Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w


Well-Known Member
Thanks that's what I thought.I gave my brother a sample and he called wright back saying they want to buy all I have wow only been in the jar less than a week


Well-Known Member

Hey those packs are used all the time for cigar storage. You can buy several of those packs and turn any airtight container into a perfect curing chamber.

Its probably much cheaper than getting them from cvault, but Im not sure.

62% not pictured but they are available.

Edit: I do think they would make things easier, but Im already super hands on with my buds and find mine are curing nicely with good moisture content, from what I can tell by touch. I think I'll pick a few up and see what Im missing out on.


Well-Known Member
How long should the leaf be in there?
I am going to buy a new RH mete tomorrow before I do anything though to verify low reading, but yeah everything was hella dry when I jarred it actually.


Well-Known Member
They will still cure above 25%, personally I always dry them the rest of the way right before toking. I feel like the taste is inhibited by moisture, I like less than 20% that's just me I guess.


Well-Known Member
I find when my buds are too dry the smoke becomes harsh. I don't know what the rh in my jars are so I don't have any solid info!


Well-Known Member
I am gonna pluck some lil leaves and throw em in my jars.
Do I leave em in overnight or forever?
Whats the norm with that?


Well-Known Member
Depends how dry your buds are, I'd check every few hrs but wouldn't do it overnight. It works surprisingly well, one small leaf should do it.


Well-Known Member
I find that if I keep the soil soaking wet the week before harvest the buds are much smoother over all.
These were outdoor in garbage cans, and I had em wet since I was flooding them everyday to flush em except for the ones I chopped that had mold issues.


Well-Known Member
So drop leaf on top or place in middle?
I have the half gallon jars.
Try both and see :-) Iv just put them on top.

I find that if I keep the soil soaking wet the week before harvest the buds are much smoother over all.
Good to know :-) I used to let them dry out before harves but eventually found wilty leafs were more of a pain to trim. Not sure if I noticed anything in the end product though.


Well-Known Member
At this day my RH is 63% so I'm not planning on opening the jars till newyears.I never gave my buds a good cure but this time I will damn it.I gave a sample of moonshine out and she said its good as fuck but was a lil damp in the middle. So that's my story