CHILL WINSTON! GG's escape to paradise!


Well-Known Member
Go to the homepage and clink the section titled Newbies. once there you will see a button on the top left that says start new thread, click it.



Well-Known Member
Go to the homepage and clink the section titled Newbies. once there you will see a button on the top left that says start new thread, click it.

gg, come on its just another forum, but no one is as good as gg, gg is the most nigga rich nigga of rip. god another person with a 1,000 posts who is all full of themself. I understand he's tainting your little journal with all those wonderful pics of plastic and dirt. but so am I...right now...cry me a river:-|? I guess when you don't have much you gotta take solice in something, like growing a million plants and then sticking your nose up at people about it. its ok gg Ive come to learn that your the rip "pro", huh? three cheers for gg!! hiphip. master gg can I do anything for you!!??ANYTHING?? anything to look upon your masterful grow op! OH GG!!! oh wow. thank you and farwell.



Well-Known Member
i'll get some updated pics when i can gg....that grow is still going....but like i said plant counts....i can only say that if you stay doing this under high denisty sog status....use clones that are well established an about 6inches may find that after this run you'll want to do bigger plants again.....cause i hand water an do all that ish as well an man is it time consuming...also i hope you have strong fingers an someone to help...cause your gonna need it triming all that bud every couple weeks...:D....peace az


Well-Known Member
its sad when an old perlite, bucket, and "I can put my schlong on my 1000w after 12hrs" thread gets hijacked. hey did you guys know I can uh, put my face on a hot plate (if I wanted to) (which I do) (want to do) (right now). ow. but hey fighting adversity! thats what this country is built on. assuming gg is from america. which I doubt. buck fush!!!
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Well-Known Member
Are your doing ok today assrabbi? Im not sure if I was insulted or complimented?

I told that guy in another thread to start his own thread, so then he came and posted the same thing in here. I was like WTF.

then it showed up in the newbie section, I answered it, then The general section where it got like 10 answers? I dunno, did I piss you off or something?


Well-Known Member
NO NO, Im never mad, I wish you could see my dimples and big smile, Im always chinc eyed and smiling (stereotypical). I was just typing and amusing myself, poking fun at you? thats what I was gettin at. I didn't mean to fuk up your journal, just havin a bit of fun with my laptop:hump:. seriousness...uh nice huge growroom, what is that gonna yield, a truck? I wish I lived in your town, its such a big op, intense, but hey thats what Id be doin if I had more than a closet to grow with. will the 1000w light 400 plants, I think thats the figure you said. I guess your doing SOG so all the lights gonna get sucked up. By the way you pushed me to go to htg and get this 600w digi, thank you. I am very very happy with it. Im getting the same euro reflector. is it good? Whats up with your exhaust why do you have two dryer hoses on that sucker, or did you just do it like that? by the way Im awesome today, HOW ARE YOU!?!?! wakenbake with some ogkush Im soarin!:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:I cant wait to see your room in bloom gg, STINKY, your gonna need to double carbon scrub that, wont smell a thing. Ive been thinking about doing clones in coco but Ive heard that you have to adjust the ph. any ideas. I'm pretty sure Im gonna go with a hempy bucket, I just read up on it and it seems easy. 1..2..4 smoke!!!
help how do u gremanate and prevent mold build up. i see your like a high times jr. me am drinking milk lol...any way any help would help look like u know what your doing an am new to the and i dont want to go asking every one and there mother so i came to the smart one ?um i dont know how to show my post but smoke on tell later and .........


Well-Known Member
help how do u gremanate and prevent mold build up. i see your like a high times jr. me am drinking milk lol...any way any help would help look like u know what your doing an am new to the and i dont want to go asking every one and there mother so i came to the smart one ?um i dont know how to show my post but smoke on tell later and .........
wtf ?


Well-Known Member
help how do u gremanate and prevent mold build up. i see your like a high times jr. me am drinking milk lol...any way any help would help look like u know what your doing an am new to the and i dont want to go asking every one and there mother so i came to the smart one ?um i dont know how to show my post but smoke on tell later and .........
take it to another thread.:peace:


Well-Known Member
NO NO, Im never mad, I wish you could see my dimples and big smile, Im always chinc eyed and smiling (stereotypical). I was just typing and amusing myself, poking fun at you? thats what I was gettin at. I didn't mean to fuk up your journal, just havin a bit of fun with my laptop:hump:. seriousness...uh nice huge growroom, what is that gonna yield, a truck? I wish I lived in your town, its such a big op, intense, but hey thats what Id be doin if I had more than a closet to grow with. will the 1000w light 400 plants, I think thats the figure you said. I guess your doing SOG so all the lights gonna get sucked up. By the way you pushed me to go to htg and get this 600w digi, thank you. I am very very happy with it. Im getting the same euro reflector. is it good? Whats up with your exhaust why do you have two dryer hoses on that sucker, or did you just do it like that? by the way Im awesome today, HOW ARE YOU!?!?! wakenbake with some ogkush Im soarin!:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:I cant wait to see your room in bloom gg, STINKY, your gonna need to double carbon scrub that, wont smell a thing. Ive been thinking about doing clones in coco but Ive heard that you have to adjust the ph. any ideas. I'm pretty sure Im gonna go with a hempy bucket, I just read up on it and it seems easy. 1..2..4 smoke!!!
Well we are hoping to harvest at least 4 trucks every 2.5 weeks :)

Oh and there are 3 1000 watt lights for the 315 plants. :joint:

As for the euro reflector, IDK its ok i guess, I wish it had more lateral spread, I feel I should have gone with the cooltube setup instead, it doesnt really seal as well as it should at all, I would have to reccomend the cooltube...

The exhaust has a inline fan for each light so the lights are ventilated sperately from each other. Its not ideal and its only temporary, until our 980cfm fan arrives with our Water Boiler sized carbon scrubber!

Im doing ok, extremly busy today though.

My Mylar arrived, although it wasnt mylar.?? they sent me a roll of W+B poly film???

I like it more though so Hell Yeah!!!!