New Member
What's it like to live in a state where you don't ever have to worry about breaking the law when smoking pot because YOU AREN'T!! 

Dude, I visited, and that shit was awesome. Sitting around in the parking lot (private property, no complaints = 100% legal!) Passed around a joint that weighed in at 3.5 grams of bud, .25 grams of honey oil, and about the same amount of keif. That shit was BOMB! 5 strains... And, we did dabs, in the parking lot, and smoke our bongs and bowls in the parking lot. LEGALLY.
It is amazing, the cop rolled through and smiled and waved at us. No K9, just a cop, waving at the 4 or 5 (don't remember) people standing there, bowls and bongs on our cars, joint passing. It was great, dude. I want to make a stop up there, if I head out to NorCal/So. Oregon, this week.
Any State ! They ALL do it.damn, what state do you live in?
What state was this? CO or WA??
And the cop waved at you? Oh damn lol.
Who's wrong? You are. NOT about DUI (which has been established for some time as a law. With federal guidelines and all.)actually u are wrong
they will take u to jail for driving on weed .............they are even doing this in states that allow u to smoke it for fun ..............they are designing a blood test so they can get lvls like they do when u blow in a breathlizer
it is called driving under the influnace
Maybe, before you signed that Driver's License Application, you should have read the IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR RIGHTS section. Specifically, the one that points out that operating a motor vehicle on public roads is a privilege, and that privilege is only extended to those who agree to waive the right to refuse intoxication screens. YOU GAVE UP THAT RIGHT. You have NO right to refuse, because you've contractually obligated yourself to give the samples asked for.and i live in a state that does not care about my 5th admendment
if i refuse to blow for them they take my id and drivers right away for 6 months automatically
even tho they are a branch of the court system and they are forcing me to give them proof and they are punishing me if i do not
that is strait up against the rules but they do it
It's legal yet you still get high sitting in a parking lot? Weak.
So by parking lot do you mean driveway? (I am english, parking lot to me means nothing but big carpark, as in lot, like allotment) That is a different thing.Why? A beautiful day, we sat around drinking coffee and smoking. We don't smoke in the house (the baby.) And, we don't take it "in public." We follow the law and consume on private property, without harassing anyone. Tell me that you wouldn't like to be able to LEGALLY sit on your deck, or hang out at the cars, enjoy some music, and the beautiful Denver weather with your family and friends, and blaze one?
This was a complete buzz kill to read, but driver's licensing has been abused by government as a taxation method for decades.Colorado, Denver! Yeah, we weren't driving -- of course, I packed a bowl, and oozed some oil on it, while waiting for the light to change. With a cop sitting next to us. No problems.
Who's wrong? You are. NOT about DUI (which has been established for some time as a law. With federal guidelines and all.)
They've had active serum blood tests for years. And test strips for active THC in saliva. They're working on a Breathalyzer that measures active THC in the lungs. Similar to the alcohol machines.
Maybe, before you signed that Driver's License Application, you should have read the IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR RIGHTS section. Specifically, the one that points out that operating a motor vehicle on public roads is a privilege, and that privilege is only extended to those who agree to waive the right to refuse intoxication screens. YOU GAVE UP THAT RIGHT. You have NO right to refuse, because you've contractually obligated yourself to give the samples asked for.
And, they only revoke your driving privileges. You can take your license (clipped) down to the motor vehicle department and get a state issued ID. You don't have to sign an implied consent agreement for one of those.
So by parking lot do you mean driveway? (I am english, parking lot to me means nothing but big carpark, as in lot, like allotment) That is a different thing.
That aside though, no, i would not like that. Bloody hate smoking with other people on the wholeI'm not a people person.
So by parking lot do you mean driveway? (I am english, parking lot to me means nothing but big carpark, as in lot, like allotment) That is a different thing.
That aside though, no, i would not like that. Bloody hate smoking with other people on the wholeI'm not a people person.
That's cool then. For you that is. I'm a country boy born and bred, i could never live in an apartment complex. I want an old cottage with a wood burner and a back gardenI'm with ya' on not smoking with people... All family, though. Hadn't seen any of 'em since I was a fugitive. (about 5 years.) Parking lot, yeah it's the same thing. But in a lot of nicer apartment communities you get reserved and covered spots (you rent them) with attached storage. I guess "parking lot" is a bit disingenuous, but it's what it is. It was one of those "first time for it" moments. Family got back together and legally smoked.
Sun, sorry for being a buzz kill.
Colorado, Denver! Yeah, we weren't driving -- of course, I packed a bowl, and oozed some oil on it, while waiting for the light to change. With a cop sitting next to us. No problems.
Who's wrong? You are. NOT about DUI (which has been established for some time as a law. With federal guidelines and all.)
They've had active serum blood tests for years. And test strips for active THC in saliva. They're working on a Breathalyzer that measures active THC in the lungs. Similar to the alcohol machines.
Maybe, before you signed that Driver's License Application, you should have read the IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR RIGHTS section. Specifically, the one that points out that operating a motor vehicle on public roads is a privilege, and that privilege is only extended to those who agree to waive the right to refuse intoxication screens. YOU GAVE UP THAT RIGHT. You have NO right to refuse, because you've contractually obligated yourself to give the samples asked for.
And, they only revoke your driving privileges. You can take your license (clipped) down to the motor vehicle department and get a state issued ID. You don't have to sign an implied consent agreement for one of those.