It's normal for a ganja plant in the flowering stage to start turning yellow ! The plant produces some quantity of nitrogen herself so you gonna need flowering nutrients that contains low quantity of N and high Q of P-K ! Don't cut off the leaves that are yellow and just concentrate on flowering problems ! Forget about yellow leaves ! Cheers !I mainly just give it regular water and throw a little miracle grow in the bottle like once or twice a month. It's been in that pot going on two weeks now and flowering for about 4 to 5 weeks now
Seriously?The plant produces some quantity of nitrogen herself so you gonna need flowering nutrients that contains low quantity of N and high Q of P-K
Meaning that the marijuana plant in the flowering stage pull the quantity of nitrogen contained in the leaves ! This is called auto-production my friend, so stop criticizing all of this, I didn't become an agricultural engineer by reading posts and articles on the internetSeriously?
Legumes fix atmospheric nitrogen, cannabis would be a new one on me. Citation needed.
Phosphorus and Potassium ! P and KWhat's is Q and P-K ?