Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w


Well-Known Member
Greetings citizens. How are you feeling on this glorius day? Just stopping by to introuce myself, and say wow, took a bit to catch up, but it was worth it. Tons of great info, and ideas here. Totally gets me in the DIY spirit. Killer work, jig.


Well-Known Member
You too buddy!

Chloe was born in Oct btw.
So you do read your email. :)

Greetings citizens. How are you feeling on this glorius day? Just stopping by to introuce myself, and say wow, took a bit to catch up, but it was worth it. Tons of great info, and ideas here. Totally gets me in the DIY spirit. Killer work, jig.
Today is going well... woke up to an amazing sky, was bright pink/ red in the west. Beautiful. The sun is shining is a lovely way and I have a big day out with baby planned. Groceries and Grow Equipment. Hell yeah.

Glad to stoke the DIY flame. Get back to our roots of doing things for ourselves.

I think this thread is dying a bit, but I don't really have a new one... sorta in between things atm.

Here's another thread I'm not updating, just like this one:


Well-Known Member
Cool JD. Even my wife this morning is like "So why aren't you growing yet" ha. I'm feeling the pressure. Going to Home Depot today to get some bits and bobs. Litreally little bits of stuff... should all fit in my pocket, not that I'm going to nab it or anything. Home Depot provides me with constant huge discounts.

Went in for only 7 items yesterday. She completely missed one of the items, and another she charged me the wrong price.... a much cheaper price. I mean, am I supposed to get home, look over the receipt and go back demanding they take more of my money? It's too odd. What should have been $65, turned out to be $48. Can't really beat that with a stick.

Also in exciting monetary news. At the depot the other day I 'tried' to use the gift card the overzealous security company sent me to keep my mouth shut. Fucking thing had $11 on it. Ah shit I was upset. Turns out someone else registered it somehow... not sure how that happens as the card is wrapped in wrapping, no way to see it, read the bar code. It was in my house the whole time, yet someone else registered it to their name and address and ordered a bunch of shit online. Visa said they couldn't do anything without the receipt. Thank God they sent me the receipt with the card, so I can get my money back. Fucking shady electronic payment methods.

I also find it nuts that SmellsLikeSkunkYum (or whatever his name is) cant use his ATM card on the Breeders Boutique website because the bank says it's a shady site. How can a bank tell you how and where you can spend your money. That's pretty wild. It's MY MONEY AND I WANT IT NOW. HAahaha. That's an american commercial for settlement payments upfront. Fuck we have a lot of shady dealings with money in the US.

Oh, and read today that AT&T has been selling international calls to the CIA. So glad I'm not an AT&T customer as it would be a pain having to switch carriers. At least my phone calls have been listened to with no complicity from my carrier.... that I know of yet. Shit when will the bombshells stop dropping in the snowdin thing. It's such a rush opening the news feed everyday as I can't wait to see what mess has been uncovered today. I so want to buy a shirt or something that shares my sentiment on the whole subject, but I don't want my name on THAT list. I'll keep myself securely on the MJ watch list.

I'm off... hope you guys are as happy as the jig crew is today. We had a rough one yesterday, but I guess it's the calm after the storm and the sun is coming out or something, cuz today feels great.

Also going to refinance my home loan. :) Exciting times.


Well-Known Member
So should I unsub and move the other thread? Hey, an unsub is a word they use on those crime shows the wife watches.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't do that just yet. I will give the green light to change things up shortly enough. Had another dream I was in the dam last night. Was walking down one of my favorite streets. It's fucking calling me mate. Getting a bit hard to read yours and dons thread with all the talk.


Well-Known Member
Man Verizon has been releasing phone log info to NSA for a couple years with only one warrant. Cray man.

If my bank does that shit to me when I order some more BB someone's gonna get it. And keep in mind man at least you've been to dam right? That needs to be on my near future plans.

Hope you an the little one are having a good day together.


Well-Known Member
Crazy about the Gift card Jig!!

As far as dreams, I have been having well remembering them lately, and that hasnt been the case for as long as I can remember.
Not sure if its the new strain I smoke b4 bed or other stimuli?


Well-Known Member
Yeah bassman, it's weird, I usually don't remember mine, but they have been clear as day lately.

And smooth... the little one has been making me earn my money today. :) At least the OG kush is cured and helping a little.


Well-Known Member
Yours is working you hard today, and mine is actually being good all day so far :) go figure. Yes I do read my emails, but not very often, I'd say I check them once a week maybe a little more if I know to expect something. You are the only person I've got an email from in months. Other then that is mostly spam and bs. I don't communicate with all that many people other then my wife and a couple friends.


Well-Known Member
Well then I feel extra special.

Picked up some more gear for the closet. Going to pick up clones on Saturday. It's on.


Well-Known Member
What did you get for the closet?

I wish we could share genetics Jig.
I got some metal hardware stuff to hang the lights with. I got a new tank that is just a little smaller than the last one. To be honest I'm not sure if I'll use it... They didn't have my tub in stock so I couldn't compare at the store.. So I bought it to compare at home.

and I too would enjoy that. I know many people share genetics over great distances but I'm too paranoid for that.

Hey jig, what's your plan for the overflow issue with your overgrown root balls in the tube?
I don't have a plan really. I'm thinking because I'm only running the 6 it won't be an issue. The roots seem to spread out down the tubes well. Its when they run into the next plants roots that they start fluffing up a bit filling the tube and clogging it. I'm not against ripping some roots out either. I mean I am against the idea in general, but I'd rather that than a giant flood.


Well-Known Member
I'm just remembering a couple dangling cups! I had an idea for you since your down at the moment. If you rip a couple pieces of pipe the length of your site sections and silicone them to the side of the straight sections you would guarantee the water level doesn't exceed the height you put them.