Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Hey bro.. Yeah just been working my fucking ass off is all.. lol.. That & trying to take care of all these ladies.. ;) What's going on your way buddy :??:
Dank whats up buddy long time no hear, heard ur working like a mad man, sorry for all the songs lastnight i was tore back from the floor back, hows everything


Well-Known Member
nothing much just trying to keep on liveing peacefully, man im starveing like marvin man, soon ill be getting intouch with u


Well-Known Member
Yeah, this. Is looking just like the Purple Voodoo's I harvested a few weeks back.. Damnit I LOVE that shit! Have 3 going now.. Can't wait till those 3 get finshed! I don't know what the hell 2 do though, looks like all 3 are females... :( I was hoping 4 a damn male! Lol... Looks good bro. Has a wonderful taste & smell! Just love it.. + rep bro..


Well-Known Member
Dank I noticed you had a thread about hot to re-veg your plants after they flowered do you still go on that thread? I had some questions about it and was wondering should I ask here or on your other thread?


Well-Known Member
Re-vegging decreases potency. but sometimes is the only option to get a certain strain you want that doesn't show till very late. Like rare phenotypes.

If my BBYY turns blue. I'm revegging her. cloning and selfing for a shit ton of seeds and pollen. and I will BX until it's all blue progeny. :)


Well-Known Member
Oh bro.. They are fucking KILLER! I have some more dried and a day cured that I just HAD to try! All I can say is WOW.. It has those "berry" looking things all over it.. I guess its just the calyxes just swollen up. All I know is wheb you squeeze 1 this jelly looking shit rolls out of them... lol. I guess its resin. Lol. And its only inside those berry looking things. Lol Super fruity taste to them. Great high minus the couchlock. :mrgreen: I plan on letting the Berry Bomb & Afghan going atleast another 2 weeks. Even though most of the trichs are already cloudy, x a few amber. Which I like that type buzz myself. I'm going to push them alittle more, and let alittle more of the trichs go amber..
Let me know how those sample buds where


Well-Known Member
Danks I noticed you had a thread about hot to re-veg your plants after they flowered do you still on that thread? I had some questions about it and was wondering should I ask here or on your other thread?
Yeah, you could've asked here bro.. any questions at all. Yeah, 4 the most part I don't like to re-veg. But if I have a strain I don't want to loose, or don't have anymore beans of I will 4 sure! I just let the #1 Jack The Ripper go in 12/12 long enough to see "pistols" then switched straight back to 24/24.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've re-veg before a few grows back. And when I take clones I take while in flower (or have HAD 2 in the past) then re-vegged. I plan on testing these Jack The Rippers though. # 1 ,2 & 3. Where #1 was re-vegged, #2 & 3 wasn't. So we all will be able to know 4 sure if re-vegging infact decreases thc. Which I would say it does alittle, but not by much.. ;)
Re-vegging decreases potency. but sometimes is the only option to get a certain strain you want that doesn't show till very late. Like rare phenotypes.

If my BBYY turns blue. I'm revegging her. cloning and selfing for a shit ton of seeds and pollen. and I will BX until it's all blue progeny. :)


Well-Known Member
What's the news :??: Come on now, don't leave us hanging... shittt.... ;)
I'm moving/commuting to the city with my sis! her best friend is moving out of the country and hooking her up here with all kinds of shit. Its amazing. So I'm going to be working with her in the city and it's right down the street from the grandbabies! can you believe it?????

I sent you an email about it and somethin else, be sure you read it ;) lots of great info in there ;)


Well-Known Member
well id like to test all those test nugs.....here in uk ppl only really grow cheese :( im not much of a smoker but would like to exp all the diff flavours smells and taist of diff strains.....and yours do look yummy.....bongsmilie
Looks super good bro.. ;) What's you think bout my test nugs :??: I went ahead and gave you some + rep.. ;) yayyy.. it let me rep someone.. lol


Well-Known Member
think ive sed b4 im doing uk clone onlys......exodus and psychosis next run in 25l Wilma 4 x 2 systems....got mothers growing atm....im soooooooooooooooooooooo looking 4wd to it......:weed:
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