Everyone Has Their Own Little Trick. Whats Yours??


Well-Known Member
Theres plenty of books, websites and references out there to teach us how to grow and bla bla bla. There all very generalized and don't get me wrong they are great and I use that knowledge now, but I wanna know everyones tips and tricks. Is there any little thing special that you do to make your buds stickier, denser, more frosty etc. and just better all around. Its cool to read it in a book, but its awesome to hear it from people with real experience. Lets hear its guys/gals.


Weed Modifier
keep it simple ....and dont over do anything...learn to read the plants they can be excellent teachers if we pay attention to their needs...
pretty simple its not a science. only give a plant the basics, what it needs, not what we think it should get.
no tricks just basics lol
Keep a journal. Keep track of your environments average daily humidity and temperatures, what mix you watered with, how high the lights are above your canopy, how intense the lights are, as well as anything you did to the plants such as topping, foliaring, thinning out, etc. I also keep a camera handy to take pictures and then keep those with the journal. This way if I can replicate successes and avoid failures as well as establish a timeline and set procedure for each strain. Feel free to message me if anyone has any questions.


Well-Known Member
Is there any special things to feed the lady other than the increase in P and K for better buds.
The trick is finding a system that works for you. In other words there are no real tricks. Good genetics, lights, nutrients, and environment. That's the trick, getting them all lined up perfectly. And that takes time and work. There are no one, two or three things that will send your buds over the top if you have not met the plants basic needs. Your best bet is to find a strain you like and learn to read what it needs when it needs it.

banks dank

Active Member
Carrot cake mixed into the soil...adds longevity and increases yield...

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Well-Known Member
It's no trick but for nice dense buds get proven clones from someone very trustworthy. From then on its up to you.


Well-Known Member
Carrot cake mixed into the soil...adds longevity and increases yield...

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I was thinking cheesecake but if u insist on carrot cake then I guess that's a tip Ill keep in mind:clap:

Me & My friend

Well-Known Member
I don't believe there are any real significant "tricks" as long as your willing to research info & are able to maintain a range of optimum conditions as best you can.& it seems the biggest "secret" is or should be your grow itself. "If you even begin to think about telling others....you just may have already done yourself wrong."

banks dank

Active Member
Honestly man just research research research...ask questions and seek out the answers yourself...if your unsure ask the good guys and gals on here we are all here to learn...
dont be a cheap ass either you get what you pay for...
try as hard as possible to start from good genetics...
dont over love its called weed for a reason...
this is a game of patience and it takes alot so be prepared for that.

Also you may be risking some pretty serious charges if you get caught... you must be prepared to deal with that...if you dont have the courage to order seeds online you shouldnt be growing. so thats the way I look at it...good luck and welcome!

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Active Member
TRUE LIVING ORGANICS. By the rev. Lots of amendments in soil so u just add water. An tea a few times from start to finish

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Well-Known Member
Push 2l plastic bottles(lids off and facing down) into the soil around your plants. After a good watering, the condensation will build up in the bottles and run back down to the plants. This has helped me alot with dry times and guerilla growing.
To help stop bug and mold issues, i make a mix of neem and tea and completely submerge my rooted clones in the mix.
This technique has saved me many indoor crops, as alot of my clones come from outdoor plants.