Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
yup allready got people makeing power moves to take its spot like blackmarket reload and the sheep marketplace, i think its a great idea im all about takeing the money from the cartels and all the crazy car rides and shit with crazy people u dont want to fuck with but have to, love the idea of whatever i want showing up at my door


Well-Known Member
Yeah I guess I see your point...it would be ok if it didn't freak me the fuck out LMAO...when I clicked on a link for instructions on how to make something it said my IP was being reported for some kind of child endangerment info request!!!! crazy shit!!! they must have had the site on target when I looked at it. That was a few months ago too, so yeah....haha I only heard of it because it was in my youtube feed of things that might interest me LMFAO...I get some crazy shit in there sometimes:o


Well-Known Member
I originally went on to see if there was a way to get scripts for my ex for pain, ignorant thing to do, should have never...but girl!!!!!!,....I saw MURDER FOR HIRE ads on there! super bad place...super bad...and how to build fucking bad ass explosives/fireamrs/bombs....unreal shit girl...I got the hell out of there!:o
That's where I bought my girlfriend I mean where I met my girlfriend


Well-Known Member
I originally went on to see if there was a way to get scripts for my ex for pain, ignorant thing to do, should have never...but girl!!!!!!,....I saw MURDER FOR HIRE ads on there! super bad place...super bad...and how to build fucking bad ass explosives/fireamrs/bombs....unreal shit girl...I got the hell out of there!:o
Smart move Rosey...probably a good idea to get off THAT site! There are super bad places EVERYWHERE...the internet isn't the place for that kind of business though...that's just stupid! It's more of a "know a guy that knows a guy" kinda job...HAHA!! Even hired guns are getting lazy!! What's the world coming to??


Well-Known Member
whatz up peeps anybody ever heard of the silk road where drugs are sold threw the mail the owner got busted its deepnet or darknet it undercover on the tor network its crazy
They Hijacked the website for 2 weeks and took down as many dealers as possible in the process.... Yeah it was shut down almost a month ago now.


Well-Known Member
the sites down but i guess evrybody emails to buy drugs and such r still up just getting funneled over to other websites the feds thinking there doing something but there not, anybody ever heard of darknet and tor, tor supposely hides ur ip address and switches it whenever u want to a different ip address, i got tomuch time on my hands
I have TOR. only got it for the silk road back in the day. lol
Never ordered but I viewed a whole bunch. :)


Well-Known Member
im glad u said that i got this guy info and was going to purchase like 35 oc80 hes ready to go but im skeptical because hes telling me that the site didnt get shut down and that they didnt arrest the owner just some guy acting like it, and the dea is just trying to scare everybody from going there, thats when i posts back what dude do u not have a computer its all over the net so fuck that shit im not doing it


Well-Known Member
im glad u said that i got this guy info and was going to purchase like 35 oc80 hes ready to go but im skeptical because hes telling me that the site didnt get shut down and that they didnt arrest the owner just some guy acting like it, and the dea is just trying to scare everybody from going there, thats when i posts back what dude do u not have a computer its all over the net so fuck that shit im not doing it
Definitely don't do it

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Shit I'm trying to find a way to get Dilaudids. Still no luck I have sciatic nerve problem that shows up once in awhile. And when it does man oh man it hurts. Only indicas high in cbds help and Dilaudids.
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