keeping clones small and alive for 2 months ??? please help

i have a few rooted clones. is it ok to keep them in a small plastic cup under very low light just until my room is ready for them...probably a couple months. ???

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
put them into stasis, in a gallon plastic zip-lock bag. add a couple fingers of water, blow air into the bag and close, put in fridge. replace the air a couple times a week. the cuts will be fine for a good month....
so my way is not good ??? im thinking to months plus not sure I want to keep them in fridge cause when my nephews come over that's the first place they


Well-Known Member
Putting them in low light will only make them stretch. Cold slows biological processes and the darkness of the refrigerator keeps light from promoting growth.


Well-Known Member
IMO- i would just keep them in a small solo cup.
Do what they do for Bonsai Plants, trim the root system.
You can cut off half the root system off.
You can also top the plant if it gets to tall.
Doing both you should be able to grow a Bonsai Plant for as long as you want to.

I can see bad things happening if you put them in the fridge. You cool the root system it slows the plant down, but the temps might be to cold, with colder soil temps you get into locking out Nutrients because of the cold soil. You might kill every leaf on the plant. Marijuana can handle cold temps, it's the period of cold that will kill them.

Good Luck on your Grow.