Is this a sign of Nitrogen toxicity or over watering?


Well-Known Member
First off, those pix are crappy... Looks like pic 1 is CFL burn on the leaves....FYI: Tips pointing down = soil/water/nutes issues....Tips pointing up = Heat/wind/environment issues... Good Luck !


Well-Known Member
Master blaster, first off--cool name. I am picturing you sitting at your computer after finishing a round in the thunder dome. Any who...

Yeah, it might be a little nitrogen toxicity, but it is definitely nute burn. What week are you in? Around 4-5? Those buds look pretty developed, so I would think the leaves would start giving themselves up pretty soon--definitely not be as dark as they are.

Also, over watering can lock out nitrogen, but usually only happens in seedlings. That's a neat piece of info about the leaves pointing up or down, I'm gonna remember that.


New Member
Master blaster, first off--cool name. I am picturing you sitting at your computer after finishing a round in the thunder dome. Any who...

Yeah, it might be a little nitrogen toxicity, but it is definitely nute burn. What week are you in? Around 4-5? Those buds look pretty developed, so I would think the leaves would start giving themselves up pretty soon--definitely not be as dark as they are.

Also, over watering can lock out nitrogen, but usually only happens in seedlings. That's a neat piece of info about the leaves pointing up or down, I'm gonna remember that.
I am About 6 and a half weeks into flowering, I only use Azomite and water, but when I got her I transplanted her into new soil (FoxFarm Ocean Forest) when she was a baby and that is when I got the brown spots on the leaves. They have been on her for about her whole life. I just noticed the leaves starting to point down last night when I went to turn out the light. I just leached her this morning, so I am hoping that I have cleaned her soil and we are good. Any other advice you can give me would be great. And I actually have a Thunder Dome with Midgets (Small People) and I am the Master Blaster. Undefeated!!


Well-Known Member
Haha, nice. Yeah, I use fox farms also and it is definitely a HOT soil, loaded with nutrients. Many people claim that it is too hot of a soil to start seedlings in. So the spots probably are from overfeeding, coming from the shock of being switched from a weaker soil to the fox farms.

Usually "nute burn" shows up in new growth, but my soil grows are 100% organic and I have learned that organic nute burn (like that from fox farms) shows up differently than nute burn from synthetics, like most advanced nutrients. With organics, its actually referred to as "eutrophication" and starts with leaf tips turning brown, then brown spots all over the leaves, mostly the older ones and sometimes when it happens you might notice a little brown/purple color right at the top of the new growth.

If you are at 6 1/2 weeks and the leaves have had those spots for a while then you should be fine. Keep flushing them with water, the leaves look a little rough but the bud looks good.

What kind of strain is it? Mostly indica? If its indica and its only an 8 week strain then you should be fine riding it out for another week and a half. I have a plant that came from bag seed (Mexican shwag, which is usually sativa dominant) and its been flowering for 13 fuckin weeks and still has white pistils on top. BUT, its had a leaf thing for like 8 of those weeks and has still been fine BC whatever is going on with it is something slow that hasn't gotten to the buds yet


Well-Known Member
First off, those pix are crappy... Looks like pic 1 is CFL burn on the leaves....FYI: Tips pointing down = soil/water/nutes issues....Tips pointing up = Heat/wind/environment issues... Good Luck !
+rep Sand4x105 for a simple answer to a common question!

I have both types of curl but I sort of knew why.
I am pushing my plant hard during its last 10-14 days.

I might just take my tops and let the center and lower buds firm and grow.


Well-Known Member
I did that with several of my plants on my first run, and it definitely benefitted me. I let the bottom run an extra week and a half to two weeks after I took the tops, and they really swelled out.

The only thing (and I never really did get a straight answer about it) that I was worried about, was flushing. I thought you had to flush out synthetic nutes for a week or two to keep the bud from tasting really harsh. Apparently tho, when I asked on here people kind of acted like flushing didn't really matter at the end, and wouldn't affect taste. But if that were true, I dunno why every feeding schedule I have ever seen has the last week as "flush"

little butch

Active Member
Thor, organic nutes or not, you really do want to flush. The USDS sheets I sent for from the mfg. state 3 to 10 days. It is a taste issue, yes, but mostly a lung issue. I've ended up in the hospital from smoking too much weed I didn't flush. You think you are fine, Tonkin on that new weed, and three days later your lungs are full of crap, and 3 days later, you're in the hospital. I am in a non-legal state, and when I finally gave up the truth, they had me fixed in 2 days. No problems when flushing. Peace &be kind.


Well-Known Member
Usually "nute burn" shows up in new growth, but my soil grows are 100% organic and I have learned that organic nute burn (like that from fox farms) shows up differently than nute burn from synthetics, like most advanced nutrients. With organics, its actually referred to as "eutrophication" and starts with leaf tips turning brown, then brown spots all over the leaves, mostly the older ones and sometimes when it happens you might notice a little brown/purple color right at the top of the new growth.
real useful nugget of info man, +rep! I have exactly those symptoms in my latest organic grow and from the brown spots and yellowing leaf tips and margins from the bottom i presumed cal mag def, then I saw some slight purple on the new growth and it looks a little bit spacky and I was stumped as I haven't seen that before! I guess now I have my answer, i'll back off a bit on the nutes and let it just take up what it needs from the soil for the moment.


Well-Known Member
Thor, organic nutes or not, you really do want to flush. The USDS sheets I sent for from the mfg. state 3 to 10 days. It is a taste issue, yes, but mostly a lung issue. I've ended up in the hospital from smoking too much weed I didn't flush. You think you are fine, Tonkin on that new weed, and three days later your lungs are full of crap, and 3 days later, you're in the hospital. I am in a non-legal state, and when I finally gave up the truth, they had me fixed in 2 days. No problems when flushing. Peace &be kind.
Organics are fine without a flush, I only give em plain water for the last 2 days and i've never had a problem with it, synthetic nutes on the other hand are a whole different matter...


Well-Known Member
Agreed, organic nutes are much different, and mine have been fine without (heavy) flushes. BUT, I do flush anyways the last couple of waterings BC organic nutes take time to be absorbed by the plant and used anyways, so feeding straight up to the chop is a waste of organic nutes.

But, I use cal-mag + iron (botanicare) to fix deficiencies and in flower, plus I use kool bloom (general hydro) as a bulker in addition to the roots organics line, and so I usually flush those out.

And anoos, yeah I get the little brown/purple thing in the center all the time, and certain plants are more prone to have it happen. But with the brown spots on the leaves- I couldn't figure it out. People kept saying "nute burn/overfeeding shows up in new growth" so I figured brown spots on older leaves had to be a deficiency or lockout or something. That was when I found the term eutrophication and realized that backing off the organic nutes helped fix the problem.

96% of the problems people have with plants, whether in hydro, soil, or soilless are usually fixed by just continuing to flush with pH'd water until they get better.


Well-Known Member
Yeah no that will deffo be it, I have a pretty balanced soil mix so I was just being cheeky trying to up it with some liquid nutes, serves me right!
Also very good point about the organics taking time to break down so it being a bit of a waste, hadn't crossed my mind so i'll have a think about that.
Till now as I said I tend to just feed em plain water last 2-3 days, also put em in the dark for 48 hours. Might make that watering more like a week tho