Medicating, or getting high?


Well-Known Member
Hah, great topic. I never heard of the term "medicating" until I found this site. I remember showing up to the Docs office with 15 years worth of medical records. Only to be sitting in a room with very healthy appearing kids in their early 20's. Who knew that passing a law would bring hundreds of thousands of young people to suddenly be so ill that they need to medicate.

I got my card, but for the most part partake to get high. I do get the nice side effect of being able to sleep. And it helps with back pain. Not much, but a little bit. I don't like to smoke too much. It makes me feel a bit fuzzy in the morning. But I'm older than most folks on this site.

I'm up right now at 3am. But I fell asleep way too early, so I got out of bed and smoked some Easyryder and nursed a cocktail. But I'm not gonna call that medicating.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Ta for the replies :)

Just thought i'd spin the question around.

Saturday night, friends are over, you've got some beers, there's a cheech and chong film on the tv, fridge is full of food, and you are having a huge bong session. Are you all say there getting high, blazed, stoned, whatever you call it, or are you all sat there medicating? It seems that part of the (my) issue, is that it is medication, but it's also simply a recreational drug. So is there a difference between a medication session, and a let's get mashed session. Because even if you're just having a laugh getting stoned, you're still medicating.

And one further question. Did anyone refer to is as medicating prior to it's legal medical status? Would you raise any questions if someone picked up a bag of coke, or a heroin needle, or a tab of acid, or a bag of mushrooms, and said hang on a minute i need to medicate. the range of medical uses for cannabis really throws the door open for the definition of medicating. For example people medicate because they have trouble sleeping, so is it therefore acceptable for someone with a bag of coke to say they are medicating because they're having trouble keeping their eyes open? Or is it unacceptable because of it's lack of medical legality?


Well-Known Member
it is acceptable to say that your cocaine is medicine if you need it to stay awake. pretty much all drugs have some sort of medical application, depending on how they are used. (by the way I don't snort coke, although I'm quite fond of the way it smells!)

"medicating" made its way into modern vernacular because of the mmj laws - come on though, it's just semantics, right?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
it is acceptable to say that your cocaine is medicine if you need it to stay awake. pretty much all drugs have some sort of medical application, depending on how they are used. (by the way I don't snort coke, although I'm quite fond of the way it smells!)

"medicating" made its way into modern vernacular because of the mmj laws - come on though, it's just semantics, right?
Indeed it is just semantics, but it piques my curiosity, and annoys me none the less. Just as if someone said "let's roll up a fatty cuz", sure it's semantics, but they wouldn't be welcome in my house again :p

And yes, anything has medical properties if the individual finds it helps them with something, but from my view point, it seems to do more harm than good. Calling it medicine, and not cannabis, because of other peoples preconceptions of cannabis being for no good useless wasters etc, might spare you an argument or some embarrassment in the short term, but in the long term it just works to make sure that peoples preconception of cannabis doesn't change and it remains that taboo substance.

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
well lets see when i used to take pills i would say i need my pain meds now that i smoke i say i need my pain meds no change there,if i have a cold or flu i take cough meds if i dont have a cough or cold then im getting high(drinking the sizzurp) it may be to suttle for you but not for me i hope that clears it up for you

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
by the way i "medicate" due to degenerative disk disease took pain pills for 8yrs. started messing with my liver and gave me high blood pressure so, i switched medications now i take mmj for pain.


Well-Known Member
As mentioned or alluded to earlier, most of it stems from the delivery of this type of medicine. No one is going to question if you eat something, for medical or nutritional reasons and taking a "pill" is so finely engrained into our psyches that when we see some pop one, it's association is that of a medicinal benefit. The very act of smoking is regarded with disdain and is seen as the complete opposite of healthy, so how is it that we change it's dynamic within our society...pure repetition, driving it home that inhaling the vapour of burned cannabis is indeed healthy and offers certain benefits when compared to other means of administering this drug.
Vernacular tends to change with the times, maybe it's time for this to change also.


Well-Known Member
haha - the idea that people calling it medicating will keep the taboo status of weed intact - I don't know. I think people's behavior and apparent life choices do a lot more to color a naysayer's perception than the particular language that they use. mojo is onto something here - smoking ain't natural in most peep's minds, so how is it healthy? smokable mmj will likely always remain on the fringe, although I see a vast potential for edibles and thc pills.

given all the hoopla about weed, can you imagine the medical cocaine movement? or medical heroin? medical meth, now that's a hard one to say with a straight face. but then again, I've been bong-ripping

Steve French

Well-Known Member
haha - the idea that people calling it medicating will keep the taboo status of weed intact - I don't know. I think people's behavior and apparent life choices do a lot more to color a naysayer's perception than the particular language that they use. mojo is onto something here - smoking ain't natural in most peep's minds, so how is it healthy? smokable mmj will likely always remain on the fringe, although I see a vast potential for edibles and thc pills.

given all the hoopla about weed, can you imagine the medical cocaine movement? or medical heroin? medical meth, now that's a hard one to say with a straight face. but then again, I've been bong-ripping
Heroin is still legally prescribed in the UK. Cocaine is still in rare use as an anesthetic, albeit rarely. Methamphetamine is prescribed in the US for ADHD, depression, and narcolepsy.

I thought I had a point there, but I've lost it.


Well-Known Member
ok so.... serious question :), do you know anyone who uses the term medicating outside of say work, dispensaries, dealing with the police or parents, or internet forums?
I mean it's kinda a useful term when your dealing with difficult ppl, but it would seem wierd to me to hear it in a casual situation.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
ok so.... serious question :), do you know anyone who uses the term medicating outside of say work, dispensaries, dealing with the police or parents, or internet forums?
I mean it's kinda a useful term when your dealing with difficult ppl, but it would seem wierd to me to hear it in a casual situation.
I cannot comment on that. In the UK, i've never once in my life heard the term. We jut say we need some cannabis to help us with XYZ. It might be refered to as medicine, but i've neve heard someone talk about medicating.

Funny you should mention forums though. What about forums creates the need to class it as medicating? It's a place of anonymity for the majority, so why the need to hide what you mean?


Well-Known Member
Heroin is still legally prescribed in the UK. Cocaine is still in rare use as an anesthetic, albeit rarely. Methamphetamine is prescribed in the US for ADHD, depression, and narcolepsy.

I thought I had a point there, but I've lost it.
Meth is a lot different than prescription amphetamine though


Well-Known Member
Meth is a lot different than prescription amphetamine though
Like a diamond, that depends on cut and clarity.

amphetamine IS prescribed, and it's NOT different.

2C-I is an amphetamine that's different, non-addictive, nootropic, and a schedule 1.
Adderall is a combination of 2 complex amphetamines. So it doesn't have "Methyl" ... So what, it's still an addictive amphetamine -- the same as Ritalin, and the one given for "sleep shift disorders."


Well-Known Member
I cannot comment on that. In the UK, i've never once in my life heard the term. We jut say we need some cannabis to help us with XYZ. It might be refered to as medicine, but i've neve heard someone talk about medicating.

Funny you should mention forums though. What about forums creates the need to class it as medicating? It's a place of anonymity for the majority, so why the need to hide what you mean?
I think a lot of people are a little paranoid about online discussions as they can come back to cause problems later.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
But it a weed forum, it is very much understood what they mean. Its not like saying on Facebook you need your medication, this is rollitup.

Good discussion on the taboo drugs. I've always found it silly that heroin is classified as worse than the devil, yet morphine, AFAIK, its pure medical variant, is the go to drug for pain management in the UK.

I've a grower friend who had an operation on his gentleman part, and got ordered bed rest for over a week. He was prescribed morphine. He hooked up a keyboard and mouse station for his bed at home and spent the time off his face trawling YouTube and playing games. 100% legal. So in a way, the same way cannabis would be if fully medically legalised IMO. Once it gets to that stage, what the doctor gives you is let's say a prescription for CBD (and tthc is just a side effect like every drug they give you has) but should you grow or precure your own, it is dangerous and untested variants of the medicine etc


Well-Known Member
morphine and oxy = heroin
marinol = marijuana
addy's ritalin etc = meth

who said the government doesn't sell drugs?

personally i'm gonna get baked tonight not medicated and watch the new boardwalk empire

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Just watching American Weed (was that entire show setup to discredit marijuana? There's a guy who's been busted for having visible outdoor plants, and claims ignorance, despite having a sign posted on his front door saying this is the law and i comply with it)

But because of this, almost in the same line as this thread, i have to ask the question. Why do people talk about medical marijuana as if it's a different strain to normal marijuana? some form of false feeling of self-worth or something (this applies to dealers, growers, buyers, everyone)

Marijuana is marijuana, there is no medical marijuana, it is all medical. what is all this bullshit about someone not taking care of their plants so it is as such not medical cannabis? You could take the shittest of shittiest of mexican brockweed, it is medical cannabis. I know my opinion on that (marketing, justification for higher prices, etc) but are people really that stupid as to thinking they should be proclaiming that some cannabis is medical, some is not? How is that going to help anything? By that notion, should it be right for someone to be arrested, despite their card, because the police do not deem what they are using as medical cannabis, but just brick weed purely because some stuck up twats think their weed is somehow medically different, as opposed to simply stronger?