Any Organic Purists in Arizona?

It feels good to be back with my local people. Don't have many options atm but TV, books, or keyboard. I hate TV anymore.
I would love to see the cannabis industry head in this direction and general agriculture for that matter. Bright futures ahead :)
This may change your thinking. I don't watch football. I watch the grass grow lol........

My scheme has evolved to something similar to Holzer'z. Keeping a raised bed moist can be a challenge....and drip doesn't work on soil that drains as fast as container gardeners like. If you can pour water on your mix and it drains immediately, you will need to do some form of "flood" irrigation. That is relevant to raised beds due to increased surface and higher soil temps. Holzers method works by the nutes perking down into the "growing area". Very practical for here. Maybe not so much in a wetter climate but....

oh, I have a few years in southern AZ...been here since '70 minus 8 yrs in HI.
Hydro ust doesnt make good meds. Its makes good LOOKING weed for blunt smokers etc. but tasty, high grade top shelf....... not form hydro.
thecoolman is a dick head, grows shit weed, and has a massive tree branch up his ass. Disregard anything he says(you already did, i know it)

He will argue the sky is green if you tel him its blue.... he is one of those. Guys is a tool, i know him off the boards and he is a joke.

ANyways, keep on truckin Treep! Glad to see you doing well mate!!! What you got cookin right now?? I just made some KILLER FUBAR from Breeders boutique Vortex X Sensi Star it turned out GReat dispite some nasty looking leaves due to bad ph.
Hÿdra;9813084 said:
Hydro ust doesnt make good meds. Its makes good LOOKING weed for blunt smokers etc. but tasty, high grade top shelf....... not form hydro.
thecoolman is a dick head, grows shit weed, and has a massive tree branch up his ass. Disregard anything he says(you already did, i know it)

He will argue the sky is green if you tel him its blue.... he is one of those. Guys is a tool, i know him off the boards and he is a joke.

ANyways, keep on truckin Treep! Glad to see you doing well mate!!! What you got cookin right now?? I just made some KILLER FUBAR from Breeders boutique Vortex X Sensi Star it turned out GReat dispite some nasty looking leaves due to bad ph.

The schwag man strikes again.. Fuck off asshole.. You have almost no experience and barely know how to grow any plant.
Hydro is far to complicated to get right from a inept fucktard like you. My seasoned and high tolerance patients all consider mine top shelf it has been blind taste tested against the best smoke from az dispensaries and is much better than that or anything from the farmers market that they have tried (I dont go there) and is as good or better
than what they found from other caregivers or the open market. Now I am sure there are people here producing top shelf as well (obviously not you). I am not saying mine is the best but its top shelf and bad taste because its hydro is not the case with enough experience (which you don't have). Organics is an excellent way to do it as well and I was looking forward to hearing Headtreeps and others methods but organics is not the only way. So go act like a pathetic little bitch someplace else and let the grown ups have an intelligent conversation.

P.S. If you supposedly "Know me off the boards" which you don't
and is just another one of your little kiddie games.
Please approach me and quit being such a little whiny bitch.
Hey Hydra. Can't say things are the best but there is hope. Couple of things came out of left field for me and I've had to deal. Not looking for pity just being upfront about what's up and why I have been away. I need to heal right now and helping others via the web always helps me. It's my natural mood stabilizer that cannabis and other herbs are not enough. I've been out only a few times in the past months to socialize and it sucks. I figured perhaps we could show people how to grow for free locally with local ingredients. This new soil I'm working on is just pad to paper right now but I want to make it available for the needy and for those who are seeking clean medicine when I have ran a few cycles with with it. thecoolman hehe I've never met the dude but it's cool. My beliefs are different than his and if I was growing hydro I'd be making my own salts. Perhaps we will change his view and this was the point of this thread. I should have some interesting things to come in the future I'm sure. Things are weird right now and I stay out of it for the most part. I hope all is well with your grows and look forward to some cool posts from time to time.
There are some local farms I have been dieing to visit (well not too local for me) but that's where you can really find some cool things. I'm really thinking about getting African worms to handle our heat. It would be very interesting to have a nice little vermicopost op right next to the veggie garden but designing a home outside to tolerate the temps will be interesting. I've seen a local vendor that sells a outdoor redworm farm but that is some big bucks. I'm looking over to many countries to learn how they do it arid and hot areas. India has many climates and really have a handle on permaculture in general so I will start there. Researching these subjects will harness a power that will shed light on many aspects of life. The ability to grow something out of nothing to me is something that is priceless and a skill we should all have as humanoids.
Hey Hydra. Can't say things are the best but there is hope. Couple of things came out of left field for me and I've had to deal. Not looking for pity just being upfront about what's up and why I have been away. I need to heal right now and helping others via the web always helps me. It's my natural mood stabilizer that cannabis and other herbs are not enough. I've been out only a few times in the past months to socialize and it sucks. I figured perhaps we could show people how to grow for free locally with local ingredients. This new soil I'm working on is just pad to paper right now but I want to make it available for the needy and for those who are seeking clean medicine when I have ran a few cycles with with it. thecoolman hehe I've never met the dude but it's cool. My beliefs are different than his and if I was growing hydro I'd be making my own salts. Perhaps we will change his view and this was the point of this thread. I should have some interesting things to come in the future I'm sure. Things are weird right now and I stay out of it for the most part. I hope all is well with your grows and look forward to some cool posts from time to time.

Well my thoughts are with you Treep! If i can do anything to help out i got your back!
I hope what ever happened is well on its way to being the distant past, better days ahead friend!

Anyone have any leaf mold or leaf litter they want to donate? Looking for some quality stuff to start a local mix. PM if you do. We are moving towards peatless or part peat mix.
I'm really thinking about getting African worms to handle our heat.

Now thats a damn good idea- if I remember correctly the red wrigglers die out
at anything above the low 80s soil temp wise. I wonder how much the africans can take?
Hell I would even add them to my outdoor non mmj garden.
Hi Treep
I scratch under our mesquites for leaf matter. Cottonwoods drop a lot, too..You might try landscape maintenance cos for debris. I imagine the farms utilize their "waste". There is an alternative. No, no leaf mold, but bales of alfalfa aren't too expensive. Last I remember, about $17/bale

Now thats a damn good idea- if I remember correctly the red wrigglers die out
at anything above the low 80s soil temp wise. I wonder how much the africans can take?
Hell I would even add them to my outdoor non mmj garden.

They thrive in 90F and I hear higher. They would be the ones to have here in AZ of all imo. Redwigglers can do with some work put in and some other varieties but those Africans just make sense.