Club 600

Newest batch @ 2 weeks
I used bag seed on the last grow which came out great! I forced hermied one outside and crossed pollinated with these guys mama plant. (had too many for room so decided to mess around with the extra hehe)
The mama coughed up about 70 or so seeds.
I was hoping for more female ratio with that ooor was it just a fun waste of time? Lol
2 week.JPG

All the ladies are now supported. They haven't shown any shock since the transplant. Turns out both my heaters have shipping issues, so I'm using good ole 1500w 120v heaters. One is oil filled radiator style, and the other is a fan heater combo. If the temps outside dont drop below freezing for more than a few hours they should be fine. The heaters I ordered are 19,000 btu stuff.
Heres are some more hash adventures, 600.

The set-up, last wash.

73 bag, fresh out the first wash.

Some time later. Clockwise from top left, 1st,2nd,3rd, and 4th wash.

In same order.

45 bag from all 4 washes.

Lemme slip this in real quick too :-)
wish i could wake n bake on that haha, couple p killer to start the day and waiting on a msg for sum cream i cant wait
Holy hash batman. That looks the shiz. Nicely done mofu.

seedless, I'm stoked you get to use all that winter sun foe something useful this year.

were you happy with the summer results in there?

Oh man!
At first glimpse I thought you were going to relate a bad incident you once had with salmonella-laced spinach souffle!
Thankfully, such was not the case...
... and man that's some good looking shtuff that came from it!
I was thinking the same thing for about half a second. Like WTF did he take a picture of. Lol

Saw some funny pics on reddit the other day. There's a cafe in japan that has toilets for seats and they serve deserts in toilet shaped glasses and such. Like chocolate soft serve all coiled up in a toilet looking bowl. Ewwww.

And speaking of Japan, their population is actually shrinking because people under 35 despise sex and relationships. I can understand the relationship part, haha, but for real, something like 35% of guys below 34 say they have no interest in sex at all. The figure is higher in women. Crazy shit. This was the first year old people diapers outsold baby diapers there.

Japan is smart too. Amazing how lopsided our population is going to be with all the ______ people of the world having 8-10 kids, while the ______ people are forgoing having them, or only having one. You guys can fill in the blanks with whatever judgemental words you see fit. :)

... am...

...going to be getting a portable vaporizer for Pastamas in December. :-)
Thinking of the Da Vinci


Will mostly be for vaping with dry herb.
I like the feature set, and it looks like I could make a convincing juice box cover for it, too.
Anyone have good or bad experiences with this one?
I was thinking the same thing for about half a second. Like WTF did he take a picture of. Lol

Saw some funny pics on reddit the other day. There's a cafe in japan that has toilets for seats and they serve deserts in toilet shaped glasses and such. Like chocolate soft serve all coiled up in a toilet looking bowl. Ewwww.

Oh, man, that's nastay!
"Me, Myself & Irene" ruined chocolate softserve ice cream for me with that damn scene with the dog squatting to shit on his lawn and then cutting away to the ice cream being dispensed.
There's been a few things on Japan of late on the TV. I saw a programme about the aging population of Japan as well. Crazy stuff when people start messing with nature, lol. In China (or was it Hong Kong) where they had a 1 child messed is that going to be in the future. Especially if parents abort when they know they will have a girl.

Nice looking run whodat, did you use dry trim or wet? and I assume you dry the trichomes before putting them out onto the plate? a la Froggy style. Personally I avoid that as I have had some bad experiences pressing it dry before scraping off the bag.
There's been a few things on Japan of late on the TV. I saw a programme about the aging population of Japan as well. Crazy stuff when people start messing with nature, lol. In China (or was it Hong Kong) where they had a 1 child messed is that going to be in the future. Especially if parents abort when they know they will have a girl.
man i watched a vice video about something similar, in japan they now don;t want partners they have bars where peeps go and just pay for company. no sex or anything just like having your own personal cocktail waiter to flirt with. japan actually sell more adult nappies than they do baby sized ones. they reckon the population is going to drop like 50% in the next couple of decades.


@ who, cracking hash run fella! how much bud/trim went in to begin with?
"When i see happy couples during Christmas, I wish they would die." <--- Crazy Japanese "cuddlegirl". Haha what a world :D
what up 600. ya'll ever made seeds outta pre-flowers?? i did. they grew before too. well i did it again by accident. get this lil tale:

I grew a Venus Flytrap from fem seed a while back. I knew from the start i had a special pheno of it too, very strong terps. very. it honestly smells exactly like certain pheno's of ogk. like that fuel/savory/herbal/skunky smell thats hard to put a finger on. my girl calls it dinner, like "o that stuff tastes like dinner". i crave buds that carry this wonderful smell...
The high is off the charts too. i came in here once and asked u guys about it. i was saying that this strain has amazing properties that feel just like being on opiates/opioids. Major pain relief, especially for my sciatica, and especially for being as sativa as it is.

So in other words this strain is a 10/10 to me, and i shared it with a friend. He doesnt completely have it all figured out, but has a huge grow setup. He keeps having to narrow down his strain collection, and im a terrible influence for that. always bringing him new strains. haha. well he decided to get rid of this strain and didnt make it clear to me ahead of time. He had just grown a big batch of it, and it was awesome and sold like wildfire. he thinks he has too many skunky/herbal strains and dropped it.

luckily i kept a damn clone he gave me in my veg closet. it almost died like 10 times, good thing it didnt. I have a medusa next to it that was 100% male. the male was triggered into flowering accidentally, and the females in the closet sprouted quite a few pre flowers when that happened.

well... the venus flytrap got about 6 or 7 of its calyxes seeded and they look to be turning out right! i couldnt be prouder! i even kept that medusa planning on crossing it with my outdoor stuff, got ill and never got to do it. so that medusa sat around in here just being a ball buster. at least i got to use its genetics in the long run.

this might turn out interesting... the medusa grows like a very apical dominant OGK, adn this pheno was a good example of that. it also smelled very good(skunky). the VFT is easy to train and grow, its even advertised as a commercial high yield fast growth strain, tho my pheno was leaned more toward bud quality over all. So maybe ogk like structure, and effect? we shall see.

ive also found one or two seeds on my g13 labs PE and my purple Grape Ape that must be from the medusa. i cant wait to see what these seeds produce, the male was too nice to just kill.

that black ape i made accidentally is making its rounds. one pheno has made its way to just about every corner of the state due to where my friends took them. i geuss its quite the yielder, people really like it. go figure im the one who made it, and i havent got to try any yet. that might mean its good who knows.
sry to bable on guys im just all excited like a kid or something.

**and btw my bank is stupid. they wont let us use our credit/debit on a bunch of sites now, that they consider "if-E" (iffy, however u type that) or "edgy" so to say.
so no blue pits for me atm. :( might have to find another way soon. been wanting to try either sour/smelly cherry too. sry i bugged ya'll about that for nothing. thank the bank. gonna have to find another institution. dont bank with "first merit". stupid ohio fucks.
weird. i noticed a homeless fella walking by in the rain outside today a few minutes ago. i feel bad for him, hes rough man. hes walking pretty slow and staggered.
i noticed him because i saw someone out by my mail box, and im expecting some etiz soon.

then our local news comes on like 30 seconds later. the top story is the homeless problem in our county atm. go figure. i felt like trying to help the guy, but its so dangerous to try that. trust me, especially here and on my street. if i smoked squares id gave him a couple tho, my buddies do that a lot. puts a smile on someones face at least.
weve had problems with kids killing homeless people and torturing them. lovely isnt it. were also number one in child abuse, and women abuse. come on over to Genesee county folks. The birthplace of General Motors, Michael Moore, Mark Ingrham(heisman trophy winner RB), Mark Farner + Don Brewer(grand funk railroad), Glen Rice (NBA allstar, supposedly slept w/ Sarah Palin. ewww.) Mateen Cleaves and the Flint-stones(MSU champion basketball NCAA) etc.....

and a lot of extreme drug use, murder, crime, rape, and nastiness. see why i smoke so much and complain about this city? im kinda trapped here atm.

win a TRIP TO FLINT!! come watch the city's death toll rise. that headliner turned into a triple murder retaliation too btw. south side apartments are insane right now. we literally have a strip on south side where the prostitutes are everywhere, because its where the cops have pushed them to. certain pockets of the city are heroin heavy, some are cocaine/crack heavy, not a ton of meth but its gaining momentum finally. tons of heroin, tons of it. insane. went from crack to heroin being the main problem for the city. the rehabs are full and have the scum of the earth not only in them, but also working there too.

i feel like i could live anywhere, as long as i knew the language and culture to an extent.
Definitely not on my short list of places to visit. Sucks being stuck in a shitty place, but at least you got a home huh? I feel bad for homeless folks and wish I could do more, but so many are either addicts, have severe emotional/mental problems, or both... And that kinda stuff us always dangerous to deal with on a personal level.