help please guys?

Hi everyone, think I have the start of a little problem here, I know it's nothing too bad at the minute but just wanna resolve the problem asap before it escalates. Anyone have any ideas what could be turning my leaves slightly brown on the edges and making them curl up? They've just started their 3rd week of flowering.
Attatched some pics, can't see the Browning too well but the pics are the best I can take.

Any help greatly apreciated!



Well-Known Member
Looks like a nute burn to me. I burned my last batch of bubba a little bit with too much flower nutes and it looked a lot like that. If it is a nute burn just flush her out with some ph'ed water and you should be good to go. Hope this helps and good luck.


I think its heat stress over nute burn because the leaves are bending upwards and burnt, instead of pointing down when there is nute burn.
what kind of light do you have?

you could either:
a) raise your lights
b) cool your lights - if you cant get a cool tube, try to get a fan set up diagonally to the lights so heat is pushed away from the plants.

good luck!


Well-Known Member
It could be a little bit of both, right? Some heat and some xs nutes?

Anyway I like the approach, run 'em fast and hot.

I get this symptom as well, just dose plain water or 1/4 nutes for a week or two.

Peace - AIM
Thanks everyone for the input! So it's bound to be one of the 2, either nute burn or heat stress.
So I have made more vertical room by dismantling shelves, and moved the cfl's about 8 inches away (if this is still too little please correct me) whereas they were only about 3 inches away before, and removed the blackout curtain when the lights are on as I believe this may have just been magnifying the heat. And I will just give them water only next time, and lower the dosage of nutrients thereon after! Can never be top carefull as I really want a good smoke for around Xmas time :)