after death plans??


bud bootlegger
Am I the only who feels this way ?
Do with me as you see fit.. I really don't care.. you know why I don't care? Because I'm fucking dead... duh.. lol..


Well-Known Member
The only plan I have and care about is dying with my honour, dignity intact and to leave pleasant memories, the rest is in which I'm both there and not


Well-Known Member
Bury me in the ground, nekkid or cotton clothes; maybe on a fairly large hill that drains into a water course that flows into 3 counties...kinda like my back 20! Then you'll never be rid of me..


Ursus marijanus
Am I the only who feels this way ?
Do with me as you see fit.. I really don't care.. you know why I don't care? Because I'm fucking dead... duh.. lol..
I do. But most folks have qualms with that. I used to say "feed me to the fish; at least someone benefits."


Well-Known Member
I want to be mummified and placed into the most elaborate burial complex ever built.

That is IF I die. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
cremated and my ashes mixed into the soil of my best strain, to be grown by friends and family for as long as possible. that way i can live and get stoned with people forever


Well-Known Member
I would like everything of potential use to be used and then the rest cremated or composted and mixed into soil. I don't really care much. Whatever makes other people happy and doesn't waste a bunch of space keeping my remains doing nothing useful.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if with all the THC in me... how much I would render down too... anyone want some g hash?


Well-Known Member
I would love to head out into the Frank Church and let my body be eaten by wolves but I also know thats not happening. I would prefer to be pushed out on Lake Erie on my jetski and the let someone shoot a flaming arrow to give me a proper Viking funeral, but again, not happening. But a man can dream.