how much of an issue is space

As the title states, how big an issue is having a small grow space whereas your plants leaves are touching the side of your grow area?
Could this potentially cause me any problems or is it ok?
This is the only space within the house where I can put them, there's only 2, but as you can see they have filled out the area pretty well, and leaves are touching the walls causing them to bend



Well-Known Member
You really don't have to worry about the leaves touching the walls or the plant next to it. That's OK, but not optimum of course. What are you doing for air movement and filtration? The plants look a little yellow, but that might be the lights. Anyway, they look pretty good. Good luck
You really don't have to worry about the leaves touching the walls or the plant next to it. That's OK, but not optimum of course. What are you doing for air movement and filtration? The plants look a little yellow, but that might be the lights. Anyway, they look pretty good. Good luck
That's good to hear! I don't actually use anything for for ventilation, where they are they actually get a decent breeze throughout the day when the door and window is left open so i assumed that would surfice? As for the colour yeah the lights make them look pretty pale, without them they look a much healthier green!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, yeah it's fine where I live pretty risk free really. Plants don't smell too much at the minute either. Plus it's the UK.. where no crime is really taken that seriously haha.
It might not be taken too seriously in some places, but they'll still make your life a pain. Heck, you say they don't take it too seriously, that lady got confronted with a warrant because she had a heater in her garage to warm her hamsters.

And it stands to reason they don't smell right now, but come flowering, unless you are growing rubbish, they will stink. you will not be able to have anyone into your house who is not going to be told about the grow, because they will smell it. Also consider the postman. It might just be weed but some people can get awfully "good citizen" on your ass.

And remember, once that first grow is busted, it might not get you in any real trouble, but you'll want to be considering moving house before you grow again, and want to be considering that you'll now be on some list somewhere as a possible grower.
It might not be taken too seriously in some places, but they'll still make your life a pain. Heck, you say they don't take it too seriously, that lady got confronted with a warrant because she had a heater in her garage to warm her hamsters.

And it stands to reason they don't smell right now, but come flowering, unless you are growing rubbish, they will stink. you will not be able to have anyone into your house who is not going to be told about the grow, because they will smell it. Also consider the postman. It might just be weed but some people can get awfully "good citizen" on your ass.

And remember, once that first grow is busted, it might not get you in any real trouble, but you'll want to be considering moving house before you grow again, and want to be considering that you'll now be on some list somewhere as a possible grower.
Good point! They've just started flowering so when the smell gets to the point when you can smell them from other rooms in the house, I will sort some sort of filtration. I dread to think of not being able to grow my personal supply and having to pay big money for the crap that's sold around here!

The hamster thing I never heard of! That's hillarious on the police's part! Shows how much time they have on their hands!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Good point! They've just started flowering so when the smell gets to the point when you can smell them from other rooms in the house, I will sort some sort of filtration. I dread to think of not being able to grow my personal supply and having to pay big money for the crap that's sold around here!

The hamster thing I never heard of! That's hillarious on the police's part! Shows how much time they have on their hands!
Yeah. Was a couple of years ago. can't recall complete story, think the lady might even have been a lawyer. But yup, they all rocked up claiming it was a cannabis farm to find a couple of fluff balls shivering in the garage. Muppets.

Given your statement about it being the only place in the house to grow, just make sure you also have the space for the fan and filter, because they are in no way small contraptions. an alternative might be to look into a suitable ozone gen or such, although there is the potential health issue that comes with it.

Once it is really budding, you will want to keep constant air circulation, not just when doors and windows are open, else you will risk mould and bye bye crop.


Well-Known Member
As the title states, how big an issue is having a small grow space whereas your plants leaves are touching the side of your grow area?
Could this potentially cause me any problems or is it ok?
This is the only space within the house where I can put them, there's only 2, but as you can see they have filled out the area pretty well, and leaves are touching the walls causing them to bend

I see under feeding issue with your plants.

As to the UK not being serious.

I had 8 coppers come through my door for 4 plants.



Active Member
They look good to me. Not sure if the tops leaves are yellow or is that from the light? I grow in a growbox, the plants are always hitting the sides. They just grow upward to compensate I guess. Your plant is going to be 3/4 times as tall once you bud it, do you have enough vertical space?


Well-Known Member
Paint the walls in there flat white for reflection.
Hello Marijuanga91,
I am also a Brit and, sadly, the Police seem to have returned to paying considerable attention to small time growers.
They're even posting a 'scratch and sniff' card around certain areas so people can familiarise themselves with the aroma of growing plants.
You'd think they'd have better things to be getting on with (like tackling crimes With ACTUAL victims) but, there you go.

I would buy some sheets of reflective mylar. Silver diamond stuff is very effective and inexpensive from several e-bay sellers.
It will not cost much more than the price of painting your space white - and it will be far more reflective (thus far more effective).

Ventilation: Fan and filter.
This is worth buying just for the peace of mind that it will bring you during flowering season.
The alternative is one hell of an obvious stink that makes you an easy target for Police or bad men who know you can't call the cops to report some home invaders have stolen your home grown cannabis.
But that's not even half the benefit of good ventilation.
Humidity can be a problem and the only thing that prevents it is good ventilation.
High temperatures are also an issue that good ventilation combats.

Seriously, mate.
Sort out your ventilation situation before buds form and announce they're arrival with uncontrollable amounts of highly distinctive odour.
PM me and I'll send you a link that tells you how to work out the best sized fans and filters for your particular growing space.

PS - don't believe the Grow Shops when they say that 1.2 x 1.2 m spaces need only 4'' fans.
It's bullshit and you'll need a bigger fan before the end of our second month of growing.
Buy the right equipment first time and do not fall for the false economy of very small fans.


Well-Known Member
The real stink comes when you start trimming, whether indoors or outdoors. I trimmed in my garage this season, with all doors closed, and the whole house stunk for weeks. The smell seems to leak right through doors.