1st time main-lining journal......


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the time J.

I just checked and my bluelabs pen may be whacked too. It failed
to calibrate. ...but it did seem to get the standard fluid's pH correct.

Onward and upward,


Rehydrate in tap water for 24 hours.

If that doesn't work try some KCI solution.

Then try to cal.

Also replace batteries and double check.

Have you been keeping the sponge in the cap saturated with water or KCI to keep the probe from drying?



Well-Known Member
reminds me I need to calibrate mine ? that's what I do with mine ,rinse under tap ,few drops in sponge keep it wet


Well-Known Member
I rinse mine under tap now and blast the tap in lid every time to keep that damp with the bit sponge in


Well-Known Member
12 pics here for you budolskie.

After my second feed at EC1.8 my runoff tested 2.0. So tonights feeding was brought down to 1.6 going in. All mainlines runoff was 1.6. So I'll feed again at 1.6 next time and judge the runoff again.





Well-Known Member
Rehydrate in tap water for 24 hours.

If that doesn't work try some KCI solution.

Then try to cal.

Also replace batteries and double check.

Have you been keeping the sponge in the cap saturated with water or KCI to keep the probe from drying?

I was storing it in the pH 4.0 solution, as per the directions...
...but it was recommended here to store in plain water.

In any case, it is possible that it dried out for lack of use over
the last few months. The bulb has a orange cast to it. (! :0)

I will try what you recommend.

Thank you again for taking the time.



Well-Known Member
I was storing it in the pH 4.0 solution, as per the directions...
...but it was recommended here to store in plain water.

In any case, it is possible that it dried out for lack of use over
the last few months. The bulb has a orange cast to it. (! :0)

I will try what you recommend.

Thank you again for taking the time.


I contacted BLUELAB when I purchased mine and they recommended NOT using buffer4 as it corrodes the probe.

It maybe fucked.

BUT you may want to contact them yourself and explain you followed the directions in the book.

Maybe they will replace it.



Well-Known Member
Wow....well, I am certain that I did not make this step up.

It is the more corrosive of the fluids, then again, isn't it?

<T-101>I'll be back</T-101>



Well-Known Member
Pictures coming up.

Day 20 of 12/12.

EC 1.6 going in. Both PS and CRITICAL+ EC out is 1.6. OG KUSH EC out 1.7.

4 clones EC in 1.5. EC out on all 1.3.





Well-Known Member
beasts j man, i might get a few shots off mine this watering or might wait till satuday the end off there 4th week.... see how i feel when i get there i have a little running about to do aswell.. thinking of turning my light up to 660w super lumens for the last few weeks what u recon


Well-Known Member
beasts j man, i might get a few shots off mine this watering or might wait till satuday the end off there 4th week.... see how i feel when i get there i have a little running about to do aswell.. thinking of turning my light up to 660w super lumens for the last few weeks what u recon
In the last few weeks the plants demands for light actually reduce.

The SL feature is to make sure after 2 crops that your lamp is still kicking nearly 100% efficiency.

As when using your lamp for x number of hours they begin to degrade and loose output. This is where the SL feature comes in handy.

IMO you shouldn't over power a bulb until its about 4-6minths old. Then turn it on to get one more grow with that lamp before switching out the lamp.



Well-Known Member
Here's 12 pics of my plants.

Temp hi 22.3C
Temp lo 18.2C
RH hi 48%
RH lo 36%
EC in 1.6
EC out
Critical+ 1.8 (slightly over feeding so I'm dropping next time to 1.4.
Pineapple skunk 1.6

Clones EC in 1.4
EC out
Critical+'s 1.2
OG 1.3
Ps 1.4.

Some pics of my clones top colas etc in this lot too.




Well-Known Member
spot on i see j, mine a week a head and starting week 5 today heres a few pics from yesterday as i watered and noticed a few marks on leaves i hope u can help me out with...

1st 2 afghan kush
2nd 2 blue rhino
3rd 2 caramel ice
4th 2 critical 47
5th 2 of them back in the tent
and last 5 the leaves i noticed the marks on


Well-Known Member
Hey buds.

Possibly over use of calmag.

Or nutrient splash.

Hard to tell properly.

I would start by easing of the calmag for a bit.
