The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Aye, it's happening fast. It's time for the tin foil hats to come off and have it fucking right.

They'll try to force complete dependence before the masses suss out they can be completely independent.
Mass media, music and groomed popular culture is doing the job for them so far though.

They'll be Jezza Kyle rejects still watching X-Factor as the terminator hoard are climbing through their windows!.......:lol:
gotta say the 3d printer is the next revolution, the potential from printing weapons to eventually pharmaceuticals is endless, sit at home and download objects......big changes coming
A little like the "replicator" in startrek , there's a few things in early st that became a reality. Wish I could be around in 50-100 years time , oh & of course survived the nuclear war, there will be one , of that I'm sure, should clear out a bit of dead wood though, & then sommat better meby , fuck, arc at me. . . That's cookies for ya


Well-Known Member
A wee pic of my psychosis mother, goina veg her for another few weeks then flower it.....would flower it sooner but can't unless I lift it outta the room after 12 hours and all that shit, te fuck with that lol


Well-Known Member
erm well aint really thort of it tbh......prob flower them I suppose wen I switch on a crop take couple of cuts and do more mothers for wen I need.....cos really I only need 8 cuts tbh......
U goina flower it out or what imc or just keep it vegging for as long a possible


Well-Known Member
I was in gym today and this old bloke was in there wernt 2 big like got to be about 60 full head of gray hair ect ect.....and fuk me he was strong.....was benching 120kg easy.....


Well-Known Member
"The officer informed Eckert that the motive behind the traffic stop was due to him not making a complete stop at a stop sign before leaving the parking lot. That is when Eckert was asked to step out of the car, when the officer reportedly noticed the man clenching his butt cheeks, perhaps, he suspected, in an attempt to conceal narcotics up his sphincter."
Poor bloke just Cuz he had a tight ass lmao fat copper must a been jealous haha