Well-Known Member
See4 was in the the Airforce?
Air Force. Not Airforce. You are dumb as fuck.
See4 was in the the Airforce?
Not to be technical here, but you have been here since 2007, you have nearly 17,000 posts yet you are still a Marijuana Expert.
Would you like to compare facts? Show me you epeen, Ill show you mine. I'd bet the house I have more respect here than you ever will.
yeah but he took one of those hippocritical* oaths...
If your penis is small that's okay... That's why internet dating was invented... You know...
Not to be technical here, but you have been here since 2007, you have nearly 17,000 posts yet you are still a Marijuana Expert.
Air Force. Not Airforce. You are dumb as fuck.
Wow your stupidity knows no bounds whatsoever does it?
When you attain the maximum amount of rep one can get, you will be called a marijuana expert, just like all the real experts like Bucky, myself and a few select others are called.
You mean pussy force?
Hahaha! Internet tough guy? You are too funny.
You have no clue who I am.
You were in the chairforce, which means you are a pussy.
On the other hand I am a highly decorated former Marine who used to make little Air Force pussies such as yourself tremble in fear just by being near one of you.
Ok. So for shits and giggles, post your Rep number.
You were in the chairforce, which means you are a pussy.
On the other hand I am a highly decorated former Marine who used to make little Air Force pussies such as yourself tremble in fear just by being near one of you.
Why? you can't possibly have more than I do, you aren't a "marijuana expert", simply a "Super Stoner" which means you have less than 10,000 rep points.
If you want a close estimate to guess at, think of a number between 118,808 and 250,000 points and you might be right.
Go ahead. Copy your rep points.
Ok I copied them, was there something else, or did your brain cell have to take a break to recover?
That's why chairforces fucks like you go to the army and marines to learn how to shoot...