yep, the problem is with everyone else, not people like you guys who join white supremacy groups and loathe multiculturalism.
that's the ticket.
keep deluding yourselves and wondering why everyone thinks you are racist.
the problem is with EVERYBODY ELSE, not you.
you poor things.
so Petey Greene is a white supremacist?
he wanted black people toi stand up on their own two feet and claim their rightful place in america, while you prefer they rely on government, bound by invisible chains of dependence.
Petey said it loud and proud, Be Yourself, dont let nobody tell you how to live how to think or how to eat a watermelon.
of course you dont like Peetey, he was proud self sufficient, and didnt need anybody to help him be what he was, a Black Man in America.
but thats racist now.
because of SES.