Go read what i [wrote] asked again.
Hey Danko dude! Thanks for sharing the clip, but I have a question: is the hearing on 30th or 31st, and exactly what time? I don't wanna miss it.
let's assume the temporary injunction is granted. What will that mean that if we need to renew during the period it is in effect?
They keep pushing for more time because they can't find a way around their own conservative constitution..
if this motion fails I'm moving to Colorado
anything remotely progressive is like pulling teeth here
I'm a little fuzzy on the "go after the ill patients"...what do you mean? Make us criminals?
We are trending away from social conservatism with every passing generation. Freedom, the absolute power to chose one's own path is as corrupting as any absolute power.
In other words, we will get our desire to 'free the weed', but let's keep an eye on those who are constantly in power. As a Goldwater Republican, I can assure you AZ is more libertarian.
so, if the temporary injunction fails, it is status quo until the case comes before the court? My understanding of legal proceedings is not very good. Sorry if I am asking dumb Qs