Thundercat's Groooooooow

Well Hell Ya thats some pretty hash my friend!! Did you do a little hand press on it at all to try it out? I can't wait to see the results you get man. My experiances with bubble are very limited, I really need to change that and expand my horizons! That being said I gotta go scrape a 11x13 baking dish covered in Sin's OG oil :).
Poor you, stuck in all that oil :eyesmoke: I pressed it today I posted aboot it in my journal. The mini machine is in as well! :-) heading out to get some ice now.

btw, the iso all dried up is flaky like, full melty super potent reminds me of some BHO at the cup, but different.
Lol its funny beech said almost the same thing in a rep message. Just for the record I'm in no way complaining :). I'll swing over and check out that pressed out Oh la la! Sounds like your Iso came out just right too, don't get lost between the house and the little building hehe.

I just washed another batch of that Sin's OG. Its the tall lanky one with the airy buds that I froze the whole thing. The oil is very skunky, stunk up the kitchen when I scraped it. This first batch that i finished today I had decided to try mixing both washes when I evaped them. It came out nice though, still nice and amber just a little darker. I'm gonna evap this other batch tonight if I get it filtered before bed. Tomorrow I need to wash my powernap that's in the freezer, a friend is coming to visit this weekend, and I'd like to have some of that for him to try.

I took down 3 Critical jacks last night, and a SDG. I replaced them with about 5 Cindys, a powernap, and 2 more CJs, and a platinum delight.

So I never mentioned it the other day, but I got some trips the other day. A friend mentioned having some and them being good so I said hook me up :). Any way we tried them monday, and had a real fun night. Mostly watched movies, and hung out like usual but was a whole lot more fun then usual :). My face hurt from laughing so much, and we we only slept for about 30 minutes before our daughter woke us up, but its funny how the day after a trip can seem so......"bright" and positive. It was the first time we were out of the house before 9 in along time, and we went and got breakfast and had a nice day.

Hope you guys are having a great night, I'm sipping a 7&7 and eating some home made nachos!
I want to be as high as who dat. And I want some homemade nachos.

what's the deal with pressing hash, I asked whodat but he was too high. Lol

and what's 'trips'? Is that what the kids call shrooms these days?
I want to be as high as who dat. And I want some homemade nachos.

what's the deal with pressing hash, I asked whodat but he was too high. Lol

and what's 'trips'? Is that what the kids call shrooms these days?
LOL,Think its those little paper things,that make your sides hurt from laughter.One of the side effects....LMAO
Hehe ya little paper things that make you laugh alot :). L, Acid, Trips, I guess whatever the lingo of the time and area is. I've only got it maybe 6-7 times over the years, but its always been alot of fun. Alot less heavy then mushrooms, not as much mind fuck in my experiances, just kinda have alot of fun see some pretty colors and distortions. I've never done more then 3 hits, but I'm cool with that as I'm past the point in my life where I'm pushing bounderies and more just trying to enjoy the ride.

As far as pressing the hash goes, it is supposed to help bring out better flavors and smells, as well has help protect it for storage by bonding the trichs completely. Thats just the basic jist of it though. According to Frenchy it will also improve effects along with the other qualities. I've hand pressed a few little pieces of my charas I've made off my fingers but didn't have much to compare it to, and it wasn't the cleanest to start with. If you've got some keif or hash laying around you can try it out just working the hash in the palm of your hand with your thumb. You let your thumb warm the trichs, and then massage them together into a uniform mass.
Too funny about acid vs shrooms. I've had the opposite experience. Acid melts my mind while shrooms just make me laugh like a 5 year old girl for hours.

I think I did lsd 6 - 7 times in the 11th grade. Possibly over the summer before 11th grade. I was a big fan of doses in those days. That was our word. Either doses or tabs. Or alice. I think I did 7 tabs our first time. Wooooot.

saying all this now, I honestly find it hard to believe how wild I was as a young man. High school was too fucking easy if I could do that much acid, get arrested for smoking weed, and spend every night getting high with my friends... And still get over 4.0.

its cool though. I'd much rather hang with the cool kids than the smart kids. Not to say we aren't smart, nor to say the smart kids ain't cool.

hallucinogens ftw!
lol jig.
didnt know over 4,o was possible? :-) shrooms usually made my body feel al fuked up.,, L is just all out craziness though I like it.
Yeah man, we had Advanced Placement classes where A's were 5.0, B's 4.0 etc. I have a whole tirade on the subject, but I'll save it. I have a complete love/hate relationship with public education. Oh, and the AP classes had tests at the end of the year. If you got a high enough score you got college credit. I was nearly a sophomore when I started college. Then I got my ass kicked. Was not the joke H.S. was.

The only bad trip I ever had was from a single little mushroom. I seriously thought I was gonna die. NOt that I was in danger, but fuck me if I wasn't sure I was dying. Scary shit.
Well Jig right off the bat you've done somme much higher doses of acid then I have. 7 hits at a time seems like ALOT to me. I don't usually get tons of mind fuck from an 1/8 of mushrooms (what I usualy eat) but when I've ramped it up to 6-7g doses I've had some really crazy nights.

Also Beech shared this video with me after we had been talking about air injection into soil. I thought it was pretty cool, and am a believer in using air injection after trying it a few years back. I don't know anything really about this guy, or the company in the video. I did my air injection DYI, but I'm gonna look into what he's offering.
Hahaha, I was doing air injection in the early 90s! Pioneers hah! It's legit though like all forms of hydro it is more work imho.

I have had much nicer trips on mushrooms as well, most I ever ate was about 11g from three different sources at a Dead show. We used to call acid "doses" too, or "vitamin A". Most I ever did was a 4 way of white blotter from San Francisco. We used to have an old hippy chemist from there as a supply. Books for 300! I had some bad trips on acid though, always were framed with the idea that I was stuck in hell. Eek! lol
lol "the root uptake of your nutrients"

Been wanting to try this for years, but never considered having the soil sopping wet like that... That cant be good for allot of the soil food web... Experiment time!
I like experiments :). I was thinking the same thing about the web with so much water. When I added air to my bushes I still only watered like twice a week.
Hey guys!!

Been visiting with a friend the last couple days so havn't been on much. Hope everyone is having a nice weekend so far! My daughter is at grandmas, so we got a nice quiet house :), and no real plans. I gotta do some work in my room tonight or tomorrow. I also just potted some new seeds I forgot to mention I think. I put in 2 Truepower OG from SCS, and 2 nightmare OG also from SCS, and I put in 2 Dinafem WhiteWidows. I have had the WW around for awhile and thought it would be fun to see what the genetics are like from Dinafem. I put them in thursday night I think, and this morning 4 of 6 were up which was nice. Well anyway I'm off, time to find some food. Catch you guys later!
Good luck with your hunting and gathering,,, gotta eat! >insert cro-magnon emoticon<

I bet this dudes trying to light a bowl!
