IS china threatening us


New Member
I dont know how many of you seen this but as someone who lives in the seattle area i found this really disturbing. china released info about there nuclear subs and how the can attack the USA from anywhere, not only that but they gave us a map of where they would attack and how much damage/life loss would be expected. the scarey part is it would almost wipe the USA out :( Now i know we get threatened all the time but ive never heard anything like this from china, korea yes, not china, which makes me believe there is some kind of reality behind this attack.
There is an old saying "when you own a man $10,000, he owns you, when you owe a man $1,000,000, you own him". it seems relevent in this situation.
They have an arsenal that can put us in check. We have an arsenal that can put the world in check mate. They wouldn't dare do it.
i agree we have a bigger arsenal but when talking nukes that really dont matter, who ever strikes first wins.

were not talking millions were talking trillions here, trillions we cant afford and never will be able to, and im sure they now this. better then that we owe it to a communist country who has been hostile to us for well a long time. i just dont know why after 60 years of making subs and nukes they decide to show off now, in the middle of a syrian conflict they are clearly siding against us on, and they are still ignoring sanctions against iran and doing business with them for oil, it just looks suspect to me.
i agree we have a bigger arsenal but when talking nukes that really dont matter, who ever strikes first wins.

were not talking millions were talking trillions here, trillions we cant afford and never will be able to, and im sure they now this. better then that we owe it to a communist country who has been hostile to us for well a long time. i just dont know why after 60 years of making subs and nukes they decide to show off now, in the middle of a syrian conflict they are clearly siding against us on, and they are still ignoring sanctions against iran and doing business with them for oil, it just looks suspect to me.

Seems you havn't gotten the point of the saying.
i get the saying just dont hink it applies here, we will never be able to pay them and they know it. we culd cash out all of fort knox and still be way short towards are debt, so we dont own anything, that saying would apply if we had the wealth to cover our debt, but seeing as we cant, the only reason they have not to attack is the amount of money they make off imports to us.
I saw that too. Wasn't it Loral that sold our missile guidance technology to the chinese. And wasn't there a Chinese spy caught stealing (only got 5 years)too. See we all spy on each other.
i agree we have a bigger arsenal but when talking nukes that really dont matter, who ever strikes first wins.

were not talking millions were talking trillions here, trillions we cant afford and never will be able to, and im sure they now this. better then that we owe it to a communist country who has been hostile to us for well a long time. i just dont know why after 60 years of making subs and nukes they decide to show off now, in the middle of a syrian conflict they are clearly siding against us on, and they are still ignoring sanctions against iran and doing business with them for oil, it just looks suspect to me.

They're showing off now because they know Congress is under constant pressure to keep cutting more out of the defense budget.
The good news is, those subs will have one hell of a time getting past our NSA airport screeners!
i agree we have a bigger arsenal but when talking nukes that really dont matter, who ever strikes first wins.

were not talking millions were talking trillions here, trillions we cant afford and never will be able to, and im sure they now this. better then that we owe it to a communist country who has been hostile to us for well a long time. i just dont know why after 60 years of making subs and nukes they decide to show off now, in the middle of a syrian conflict they are clearly siding against us on, and they are still ignoring sanctions against iran and doing business with them for oil, it just looks suspect to me.

You need to review MAD and Launch on Warning Protocols. After that, check on First Strike Survival Strategy, and the Triumvirate of Nuclear Force Projection. Add secret Space Forces to that and you will see a broader vision of the problem.
i get the saying just dont hink it applies here, we will never be able to pay them and they know it. we culd cash out all of fort knox and still be way short towards are debt, so we dont own anything, that saying would apply if we had the wealth to cover our debt, but seeing as we cant, the only reason they have not to attack is the amount of money they make off imports to us.

A friend of mine called that: 'Entering the mouth of the beast', when China decided to enter the world markets.

Edit: I think the Middle East will implode first. Then maybe India and Pakistan.
A friend of mine called that: 'Entering the mouth of the beast', when China decided to enter the world markets.

We are very busy, screwing over China and they know it. China is not our enemy however. We are joined at the hip by borrowed Gold.
i will definitly look into that, i know we have counter measures in place for situations like this but who knows if there actually effective and which ones are actually in use
We are very busy, screwing over China and they know it. China is not our enemy however. We are joined at the hip by borrowed Gold.

id love to know how were screwing china? china screwed us when they entered the fair trade market and literaly took it over via mass exports and limited selling of imports.
id love to know how were screwing china? china screwed us when they entered the fair trade market and literaly took it over via mass exports and limited selling of imports.

But appearances are deceiving. Behind these statistics lies a far more fragile Chinese economic reality. The relative calm of the Chinese economy actually conceals far greater risks.

The biggest short-term risk is financial overleveraging. Thanks to its decade-long credit boom, the Chinese economy as a whole is far more leveraged (indebted) than any of the major emerging market economies. Net domestic credit as a share of GDP is close to 140 percent in China, compared with roughly 90 for Brazil, 75 for India, 60 for Turkey, and 35 for Indonesia. To make matters worse, most of the debt is owed by state-owned companies, real estate developers, and local governments that are known for wasting capital on financially unprofitable investments.

It is how we screw over everyone. Capitalism and 3 card Monty can be exactly the same game for the naive.