Female Seeds C99, Nirvana Northern Lights Auto and others outdoor operation.


Well-Known Member
damn crit...I.didnt evn know u were back....sup bro u doin ok?....are u growin those plants on the beach?...looks like theyre in sand...haha


Well-Known Member
damn crit...I.didnt evn know u were back....sup bro u doin ok?....are u growin those plants on the beach?...looks like theyre in sand...haha
Ha! I JUST asked him about that last night :) See previous comments for explanation!! Hahaha!!


Well-Known Member
haha lucky it's only 35c here and nobody visits the beach often. Yeah, getting better bro, the bigger these little girls get the happier I become, still have a few little things to sort but 500% better. :)


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with running autos. I run them at the beginning of each grow. :) While I collect clones and veg mothers I grow and flower my autos and then flip the tent when they are done. Times it perfectly. :)


Well-Known Member
yeah they suit my short term purpose, I guess some people don't know my recent history that's ok. Fucken lucky to be growing anything at all. :) But I'll have a place soon, and then the fun will really start.