Was George W Bush worshipped and defended like Obama is?

It ain't about Obama, it is about what some avg person perceives. I am Jewish. If someone wants to tell me how bad Bloomberg is, for argument's sake I picked him, then how effective will they be by throwing out antisemitic remarks in the process? We can accomplish more by sticking to issues and doing all we can influence others, not offend them.

When it comes to talking about Jews, I always bring up Einstein.
The Sherrod incident is the classic example of quoting out of context.

Fox and MSNBC are equals on opposite ends of the spectrum. What bothers me is that Fox has the word "News" in its name. MSNBC does not. one calls itself "Fair and Balanced", the other "The Place for Politics". Who is being deceptive?

Both of them skew things to toss red meat to their viewers. Which is fine in and of itself. The problem comes in when people don't see the stations for what they are. If you want news, watch AlJazeera, PBS or possibly CNN. if you want spin on the news to back up your worldview, watch fox or msnbc.

al jazeera? pbs? cnn? those are you unbiased sources? you are CRACKED.
or perhaps...


i figure as long as trying to get health care for americans is the holocaust, then demonizing blacks for no good reason deserves a place up there too.


i figure as long as we are posting nonsensical images and pretending they have some deep meaning, i would throw out some Jackson Pollack.

clearly this "painting" is a cutting indictment of liberalism and racebaiting, as well as Bucky personally.

or maybe the hack picked up the tarp used by some housepainters and found a dullard to pay for it.
I do not equate dislike of Obama with racism. I saw Oprah made some statement, I am not sure if that is what you referring to. i didn't read the story.

But when some uses a derogatory race statement in their criticism one has to wonder how much race may cloud their judgement.

To your point, there are the famous pics that circulated comparing Dubya to a chimp. They were funny but if the same happened with Obama it would be deemed racist. A definite double standard but one explained by a simple concept, cultural sensitivity.

cultural Hyper-Sensitivity you mean.

when you have no defense for indefensible actions all you can do is try and find a Red Herring, and "That's Racist!" is a popular and easy to use option.
It ain't about Obama, it is about what some avg person perceives. I am Jewish. If someone wants to tell me how bad Bloomberg is, for argument's sake I picked him, then how effective will they be by throwing out antisemitic remarks in the process? We can accomplish more by sticking to issues and doing all we can influence others, not offend them.

Bloomberg is JEWISH???

then why are his policies so terribly Fascist?

"random" ethnically targeted searches on the street
gun prohibition
thought control
food rationing
targeting one ethnic minority for pogrom
dictatorial control form an autocratic madman
government control of everything
confiscatory taxes
featherbedding political allies
extra-governmental attacks on political opponents
governmental attacks on political opponents
bombastic rhetoric to inflame the passions of the stupidest

maybe he was taking notes in 1932.
i figure as long as we are posting nonsensical images and pretending they have some deep meaning, i would throw out some Jackson Pollack.

clearly this "painting" is a cutting indictment of liberalism and racebaiting, as well as Bucky personally.

or maybe the hack picked up the tarp used by some housepainters and found a dullard to pay for it.
What's even more amusing is that if a 6'2 black dude wearing a hoodie was walking down bucks lilly white neighborhood, he would shit his huggies and be the first to call the 5.0

Could you imagine buck walking outside saying; Whats up my Nigga! :lol:
I am not a Bloomberg advocate, was just an example.

You call it hypersensitivity, I call it human respect.

Have you actually watched AlJazeera America? It ain't flashy or exciting, but it is balanced. And if you think CNN or PBS are overtly biased, I believe you are letting your personal worldview skew your opinion. CNN is def sensationalized, but biased is not the term that applies.

And the shit about when you have no argument is bullshit. Again showing a lack of ability or desire to open your mind for a while and hear another side. Some of my best friends are very different than me when it comes to this shit. but we can debate, listen, and respect one another without name calling. We also tend to find we agree on more than one may think.
I am not a Bloomberg advocate, was just an example.

You call it hypersensitivity, I call it human respect.

Have you actually watched AlJazeera America? It ain't flashy or exciting, but it is balanced. And if you think CNN or PBS are overtly biased, I believe you are letting your personal worldview skew your opinion. CNN is def sensationalized, but biased is not the term that applies.

And the shit about when you have no argument is bullshit. Again showing a lack of ability or desire to open your mind for a while and hear another side. Some of my best friends are very different than me when it comes to this shit. but we can debate, listen, and respect one another without name calling. We also tend to find we agree on more than one may think.

if you think PBS CNN and Al Jazzeera are balanced journalism, then no, we will have nothing to discuss.

if you approve of crying "That's Racist!" every time you run out if defenses for an indefensible position, then no, we certainly have nothing to talk about

if you think the hypersensitivity that results in the Identity Politics Blame Game represents "respect" then you are a fool.
I am not a Bloomberg advocate, was just an example.

You call it hypersensitivity, I call it human respect.

Have you actually watched AlJazeera America? It ain't flashy or exciting, but it is balanced. And if you think CNN or PBS are overtly biased, I believe you are letting your personal worldview skew your opinion. CNN is def sensationalized, but biased is not the term that applies.

And the shit about when you have no argument is bullshit. Again showing a lack of ability or desire to open your mind for a while and hear another side. Some of my best friends are very different than me when it comes to this shit. but we can debate, listen, and respect one another without name calling. We also tend to find we agree on more than one may think.

First, let me say that I also like AlJazeera but I suspect they are on their best behavior while trying to crack the American market.

Second, if you are wounded by name calling I suggest you run from this place and don't look back.
My comments are directed at the hyper sensitive lefties of RIU who trot out the "you so RACIST" cliches if anybody has the temerity to criticize Obama.

there's a huge difference between disagreeing with a policy and getting personal and acrimonious.
What's even more amusing is that if a 6'2 black dude wearing a hoodie was walking down bucks lilly white neighborhood, he would shit his huggies and be the first to call the 5.0

Could you imagine buck walking outside saying; Whats up my Nigga! :lol:

desert dude likes this.

the only thing that statement proves is your own bigoted fears.

why don't you tell me more about the racial makeup of my neighborhood, if you're too busy joining white supremacy groups along with desert dude.

there you go again.

what you call "hypersensitivity" is just you trying to protect your own little delicate ego and seize the debate by seizing the language.

if you think the problem is with an endless parade of normal people who find you abhorrent, rather than your own speech, then you need to just climb under a fucking rock already and stay there.

now go ahead and blame all your problems on the multicultural wasteland of hypersensitive uber-PC leftists.
Still waiting on you to explain why Obama supports al Qaeda... Bush never did that...

What the fuck are you talking about?
'Obama supports Al Qaeda'
You keep posting it with absolutely nothing to support it....
Are you one of those T-Party anti-education morons who believe abortion should be illegal but 9 year olds should be tried as adults and executed?

Go and write some fan mail to Sarah Palin - at least it will distract you for a while and we won't have to read your idiotic posts.
the only thing that statement proves is your own bigoted fears.

why don't you tell me more about the racial makeup of my neighborhood, if you're too busy joining white supremacy groups along with desert dude.

Yeah, Uncle Buck.
You're not a racist so you must be a white guy who wants to be black.

Try arguing against the faultless logic of that assertion.
You pinko, socialist, distribution of wealth, food for the poor and billionaires paying reasonable taxes communist mother fucker!

By the way - what do you call a Republican intellectual?
Ironic role play.
cultural Hyper-Sensitivity you mean.

when you have no defense for indefensible actions all you can do is try and find a Red Herring, and "That's Racist!" is a popular and easy to use option.

It's not 'Cultural hypersensitivity'.
Black people have been equated with monkeys by all manner of racist for centuries.
You compare Dubya with a chimp it's obviously to do with his proclivity for fucking every thing up.

"The French have no word for entrepreneur".

You compare Obama to a monkey and it's got far more of a racial history and context.

You fucking right wing people are always trying to portray liberals as humourless and pedantic.
The truth is that liberals have a far higher average intelligence and we discuss issues that confuse you.

So it's a simple face saving exercise for you to paint us as boring.
What are you going to do?
Tell the truth and admit our conversations are above your level of understanding?

Sarah Palin is popular with your crowd BECAUSE she's stupid
Not despite it.
It's not 'Cultural hypersensitivity'.
Black people have been equated with monkeys by all manner of racist for centuries.
You compare Dubya with a chimp it's obviously to do with his proclivity for fucking every thing up.

"The French have no word for entrepreneur".

You compare Obama to a monkey and it's got far more of a racial history and context.

You fucking right wing people are always trying to portray liberals as humourless and pedantic.
The truth is that liberals have a far higher average intelligence and we discuss issues that confuse you.

So it's a simple face saving exercise for you to paint us as boring.
What are you going to do?
Tell the truth and admit our conversations are above your level of understanding?

Sarah Palin is popular with your crowd BECAUSE she's stupid
Not despite it.

Oh, my, aren't you just a little lord Fauntleroy? Are you wearing one of those puffy sleeved, fancy shirts that so enrages Alec Baldwin?

Maybe Buck will send you a couple of absentee ballots and you can put in several votes for the Dems this November, they are going to need all the help they can get.
Oh, my, aren't you just a little lord Fauntleroy? Are you wearing one of those puffy sleeved, fancy shirts that so enrages Alec Baldwin?

Maybe Buck will send you a couple of absentee ballots and you can put in several votes for the Dems this November, they are going to need all the help they can get.

again, no Like button bro. wazzup with that.

thats a classy line there, with just the right amount of disdain.