The UK Growers Thread!

rippers are about again, it's the best time of year for them little fuckers!. my mates got robbed (sorta).

his plants died on him when he went away for a weekend and the fans tripped, i replaced them for him but obviously he was weeks behind, they would have been at 8 weeks when the rats broke in if they hadn't of got crispified when he went away. they must have had a good clue what was going on in the house, he reckons the neighbour over the road has bent them on. as it was they were only a week in 12/12 so they cut their losses and robbed his fans and canna a+b, fucking jokers!.

they are worse than grasses, they left the tents open so the whole street was glowing orange for my mate the poor bastard.

take care everybody!

and i don't have any crops before christmas, or ever for that matter, i don't even grow!.:shock:
sorry to hear about your problems, at least you are still here to tell the tale though.

is that your growing career over?
2nd grow bust from last december, 7 plants, then the meat cleaver in march............ive stopped growin in my house but i keep a small grow going with a mate, just a handful of plants.
agreed, I think you guys are mad for doing it but I have seem how well people package things now but I still wouldn't like to chance it,risks 2 high.

not if u have a safe addy to get it posted to, u aint gonna get much hassle if a cpl grams get caught in the post. not that much risk involved at all tbh
thats bollox dura mate, feel for ya, least ur still technically a free man and still got a little grow on the side. onwards and upwards :)
i was just thinking, my whole family and pretty much everybody else i know has had a fucking awful year.
is anybody doing well out there?, i can't wait to get 2013 out the way.
same here ghb has been a shite year, dura you had a result i thought youd been banged up.

and as for the fannys bout the posting shit, messing with mail is a serious crime even if that parcel stank of green postman are advised to still post it and then report to there superior, but royal mail are the best drug couriers in the game lol over ten years now i sent shit never lost a thing uk to uk.
well i was hoping some chirpy bastard would pop up and say, yes it's been the best year of my life blah blah blah, cunt!.
tbh i was expecting a sentence, round about the 6-9 month mark so yeah its a result, cant be fucked doin time now also it would have fucked my uni degree right up, the evictions no sweat either coz i was plannin on packin my flat in anyway next summer, its too small for a start and ive been busted here twice so its too well known by plod. cant really complain.
Unlucky man would u rather do time or all the shit you got?? Wank mate what did u do again??

2nd growing bust , 7 plants, then went out my flat with a meat cleaver to the security door as i thought i was gettin a bit of bother turned out to be two fuckin coppers, offensive weapon charge.
that is fucking rough, i take it it is not an offensive weapon in your property but once you leave the flat it's classed as one?. i have had my bummings from the bastards over the years but that is quite bad.