
Well-Known Member
How many plants can you grow Dlopez?I know your under restrictions for being a legal grow as to how many plants you can grow?
Is there any other larger facility's for you to grow in? Basements are ideal.
If you had it you could make that biatch go CHING,CHING. CHING,CHING,CHING,CHING,CHING,Without missing a beat.
I know of a guy who grows 2 plants under a 1000 watt,16 1000s he grows them to 6 to 8 ft tall and has to move them from veg to bloom with a forklift.40 gallon containers of soilless caged in with a built platform under it with the tank put under the platform that is transportable with a fork lift.Its drip hydro.

Damn with that size you would think he would veg and bloom in the same area! Seems like more trouble then its worth lol. Big ass power bill to for just one cycle. Does he train them?? or just let them grow into trees?


Well-Known Member
The guy im talking about has a separate vegetative area,The plants are vegged for months before they go in as trees.They reach around 8 ft tall indoors with nothing but top colas scrogged in a cage.Yea it costs money to run a business operation.
For every four lamps i have in bloom i have one lamp in veg to run the cutting to size before they go over into bloom.
Yea they are trained to dozens of colas at the top.
There is no waste of power at all in my veg room.The veg lights have to be running anyway.No matter how long i veg them for.I would imagine he is running 4 1000 watt lamps to support 16 1000 watt lights on his bloom side.I would imagine it would take around 6 months for him to veg until they are ready for bloom.
If the dry weight numbers the guy is giving me are correct it is well worth his time spent.3.5 lbs per plant.


Well-Known Member
oh when you said 8 foot tall, I pictured an outdoor style looking bush or tree with no training. I guess I am missing something....how do you have something 8 foot tall and it still be scrogged?? the whole point of a scrog was spreading a plant horizontally so it doesn't get tall. Can you explain what I am missing?? 3.5 pounds is a great number, but what I always think about in that situation is he has 6 months of veg bills plus the flower time electricity just for one harvest. Doesn't seem like the most efficient way in my mind


Well-Known Member
Ssssiiiigggghhhh well lopez you were right, have seen a distinct difference in bud size between the Space bomb i treated with myco and the one i didnt , and as of the last two weeks the one has been having a lot of deficiencies while the other was only mg hungry. Had to house sit for someone for a week so i took it easy on the feed cus the burn on the tips was starting to spread, like a lil burn so i know i am pushing them but it was spreading, didnt look at them for ONE day and shit kust came on... Needless to say the myco is an all time additiv nowe lol, mow if i can just get a better source. Side note the deficient one is starting to fade to nice purple color that is spreading to the calyxes, gonna flush em for a week and call it a wrap. Oh and 1 last thing been blasting em with co2 like i seen ya do and thing it kicked their metabolism in the ass and what started bringing on these deficiencies.


Well-Known Member
hey lopez, do you add myco to your teas or to the soil? I been adding it into the tea in the last few hours of brewing, but someone told me that it would be better served going into the soil...thoughts?


Well-Known Member
hey lopez, do you add myco to your teas or to the soil? I been adding it into the tea in the last few hours of brewing, but someone told me that it would be better served going into the soil...thoughts?
Use granular for soil and teas.. Great White and Extreme Garding. You cant overdue the Mycos. The more u add the bigger the roots


Well-Known Member
Ssssiiiigggghhhh well lopez you were right, have seen a distinct difference in bud size between the Space bomb i treated with myco and the one i didnt , and as of the last two weeks the one has been having a lot of deficiencies while the other was only mg hungry. Had to house sit for someone for a week so i took it easy on the feed cus the burn on the tips was starting to spread, like a lil burn so i know i am pushing them but it was spreading, didnt look at them for ONE day and shit kust came on... Needless to say the myco is an all time additiv nowe lol, mow if i can just get a better source. Side note the deficient one is starting to fade to nice purple color that is spreading to the calyxes, gonna flush em for a week and call it a wrap. Oh and 1 last thing been blasting em with co2 like i seen ya do and thing it kicked their metabolism in the ass and what started bringing on these deficiencies.
Thank Max for that little tip
.. I love Mycos


Well-Known Member
Some more...

Dr.Who bush...

After i tied everything down, i waited 3 days then topped everything.

Lokking like 25+ colas on each lady.

In a week imma tie down again and topp everything one moee time..

I love all the space...


Well-Known Member
Some more...

Dr.Who bush...

After i tied everything down, i waited 3 days then topped everything.

Lokking like 25+ colas on each lady.

In a week imma tie down again and topp everything one moee time..

I love all the space...


Well-Known Member
Node spacing is so freakng tight.. Even tge ladies under the 400w.. Tganks Max.

Your never told to learn something new


Well-Known Member
oh when you said 8 foot tall, I pictured an outdoor style looking bush or tree with no training. I guess I am missing something....how do you have something 8 foot tall and it still be scrogged?? the whole point of a scrog was spreading a plant horizontally so it doesn't get tall. Can you explain what I am missing?? 3.5 pounds is a great number, but what I always think about in that situation is he has 6 months of veg bills plus the flower time electricity just for one harvest. Doesn't seem like the most efficient way in my mind
The way i view it the veg light has to run anyway. I count it as a normal expenditure of operating costs.I use tomato cages to support my plants..i dont know if would technically be called a scrog but is simular.They have cages built around them placed on a pallet . the pallet is moved by a fork lift and sit on a stand that the res is under.The containers are then hooked up to a drip system and nutes changed every week.
I do really well with a 600 watt scrogged. I get about as much out of a 600 as many do with a 1000 watt.I will be looking for a place i can run 1000 watts soon.


Well-Known Member
Node spacing is so freakng tight.. Even tge ladies under the 400w.. Tganks Max.

Your never told to learn something new
Im a old dog and i learn new tricks all the time.If your not fucking something up though your not trying hard enough.
Thanks for the update . i cant wait to see the grow when you flip the light fantastic.


Well-Known Member
If the guy is running 16 lamps at 2 plants per lamp.He has two sections of 16 plants each that run through every month.All he would need to do is have another 16 plants ready per month.
as you have your plants vegetating in stages under four lamps.The first lamp would have plants vegetating in two gallon buckets.I would think i would be able to fit around 40 to fifty of them under the first lamp .The second lamp in veg would have around 25 or so under it . the next two lamps would have around ten plants each under them in ten gallon containers.I think 16 plants each would be able to be run with small movers over the plant in a short sweep.I can count a supply of six months out with them coming out of veg on time. If you did it and done the whole room at the same time it would require more space in veg as you would have to many plants that would have to get to large at the same time taking up to much veg space.480 ounces a month coming off.
That would pay for allot of light bill.