NPK Ratios


New Member
helllo im about to start my first grow and for my nutrients i have

'Grow' 1-1-6
The Perfect Technology: Micro 2-0-0
The Perfect Technology: Bloom 1-3-4

the directions for each are as follow:

Grow: use 4mL per liter during weeks 1 through 6 of your flowering phase, and during all weeks of vegetative growth.

Micro and Bloom: use 4mL per liter during all weeks
use 2 mL per liter for small plants with 3 to 4 sets of leaves
use 1 mL per liter for cuttings and seeds

i have read online i need a ratio of
Seedling: 5-3-4
Vegetative: 5-2-3
Flowering: 5-5-3

and my ratio is looking to be
4-4-10 plus the nutrients from my happy frog soil


-At first I should use this about every week and a half or so in it early development and then I begin using it once a week during vegetative and flowering phases?
-Is my potassium going to be high when it does not need to be? is there really such thing as giving too much of a nutrient as long as it is not every single day?
-What different brands should I get if these are not the right ones?
helllo im about to start my first grow and for my nutrients i have

'Grow' 1-1-6
The Perfect Technology: Micro 2-0-0
The Perfect Technology: Bloom 1-3-4

the directions for each are as follow:

Grow: use 4mL per liter during weeks 1 through 6 of your flowering phase, and during all weeks of vegetative growth.

Micro and Bloom: use 4mL per liter during all weeks
use 2 mL per liter for small plants with 3 to 4 sets of leaves
use 1 mL per liter for cuttings and seeds

i have read online i need a ratio of
Seedling: 5-3-4
Vegetative: 5-2-3
Flowering: 5-5-3

and my ratio is looking to be
4-4-10 plus the nutrients from my happy frog soil


-At first I should use this about every week and a half or so in it early development and then I begin using it once a week during vegetative and flowering phases?
-Is my potassium going to be high when it does not need to be? is there really such thing as giving too much of a nutrient as long as it is not every single day?
-What different brands should I get if these are not the right ones?
I understand that you want to give nutrients to your seedlings? My advice is don't, the seedlings will take nutrients that are available in the soil. After they mature a little (some people use a predetermined number of weeks to know when, some others number of nods) the soil should be almost empty in term of nutrients and that is when you give that nutrient impulse to your lady . I feel like giving nutrients to a young seedling is like giving a Prime Rib Stake to a newly born. Also, something I have heard with nutrients is that it is hard to create predetermined schedules because you should give nutrients based on what you figure your plants need in that moment. If your plant is being high in N why would you give it even more? Cheers! off to my first bowl of the day! bongsmilie


Active Member
The frist stage of nutes tends to be added about 2-3 weeks into the grow as that gives time for your seedling to absorbe the soil nutes as Cannanonymous said above.

Basicv tip which i find help with nutes. in the beginning remember more IS less. with that being said this is roughtly the watering guide i use in my grow over a 2 month period so this should give you a rough idea of how nute feeds work.

week 1 water (this is when the seedling pops out of the soil..)
week 2 water
week 3 water
week 4 water + 1/4 nute feed (This is your first nute feed)
week 5 water
week 6 water
week 7 water
week 8 water mixed with 1/4 or 1/2 depending on how your plant look an handled the first 1/4 feeding..

plants tend to reveal how they feel quite well.


Active Member
well said. Never give a seedling nutes. Easy to burn and kill them. Wait until they need them. 2-3 weeks is a good time frame. Unless for some reason you got some bad soinl and figured out they need a WEAK supply to help them out. The plants will tell you what hey need if you know how to read them. And there are plenty of threads out there that will help you with that. Or If you think your plant has an issue and dont know what to think post some pics and ask. Someone will help you.