Why haven't African Americans assimilated into American culture...?

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playing a few Rap Videos on TV would have "Proved" the racist southern democrats right and would have strangled the Civil Rights Act with it's own birth cord, yet today this is "Black Culture"

yes, black culture is nothing more than rap videos.

thus spake kkkynes.
poverty pimps and race hustlers can always find something to be Faux-Outraged over.

if the success of a "race hustler" or "poverty pimp" is measured in the cash it brings in, then one voice clearly leads the way.



terrorist fist jabs, anyone?


silly man thinks obama is a racist against white people, apparently including his own mom, grandparents, and friends.




these are the best race hustlers in the land, preying on the bigotry of morons like kynes, yet kynes has not a word to say about them.
There is no historical precedent for the number of cabinet-level nominees that Republicans have blocked or delayed in the Obama administration. Chuck Hagel became the first defense secretary nominee ever filibustered. John Brennan, the C.I.A. director, was the subject of an epic filibuster by Senator Rand Paul. Kathleen Sebelius and John Bryson, the secretaries of health and human services and commerce, were subjected to 60-vote confirmation margins instead of simple majorities. Susan Rice surely would have been filibustered and thus was not nominated to be secretary of state.
Jacob Lew, the Treasury secretary, was barraged with 444 written questions, mostly from Republicans, more than the previous seven nominees for that position combined. Many were ridiculous and had nothing to do with Mr. Lew’s fitness for office, such as a demand to explain the Treasury’s social media policies, or questioning an infographic on the department’s blog eight months ago.
Gina McCarthy, the nominee to lead the Environmental Protection Agency, is being blocked by Senator Roy Blunt of Missouri until he gets the answers he wants on a local levee project. And Thomas Perez, nominated to be labor secretary, is being held up by Senator David Vitter of Louisiana, who is angry about the Justice Department’s enforcement of voting rights laws. By comparison, there were four filibusters of cabinet-level positions during George W. Bush’s two terms, and one under President Ronald Reagan.
There have also been several impediments to executive-branch nominees beneath the cabinet level, the most troubling being that of Richard Cordray, whom Mr. Obama has renominated to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Because the bureau cannot properly run without a full-time director, Republicans intend to nullify many of its powers by blocking Mr. Cordray for the second time.
Nice.... fucking double post. Rollitup is on shit servers. Most certainly built by this administration.
Well, it is a Senate Rule.

A secret hold is a parliamentary procedure within the Standing Rules of the United States Senate that allows one or more Senators to prevent a motion from reaching a vote on the Senate floor. If the Senator provides notice privately to his or her party leadership of their intent (and the party leadership agrees) then the hold is known as a secret or anonymous hold. The practice of secret holds was briefly banished in 1977.

Nothing new and it exists to serve WE the People from the beginning. This shows how we are lied to. Subtly. It is in the Rules.
They can cry, no fair. Only the uniformed can believe that. Here is some enlightenment.

The Morning Rules of the United States Senate. Fuck Yeah!

Nice.... fucking double post. Rollitup is on shit servers. Most certainly built by this administration.

Don't blame RUI because you are a fucking idiot...

There is no historical precedent for the number of cabinet-level nominees that Republicans have blocked or delayed in the Obama administration. Chuck Hagel became the first defense secretary nominee ever filibustered. John Brennan, the C.I.A. director, was the subject of an epic filibuster by Senator Rand Paul. Kathleen Sebelius and John Bryson, the secretaries of health and human services and commerce, were subjected to 60-vote confirmation margins instead of simple majorities. Susan Rice surely would have been filibustered and thus was not nominated to be secretary of state.
Jacob Lew, the Treasury secretary, was barraged with 444 written questions, mostly from Republicans, more than the previous seven nominees for that position combined. Many were ridiculous and had nothing to do with Mr. Lew’s fitness for office, such as a demand to explain the Treasury’s social media policies, or questioning an infographic on the department’s blog eight months ago.
Gina McCarthy, the nominee to lead the Environmental Protection Agency, is being blocked by Senator Roy Blunt of Missouri until he gets the answers he wants on a local levee project. And Thomas Perez, nominated to be labor secretary, is being held up by Senator David Vitter of Louisiana, who is angry about the Justice Department’s enforcement of voting rights laws. By comparison, there were four filibusters of cabinet-level positions during George W. Bush’s two terms, and one under President Ronald Reagan.
There have also been several impediments to executive-branch nominees beneath the cabinet level, the most troubling being that of Richard Cordray, whom Mr. Obama has renominated to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Because the bureau cannot properly run without a full-time director, Republicans intend to nullify many of its powers by blocking Mr. Cordray for the second time.

Or did it post it in the other thread too?
There is no historical precedent for the number of cabinet-level nominees that Republicans have blocked or delayed in the Obama administration. Chuck Hagel became the first defense secretary nominee ever filibustered. John Brennan, the C.I.A. director, was the subject of an epic filibuster by Senator Rand Paul. Kathleen Sebelius and John Bryson, the secretaries of health and human services and commerce, were subjected to 60-vote confirmation margins instead of simple majorities. Susan Rice surely would have been filibustered and thus was not nominated to be secretary of state.
Jacob Lew, the Treasury secretary, was barraged with 444 written questions, mostly from Republicans, more than the previous seven nominees for that position combined. Many were ridiculous and had nothing to do with Mr. Lew’s fitness for office, such as a demand to explain the Treasury’s social media policies, or questioning an infographic on the department’s blog eight months ago.
Gina McCarthy, the nominee to lead the Environmental Protection Agency, is being blocked by Senator Roy Blunt of Missouri until he gets the answers he wants on a local levee project. And Thomas Perez, nominated to be labor secretary, is being held up by Senator David Vitter of Louisiana, who is angry about the Justice Department’s enforcement of voting rights laws. By comparison, there were four filibusters of cabinet-level positions during George W. Bush’s two terms, and one under President Ronald Reagan.
There have also been several impediments to executive-branch nominees beneath the cabinet level, the most troubling being that of Richard Cordray, whom Mr. Obama has renominated to lead the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Because the bureau cannot properly run without a full-time director, Republicans intend to nullify many of its powers by blocking Mr. Cordray for the second time.

i suppose we could run our government like you guys do in africa...


but then the Constitution of the United States provides no support for cannibalism
Even Aaron Burr just shot Alexander Hamilton, HE DID NOT EAT HIM!
i suppose we could run our government like you guys do in africa...


but then the Constitution of the United States provides no support for cannibalism
Even Aaron Burr just shot Alexander Hamilton, HE DID NOT EAT HIM!

africans are like that everywhere.
Just drove by there an hour ago,,,,,it isnt?
So thats why theres no bridge.

catalina is 40km from the califrnia coast, building a bridge there would be foolhardy and incredibly expensive, serving no need save the selfish desires of the LA jetsetters who love to weekend in avalon.

fuck, i hope Gov. Moonbeam doesnt read this shit, he has enough crazy boondoggles on his plate already.
i suppose we could run our government like you guys do in africa...


but then the Constitution of the United States provides no support for cannibalism
Even Aaron Burr just shot Alexander Hamilton, HE DID NOT EAT HIM!

That is a very funny post, Kyne!

I recommend the movie, "The last King of Scotland". I have no idea whether it is historically accurate but it is entertaining and Forrest Whitaker is a good actor.
That is a very funny post, Kyne!

I recommend the movie, "The last King of Scotland". I have no idea whether it is historically accurate but it is entertaining and Forrest Whitaker is a good actor.

seen it, and yes, it was fairly accurate, but they played down the massive levels of crazy from General, FeildMarshal, Admiral, Doctor, Professor, President, Prime Minister, His Royal Highness Idi Amin.

he was as nutty as squirrel poop, but they didnt want to appear racist...
Forrest Whitaker fucking sucks at acting. One of the worst actors ever actually. In every part he does he is the same guy. Even Tom Cruise can kinda be someone else. Look at Johnny Depp, that dude becomes the part. With Forrest Whittaker, the part becomes him. Ghost Dog, dumbest movie I ever fuckin saw. If you're going to be that kind of actor at least be like Denzel Washington. You know he has the same problem but at least his character isn't fucking cross eyed.
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