New Member
Hey guys sorry if Im making a redundant thread, if I am just let me know where to find another thread and ill stop wasting space with this one
So back on april 7, I got busted with a few friends and I had a gram. I took the fall and spent 24 hours in jail. Yes over a gram. Screw small towns in Texas. Anyways I got put on a pre-trial diversion program and I started August 27. If I finish a year with no problems I can get the charge expunged. Anyways, my birthday is November 27 and I would LOVE to toke it up. I realize I can smoke a few times right after my meeting and clean myself out for my next appointment but I would like to know if I can smoke more often. Obviously if there is any remote possibility of I wont smoke. Its not worth the consequences. Because I was definitely harming society by possessing a gram of an herb. My probation officer seems to like me, and hasnt given any hints as to their views on cannabis. They havent even mentioned a drug test. I have 24 hours of community service and had to do a drug/alcohol evaluation and attend a drug education class. Does anyone have experience with officers in Denton County? Any help or insight would be appreciated! Good vibes coming your way!