Yellow Dots on the leaves!


Hey guys whats up?
I have this Easy Ryder bought straight from lowryder, growing outdoor on my penthouse. Everything was fine, until this annoying light yellow spots started to pop, also, one of the oldest leaves are showing some signs of decaying. takes sun light all day long since it is on the top of a building (about 13 hours).

The plant is 25 days old, takes sun light all day long since it is on the top of a building (about 13 hours). During the first week, the weather was really bad, but since than its been ok. I water it regularly, according to the plant need by the moment, and since i stay home a lot im always able to check it. Im feeding it weekly with a biofertilizer for growth.

Since i live in Brazil, the weather is generally good... No bizarre temperature drops etc. Humidity is mostly around 70-80%.

I think it could be a pH problem, since polution here is a bit of a problem. So what u guys think? ?

Also, I´ve seen some really small brown-yellowish flies around my plant. Are those harmful in any way? neem-oil should get rid of it??

Here are some pics....



Well-Known Member
yep most likely i agree that it could be spider mites those things are bitches to get rid off. check under the leaves and see if theres eggs. the yellow spots are most likely the cause of spider mites and soon you will see white spots flashing in your eyes or i could be wrong, if you think its water ph problem then either get a distiller or buy some mineral water


i know what u mean.... those spider mites... does it fly? cause what i notice is a bunch of flies hanging around my plant during the day... during the night nothing....
I spayed my plant with some infusion made from organic tobacco.. the number of flies decreased significantly... should i spray some more?

on the leave that looks rot/dry (check pics), one can see some white "traces"/"stains"; is that what u mean by "white spots"?
other plant i had, had spots just like that... than i found out it was some kind of worms that fed out of leaves leaving its trace behind...

why does those creeps appear in the first place? howcome the other plants in my garden are not aswell infested as my girl?


It's not fucking spider mites are u kidding me, very rarely you get a expert gower in here giving you good info, half u guess talking about spider mites never even had them before.. you have a ph problem your ph is too low an your plants are pulling nutrients out of the leaves bc of nut lock. Or you have a mag deff. Try cal mag if your ph isn't off. An look up what spider mites actually do to your leaves lol


I have the exact same problem. The one reason I no its not bugs is bc I've never checked my ph an I have always used ciity tap water an always had the same problem. Your problem more an likely Is you ph is office by a little an your soil is very low on magnesium -Ma. So once u get your ph fixed get some Cal-mag to boost your soil mag count.. or just get new soil an do not use any non organic miracle grow soil that had time released fertilizers. EVER ! IF u do ever have to use it, use it as a hot base on the bottom of your pot an fill the rest with potting soil, organic potting soil. Your soil is probably acidic try adding a little baking soda to your water till proper Ph up/down kit. 2 tbsp per 5 gallons or 1.5 tbsp per 2,5 gallons or 1/2 per 2 quarts /2 liter pop bottles


Well-Known Member
It's not fucking spider mites are u kidding me, very rarely you get a expert gower in here giving you good info, half u guess talking about spider mites never even had them before.. you have a ph problem your ph is too low an your plants are pulling nutrients out of the leaves bc of nut lock. Or you have a mag deff. Try cal mag if your ph isn't off. An look up what spider mites actually do to your leaves lol
First, ONRZ, he isn't in soil, he is in hydroton (regarding your second post). Second, that looks exactly like the beginnings of a spider mite problem.

Get a pH tester and get that in check. If I'm right and you're in pure clay pellets, pH to about 5.8. However, I wouldn't change anything other than that until you get a scope and check thoroughly for mites, and get rid of them. A tiny bit of dawn dishsoap mixed with water in a misting bottle, then mist the bottom of all the leaves. After 30 mins, mist heavily with pH water. Do this once or twice per day.

....and on another note, ONRZ, you're here barking that experts rarely give good advice? Have you read any of your posts or threads, even from within the last few weeks? Are you the expert who determines what good advice is?


ps. I can 100% assure you that I've had spider mites. Just last week in fact. I killed two small candidate mothers because of them, and was able to clean up a couple of other plants and keep them healthy.


Don't tell him its spider mites bc he would see them, dont act like im wrong either he has. A ph or mag problem. My advise is better then telling someone they have something base off some dots. He said he didnt THINK he had them so listen to him. Half you retards say the dumbish shit ever bc you think it but u have never had it. Dont feed ppl BS! if he had mites he would have seen them there not invisible. Ya it looks a little like spider mites WITHOUT THE MITES IDIOT! LOL. he is in hrdyo its deffly a ph problem, keep in mide dude I have the same thing happening to my plant's, if your were its getting cold keep your temps regulated.


That's what spider mites look like an this was taken with a camera. Don't come in here acting all smart shit an Turing around saying the same shit i did without the soil. My post never get answer's bc no one knows whats wrong, so ya I do no what im talking about.

You fucking idiots are going to make this dude brush down his plants for nothing leaving him with his thumb up his ass after it doesn't fix it. Give him a reasonable answer, so he dosnt do all that shit for nothing. Hrdyo is a high risk for having ph problems if your just starting out on hrdyo or a new grower altogether...
