Obamacare operator who spoke to Sean Hannity promptly fired.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Yet you want to reduce their taxes and make corporations into people. You vote against your interests. Nimrod.
All voting is against somebodies interest, it is the nature of politics to pit people against each other. The default position should be if you are pursuing your interests and leaving others alone, you should be immune from government edicts and the tyranny of the majority.

Nimrod? What does a biblical figure have to do with this?


Well-Known Member
All voting is against somebodies interest, it is the nature of politics to pit people against each other.
This has been the case only for the past 2 decades. Republicans should really consider working together instead of opposing everything. It's good to have checks and balances, but government shut downs are ridiculous.

The default position should be if you are pursuing your interests and leaving others alone, you should be immune from government edicts and the tyranny of the majority.
Only holds true in a Utopian society. We are more totalitarian than anything, and require government intervention beyond defending basic human rights and civil liberties, especially since corporate america has weaseled their way into politics. Start taxing the wealthy, demand jobs programs in rebuilding infrastructure, close loopholes, provide healthcare to everyone, and be socially responsible without always whining about it. Cut defense budget by 500 billion, and then we can start talking about trimming the fat on government spending. Deal?

Nimrod? What does a biblical figure have to do with this?
A mighty hunter, throwing his bullshit out into the forest, hoping he will hit something.


Well-Known Member
This has been the case only for the past 2 decades. Republicans should really consider working together instead of opposing everything. It's good to have checks and balances, but government shut downs are ridiculous.
You realize the Democrats have shut down the government far more often than the Republicans have, don't you? 15 times to 3 times, meaning that for every time the Republicans have shut the government down, the Democrats did it 5 times. They originated the tactic!


Well-Known Member
You realize the Democrats have shut down the government far more often than the Republicans have, don't you? 15 times to 3 times, meaning that for every time the Republicans have shut the government down, the Democrats did it 5 times. They originated the tactic!
And this time around all the Republicans wanted was a delay on the individual mandate and assurances on tight means testing.

Evil, racist, Republicans.


Well-Known Member
And this time around all the Republicans wanted was a delay on the individual mandate and assurances on tight means testing.

Evil, racist, Republicans.
All they want is anything they can get to defund Obamacare. The mandate is one of the things that will help fund obamacare and incentivize people getting health insurance.
They also wanted to repeal the medical device tax which again helps fund Obamacare. They are scared shitless Obamacare will succeed as it did when Romney implemented it in massachussetts. If it succeeds they will lose the middle class vote. And be exposed for the lies they have told for the last 5 years


New Member
ONE in every four households survives on social security payments, with Australian taxpayers now forking out more for welfare than health care. Annual welfare costs have grown to a staggering $119 billion - or $1300 for every man, woman and child, a new federal government report reveals.

Still 10x cheaper than the US and I know you're jealous... FYI Queensland is our version of the deep south...

Furthermore, the paper in question is a News Corp subsidiary... Or better known to you dolts as FOX...

You're on fire cheesedick, this is why you bought a ladyboy...


Well-Known Member
And this time around all the Republicans wanted was a delay on the individual mandate and assurances on tight means testing.

Evil, racist, Republicans.
No. Those are the Democrat votes. The Republican votes are much the same. Repeal Obamacare.


Well-Known Member
Could've just said bailout big business and the citizens can go fuck themselves...
Im a citizen, Im doing just fine. In fact, Im better off now than I was 5 years ago. I guess you are not bright enough or motivated enough to make things happen for yourself. Not my problem.


Well-Known Member
ONE in every four households survives on social security payments, with Australian taxpayers now forking out more for welfare than health care. Annual welfare costs have grown to a staggering $119 billion - or $1300 for every man, woman and child, a new federal government report reveals.

Still 10x cheaper than the US and I know you're jealous... FYI Queensland is our version of the deep south...

Furthermore, the paper in question is a News Corp subsidiary... Or better known to you dolts as FOX...

You're on fire cheesedick, this is why you bought a ladyboy...
Hahaha. An Aussie trying to talk American politics, as if his opinion means fuck all. Good luck with that.