I think though at some stage throughout their live everyone will at some point will make fun and the expensive of someone different, racism is a word that seems to be strictly linked with being black or a different skin colour but it is around in many more forms and even some black people are racist against white people.
Is it any different to laugh at someone because they are fat or because they have spots or any other thing that leaves them as a minority, i.e. not normal.
How many people here have told an asian joke, thats racism, by making fun of someone because of a difference, I dont think that there are many people on this site that can totally hold their hand up to say they have never in their lives muttered a racist comment or joke or have had an ill thought of someone just because of their skin colour or whatever difference they have.
The thing I have found most interesting about this poll, is did the fact that such a big deal has been made about this post, how many people just automatically clicked no, i am not a racist.
This in itself is not meant to be racist, I just find the whole racism bit silly and as long as something is in peoples minds it will be around the more we go on about racism the more it will exist.