Is there any way to know if my probation officer will actually test me?


New Member
Hey guys sorry if Im making a redundant thread, if I am just let me know where to find another thread and ill stop wasting space with this one :) So back on april 7, I got busted with a few friends and I had a gram. I took the fall and spent 24 hours in jail. Yes over a gram. Screw small towns in Texas. Anyways I got put on a pre-trial diversion program and I started August 27. If I finish a year with no problems I can get the charge expunged. Anyways, my birthday is November 27 and I would LOVE to toke it up. I realize I can smoke a few times right after my meeting and clean myself out for my next appointment but I would like to know if I can smoke more often. Obviously if there is any remote possibility of I wont smoke. Its not worth the consequences. Because I was definitely harming society by possessing a gram of an herb. My probation officer seems to like me, and hasnt given any hints as to their views on cannabis. They havent even mentioned a drug test. I have 24 hours of community service and had to do a drug/alcohol evaluation and attend a drug education class. Does anyone have experience with officers in Denton County? Any help or insight would be appreciated! Good vibes coming your way! :-P:clap::leaf:
Smoke up, if they catch you just tell the judge a hookah smoking caterpillar has given you the call.

Man, this is terrible advice. In Texas, a pissed off judge can bury you. And they get pissed off over nothing.

Stay CLEAN until your year is up, and then indulge WITHOUT getting caught.

FlyLikeAnEagle, keep flying. And quit giving STUPID advice.
Man, this is terrible advice. In Texas, a pissed off judge can bury you. And they get pissed off over nothing.

Stay CLEAN until your year is up, and then indulge WITHOUT getting caught.

FlyLikeAnEagle, keep flying. And quit giving STUPID advice.

Are you to stupid to know a joke when you see one?
dudes im gonna die. reading yalls posts made me laugh. a hookah smoking caterpillar lmao. and yes texas judges are, as far as the ones ive met, very angry and enjoy picking on harmless stoners. Im still in shock im on this program for a whole year because I had one gram. oh well. I suppose ill continue to wait
In Canada, yes they will drug test people who have been found in possesion of drugs when givin' probation. I have never been on probation and never been drug tested. It largely deepends on whether you are a good candidate for reabilatation. If so they will run you through the wringer. After your term is up your name will be put into a police program as a known drug user and every once in a while the machine will spit your name out and you'll be part of the duty roster. If you come out clean the checks will slowly diminish over a period of two or three years. One screw up and your name will be coming out of that machine for a decade etc.
The present will pass, the future will always arrive. Don't screw up your future for a moment in the present. If you look like a stoner, then clean up your act. Get a haircut, get a job and wear clean clothes. Do your service, do your time and get it over with once and for all. Then toke it up.
Man, this is terrible advice. In Texas, a pissed off judge can bury you. And they get pissed off over nothing.

Stay CLEAN until your year is up, and then indulge WITHOUT getting caught.

FlyLikeAnEagle, keep flying. And quit giving STUPID advice.

You are wound wayyyy to tight.

Hey guys sorry if Im making a redundant thread, if I am just let me know where to find another thread and ill stop wasting space with this one :) So back on april 7, I got busted with a few friends and I had a gram. I took the fall and spent 24 hours in jail. Yes over a gram. Screw small towns in Texas. Anyways I got put on a pre-trial diversion program and I started August 27. If I finish a year with no problems I can get the charge expunged. Anyways, my birthday is November 27 and I would LOVE to toke it up. I realize I can smoke a few times right after my meeting and clean myself out for my next appointment but I would like to know if I can smoke more often. Obviously if there is any remote possibility of I wont smoke. Its not worth the consequences. Because I was definitely harming society by possessing a gram of an herb. My probation officer seems to like me, and hasnt given any hints as to their views on cannabis. They havent even mentioned a drug test. I have 24 hours of community service and had to do a drug/alcohol evaluation and attend a drug education class. Does anyone have experience with officers in Denton County? Any help or insight would be appreciated! Good vibes coming your way! :-P:clap::leaf:

How old are you ?
I was placed on probation for 1 year in Texas, just last year. Met with probation officer many times, gave me the whole pay your fines attend your classes and it will all be hunky dory. Bull Shit, they tried to piss test after like the 5th month. Told her I had some water in the car. Walked out, never came back. Fuck You Texas, I drove straight from Texas to Washington. I'm not going to spend a year of my fucking life in jail because you think a plant is bad.

if you smoke on probation or even drink a beer the night before your probation officer meeting be prepared to get put back in lock up for at least 3 weeks until you see the judge. You don't get bail on a probation violation. An officer walks into the probation officer's office and asks you nicely to stand up, then places you under arrest. Then be prepared to serve your entire sentence. Get ready to spend half your life in their revolving door system. Move out of Texas if your a pothead.
What was the penalty for a gram? I mean, another day in jail or what? That's some pretty piddly assed shit right there getting hemmed up for a gram. I didn't know Texas was that anal.