China to start shipping chicken for humans to US markets

How do you feel about eating food from China?

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Without border control it's inevitable. We have the 80's to look at as proof.

Here's one that will blow your mind. I'm not a border person. I feel as an Earthling, I should be able to go anywhere I want on Earth as long as I'm not trampling on private property. So for me, I say let them all in.

Knowing I feel this way (let them in, let them stay), yet I still proclaim that there will be an "invasion" as you put it, do you think I'm saying that because of my agenda? When I say this will increase the labor supply at time when we are experiencing a labor glut in this country, is that because of my agenda? You need to get off the team mentality, it will free your mind.

Our southern border has never been tighter or more highly manned
Deportations have never been this high in the history of the USA

And as to the labor glut.
Go look at craiglist.
Hundreds of jobs going unfulfilled everyday
Our southern border has never been tighter or more highly manned
Deportations have never been this high in the history of the USA

And as to the labor glut.
Go look at craiglist.
Hundreds of jobs going unfulfilled everyday

So in your opinion, amnesty wouldn't cause others to sneak in and claim residence?

Are you also claiming a glut of middle class worthy jobs being unfulfilled (or just "jobs")?

Agree or disagree? "there is more unskilled labor in this country than there are decent paying jobs requiring unskilled labor". It's a basic supply and demand question.
Our southern border has never been tighter or more highly manned
Deportations have never been this high in the history of the USA

And as to the labor glut.
Go look at craiglist.
Hundreds of jobs going unfulfilled everyday

So we got like a bandaid at the bottom of a sieve and you are proud that the bandaid keeps in 1% of the water??? Millions of people cross the border illegally each year. Regan was facing this shit 30 years ago. This problem could be solved if the political hacks in washington wanted to.

They throw you some statistics that say it is better and you are happy with their failure.

Why are your standards so low?
Our southern border has never been tighter or more highly manned
Deportations have never been this high in the history of the USA

And as to the labor glut.
Go look at craiglist.
Hundreds of jobs going unfulfilled everyday

illegal immigration is low because there are no jobs worth crossing the desert for.

if you cannot survive on the wage offered, then you cannot send money home to mexico, thus there is no use in crossing.

you may as well be desperately poor in mexico as the US, and you dont have to learn a new language.
So in your opinion, amnesty wouldn't cause others to sneak in and claim residence?

Are you also claiming a glut of middle class worthy jobs being unfulfilled (or just "jobs")?

Agree or disagree? "there is more unskilled labor in this country than there are decent paying jobs requiring unskilled labor". It's a basic supply and demand question.

What amnesty?
paying a fine, back taxes and fees and waiting at least a decade for a chance at citizenship is amnesty?
And the answer is no. There is not supply glut of unskilled labor. If there was they wouldnt have jobs
Free market in action

Not even close. The free market would not involve import or export restrictions, fees, etc. Nor would there be wage controls. Also the free market would not "socialize the cost" of transporting products to the consumer via public roads.
I've had the displeasure of trying Chinese frozen fish and it tasted like garbage. I'm glad I don't eat chicken anymore
Free market ? Is that what we are calling it now ? It seems the other day it was called fair trade, but thats a bad name "fair" and "trade" there's nothing fair about China's toxic toys,dog treats,baby formula, and there views of human rights "None" and now the word trade would seem to imply we sale them some shit they sell us some shit, but there trade deal is not trade at all it's "SUCTS" or Send Us Cheap Toxic Shit.
China is truly the asshole of the world.

Damn those government regulations that attempt to keep Americans safe from lead and toxins. We already have too many regulations, We should have the RIGHT to purchase any toy we want, regardless of what it is and how it is injurious to our children. If they value their customer base eventually, when enough children grow up retarded and handicapped, China will amend it's business practices and only send us safe food and toys.

After all, the free market is self correcting.
Damn those government regulations that attempt to keep Americans safe from lead and toxins. We already have too many regulations, We should have the RIGHT to purchase any toy we want, regardless of what it is and how it is injurious to our children. If they value their customer base eventually, when enough children grow up retarded and handicapped, China will amend it's business practices and only send us safe food and toys.

After all, the free market is self correcting.

Those same government regulations gave us the false sense of security that high-fructose corn syrup, trans-fats and steroid injected animals were all good for us. They created a monopoly for Heinz (at his urging, shocking I know), Thalidomide was allowed on the market and promoted as a wonder drug, VIOXX killed a few while safer cheaper COX II inhibitors from other nations are not allowed...

The free market also has to correct government regulations, that's a lot to demand.
Are you saying Obama has made the US so shit the illegals are going back to Mexico?

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you think AC lives in mexico for the scenery?

the cost of living in an impoverished nation is much lower, so a small stipend that would have you living in a cardboard box or moving back in with your parents in the US provides an ample income in mexico.

when the economy gets back in shape and unemployment starts dropping (someday) the southern border will once again be swarming with poor people trying to get a piece of the pie.

the curerent pie is so small and shitty they dont want a slice, so they are actually LEAVING for home.

if washington wasnt dedicated to two equally self-serving policies they would secure the ingress from the south now.

the right loves cheap labour, so they want desperate mexicans to cross over and work their ultra-low wage seasonal jobs as a perpetual underclass of landless vagabonds

the left thinks that increasing the population from a nation steeped in marxist ideology will improve their electoral success, so they want mexico to send over all the proles and useful idiots they can spare, especially the ones who dont even realize they are marxists.
I thought the US shipped chicken feet to China?

we do.

chicken feet are a delicacy in china, but are considered trash here.

our chicken feet are wholesome and healthy, and came off actual chickens, not pigeon feet injected with silicone and antifreeze to make them look more chickeny
Damn those government regulations that attempt to keep Americans safe from lead and toxins. We already have too many regulations, We should have the RIGHT to purchase any toy we want, regardless of what it is and how it is injurious to our children. If they value their customer base eventually, when enough children grow up retarded and handicapped, China will amend it's business practices and only send us safe food and toys.

After all, the free market is self correcting.

This post is wrong and misleading on so many levels. I may have to put the pipe down long enough to address it, or maybe I will leave it for the vultures to pick over and return later.

In the meantime, coffee, wake and bake and shake my head. Damn.
It's not China's fault.

It's the walmart/dollarama type shoppers that buy this crap by the truck full. People gobble this cheap shit up like candy,
use it for a bit until it wears out or breaks and then go back for a replacement.

Sure, walmart has good deals on some stuff, but really at what cost in the end?

If you support walmart with your money, you support the sale of cheap products and the market it has created.
I think we are going to send them chicken and there going to possess it, and make it toxic then send it back if I read the site articular right.