you mean Americas? If it is white Americas then why is it the case that so many black entertainers conform to it? Are they traitors Jordy? Coconuts?
In what way do I not know what I'm talking about? I'm not trying to discuss anything, I'm telling you the way it is. and no but they're playing into it because they're conditioned(no pun intended), and basically brainwashed. The media is controlled by caucasians... it's a fact. and when the TV's perception of beauty is straight hair and highlights and super slim figures (just to make this bigger than race for a moment) then that's what most people growing up intaking that bullshit are going to beleive. I live this shit man. Don't even try to seriously discuss this from an ocean away. You don't know what you're talkign about, really.
In what way do I not know what I'm talking about? I'm not trying to discuss anything, I'm telling you the way it is.
Yes, you've just explained Americas perception of beauty, well in fact the West's.
I want to hear more about these coconuts that are traitors to true black people like yourself. I know a lot of black people that can't stand niggers, or should that be niggas? "I live this shit, man." LOL.
I have the suspicion that you were the first person to admit to being a racist on my racist bastard thread.